
  • 网络ASTRONOMY;observational astronomy;Visible-Light Optical Astronomy
  1. 来自弦论、宇宙学和观测天文学的论证已经让宇宙学家猜测我们生活在多重的宇宙中。

    Arguments from string theory , cosmology and observational astronomy have led some cosmologists to suggest we live in one of many universes .

  2. 野外天文观测是天文学的一个重要研究途径。

    Astronomical field observation is a very important research method of astronomy .

  3. 我们不能指望单单通过目视观测来发现天文学所要了解的全部天体。

    We cannot expect to find out all there is to know in astronomy simply by making visual observations .

  4. 随着空间技术和短波光学技术的发展,空间软X射线&极紫外波段观测研究逐渐成为空间天文学研究的重要组成部分,尤其是在这一波段的空间对日观测已成为天文学研究的重点。

    The space observation in soft x-ray and extreme ultraviolet ( EUV ) region is an important portion of the space astronomy and an effective solar observation method developed increasingly .