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  • 网络Observing objects;to observe things;understan
  1. 无我之境,即是以物观物,不带入个人情感,做到静观默照。

    Two , without my habitat , namely is to observe things , not to individual emotion , do wait silent illumination .

  2. 叶维廉对道家美学的现代阐释包括三个方面:一、以以物观物概括中国诗学的美感经验及其中国美学的风范;

    Wai-Lim Yip 's Modern Interpretation on the Taoist School includes three aspect .

  3. 超人有隔墙观物的能力。

    Superman has the power to see through walls .

  4. 作者通过浇注试验法,提出了一种铸型表观物性值的方法。

    In this paper , a method of measuring apparent thermal properties of sand molds was provided by pouring method .

  5. 邵雍观物论与电、弱、强相互作用耦合常数试解

    Theory of Observing of Shao Yong and the Explanation of the Coupling Constants of Electromagnetic Interaction , Weak Interaction and Strong Interaction

  6. 神话之于庄子不仅是任他驱遣的材料,而且更为他提供了写作时的神话思维方式:认识世界(观物)的方式和表达的方式;

    Myths provide Chuang Tzu not only materials but also thinking mode , they are modes of understanding the world and expressing the thought .

  7. 从汉字构造角度来分析观物取象观念,解析这一观念所折射出的思维意向。

    From the perspective of Chinese Construction " concept of admission as " concepts and analysis of this concept reflects the intention of thinking .

  8. 以物观物的美感经验分析,对道家美学以及中国山水诗的新发现具有开拓性的意义。

    Aesthetic experience analysis of " Observing the physical world to the materials " has the pioneering significance on new discoveries about the Taoist aesthetics and Chinese landscape poetry .

  9. 所谓的意境之美是在情景交融的基础上,观物取象、超以象外,物我合一、虚实相生的艺术境界。

    The so-called beauty of artistic conception is the basis of the scenes and watch things take like Beyond the things-one , the artistic realm of virtual and real .

  10. 从“观物取象”到“感物道情”,我们或许可以发现《周易》中蕴涵的艺术知觉元素。

    From " watching for images " to " perceiving about affections ", it is possible for us to discover the artistic aesthesia elements in The Book of Changes .

  11. 叶先生对道家美学与现象学的沟通做到了独到阐释,他深入到中国文化寻找可以阐释中西方美学的共同话语&观物方式。

    Mr. Ye made it unique interpretation on communication between Taoist aesthetics and phenomenology , he goes deep into the Chinese culture to find common words to interpret Chinese and Western aesthetics & ways of viewing .

  12. 二是有我之境与无我之境的区分虽然化用了邵雍的观物说,却没有得到较好的阐释,尤其足与叔本华审美学说嫁接时出现观念混乱。

    Secondly , although the distinction between me and no-me employed shaoyong 's saying of xianwu , it has not been well interpreted , especially when perception confusion arose in engrafting with the theory of taste .

  13. 在写生方法上,山水画家们在观物即景的方式、对自然规律和特点的把握、对大自然的重新发现等方面进行了积极的探索与开拓。

    As regards to the method of sketch , landscape painters had made aggressive explorations and experiments in the area like object-scenery observations , the manipulation of the nature law and its characteristics and the rediscovery of the nature .

  14. 摘要两行说出自《庄子齐物论》,主要是指人从道的角度观物,超越百家物论的是非之辩,以是非两可的态度因任自然。

    Theory of " liang xing " coming from on the equality of things refers to observing things from morality , and believes that " right and wrong are both ok " is an attitude towards the matter of course .

  15. 叶维廉受现象学理论的启发,并把其与中国传统文化中道家美学思想联系起来考察,指出中西诗歌之所以会产生不同的美感意识,是因为中西观物方式的不同造成的。

    Enlightened by phenomenology , associating with that and Taoist aesthetics in Chinese traditional culture , Wai-lim Yip points out that it is because of the different methods in viewing things between China and the West that the different aesthetic consciousness occurs among them .

