
  • 网络Mission Hills Golf Club;Mission Hills Golf Club China
  1. 助长人们对高尔夫球兴趣的还有中国数量越来越多、同时越来越具洋气的高尔夫球场,比如位于中国海南省的世界最大高尔夫球场——观澜湖高尔夫球会(MissionHillsGolfClub)球场,尽管中国已在全国范围内暂停建造新的高尔夫球场,

    Helping to fuel the interest is the growing number -- and increasing outlandishness - of golf courses in the country like the world 's largest Mission Hills golf club on southern Hainan Island , which continue to be built despite a nationwide moratorium on new courses .

  2. 请于指定时间在观澜湖高尔夫球会新田停车场休息室集合。

    Please assemble at Mission Hills San Tin parking lounge according to the specified time schedule .