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  1. 目前对《局中秘》有兴趣的朋友可以查看我博客里的连接。

    At present the " secret in the " Interested friends blog , I can see the connection .

  2. 我们相信,中秘自贸区建设有利于推动两国经贸领域的互利合作。

    We believe the building of the China-Peru Free Trade Zone is conductive to promoting the mutually beneficial cooperation in the economic and trade field between the two countries .

  3. 法官判断证据可采性所依据的因素主要表现为证据与本案相关、证据真实可靠以及行为合法,这些因素将作为实务中秘侦取证行为的指导规则而发挥作用。

    When excising judicial discretion relating to admissibility of covert evidence , judges take into consideration three factors involving relevance , reliability and legality . These factors play guiding role in acts of obtaining evidence in covert investigation .

  4. 功能性便秘患者在中医分型中属气秘者,结肠运输时间延长。

    Patients with functional constipation in traditional Chinese medicine typing are gas Stagnation persons . Colonic transit time of them was prolonged . 3 .