  16. 本文通过对历史上静物画的基本形态的考察,归纳出传统的诸种先验观物方式并揭示出其中中存在的共同缺陷:将物视为人类观念的附属品或外在于主体的对象性存在。

    This article investigate the history of still life paintings of basic morphological , summed up the traditional various prior to view objects and reveal in the presence of commondefects : will be regarded as adjuncts or human perception is the main object of existence .

  17. 以往哲学以观物的方式来把握人,导致了人的抽象化和人的失落,因此认识人的关键在于突破物性逻辑,而代之以人性逻辑。

    Philosophy of the past grasp the human being in the thinking mode of view thing , leading to a human abstraction and human loss . therefore recognize the key breakthrough " the logic of material nature ", and replace it with " the logic of human " .

  18. 本文试图从少数民族服饰与伦理学相互联系、相互作用的角度出发,挖掘蕴涵在少数民族服饰中的伦理观念,说明少数民族服饰是民族伦理观物化的标识。

    Through an analysis of the interrelationship and interaction between the minority clothes and decorations and ethics , this article tries to interpret the ethical concepts revealed in the minority clothes and decorations and concludes that the minority clothes and decorations are the materialized manifestation of their ethical concepts .

  19. 论中西建筑文化时空观的物化形态

    The Physical Forms of Spatial-Temporal Concepts in Chinese and Western Architectural Cultures

  20. 主要分为三个部分。第一部分分别叙述了佛教的世界观和物我观。

    The structure of this thesis can be divided into three parts : The world view and the view about object and subject in Buddhism are discussed in the first part .

  21. 为精确地模拟铸件的凝固过程和进行铸造工艺的计算机辅助设计,采用浇注法对粘土砂和水玻璃砂的表观热物性进行了研究。

    To simulate the solidification process of castings precisely and make CAD for casting technique , pouring method was used for researching the apparent heat physical characteristics of clay and sodium silicate sands .

  22. 纳米强化相变材料的表观热物性(包括密度、导热系数、液态粘度、比热和相变潜热等)通过有效介质理论和现有的拟合经验公式或模型进行预测。

    The effective thermophysical properties , including density , thermal conductivity , viscosity in liquid phase , specific heat , and latent heat , of nano-enhanced phase change materials were predicted using the effective media theory and the existing empirical equations / models .

  23. 未来研究的重点在于通过实验数据对纳米强化相变材料表观热物性(尤其是导热系数和粘度)的预测模型进行修正,并验证本文所得到的计算结果。

    The primary purpose of the future plan will be to amend the prediction models of the effective thermophysical properties , especially thermal conductivity and viscosity in liquid phase , of nano-enhanced phase change materials , and to verify the computational results obtained in the present work using experimental data .

  24. 以人为本的发展观和以物为本的发展观是截然对立的。

    The " human-based " development view is opposite to the " material-based " development view .

  25. 试析世界神话中人神关系和生死命运观命题无机物的世界是没有生命的;没有生命的东西;没有生命的石头。

    Analysis of the Notion about the Relation between the Human Being and God as well as Living and Death Destiny the inorganic world is inanimate ; inanimate objects ; dead stones .

  26. 试验发现,在55℃下,超声波1道水洗30s能达到常规3道85℃水洗5min的效果,且不影响色光、表观深度和织物强力。

    It is found that one cycle washing at 55 ℃ for 30 seconds can reach the same results as that of three-cycle conventional washing at 85 ℃ for 5 minutes , ultrasonic washing exerts little influence on shade , surface depth , as well as strength of the dyeings .

  27. 给出了表观直径与织物结构参数间的关系;

    The correlations between the apparent diameter and fabric parameters were also given .

  28. 目的:用全血质控液作血液表观粘度的质控物。

    Objective : The whole blood quality control liquid can be used with the quality control substance of blood viscosity .

  29. 本文综述结石定性和定量测定、观构造分析、物化学和分子生物学技术及相关研究进展。

    The article reviews the qualitative and quantitative determination , microstructure , biochemistry and molecular biology technique with regard to lithiasis .

  30. 传统发展观是理性主义发展观、“以物为中心”的发展观和“人类中心主义”的发展观;

    The traditional development concept is rational , matter-centered and humanity-centered .