
  • 网络tourism orchard
  1. 观光果园作为新的事物,是农业景观、森林景观、田园景观与旅游业延伸交叉的结合形成的。

    As a new thing , Tourism Orchard is the extensive combination of agricultural landscape , forest landscape , countryside landscape and tourism .

  2. 本文通过实践考察和对国内外相关文献的分析,阐明观光果园是集观光旅游、农业生产和景观营造于一体的园林艺术形式。

    By way of investigating practically and analyzing related literature in and abroad , the author illustrates that Tourism Orchard is a kind of landscape art , which integrates tourism , agricultural production and landscape architecture .

  3. 观光果园及其景观规划设计研究

    Studies on Ecological Sightseeing Orchard and the Plan and Design of Landscape

  4. 并且,随着经济和旅游业的发展,观光果园也随之发展。

    With the economic and tourism development , the tourist orchard develop well .

  5. 观光果园规划设计的原则与方法

    Principles and Methods of Sightseeing Orchard Design

  6. 观光果园是农业生产与旅游服务有机结合的新兴产业形态,是游客实现游憩活动的场所。

    Tourist orchard is a new type industry in the organic combination with agricultural production and tourism service .

  7. 观光果园是将果园作为观光、旅游资源进行综合开发的新型绿色产业。

    The tourist orchard is a kind of green industry which carries on the orchard as the sightseeing and the tourist resources .

  8. 本文章对长沙三类不同规模的观光果园进行调查,就三大效益进行了综合分析,结果如下。

    On the basis of investigation of three different scales of Changsha sightseeing orchards , this paper analyzes three major benefit of them .

  9. 本文阐述了观光果园的产生背景、功能特点、经济、社会和生态效益。

    This article elaborated the production background , the function characteristic , the economy , the society and the ecology benefit of sightseeing orchard .

  10. 观光果园是以绿色果品生产和生态旅游相结合的新型产业,是观光农业的重要组成部分。

    The sightseeing orchard is the new industry which unifies by the green fruits production and the eco-tourism , is the important constituent of sightseeing agriculture .

  11. 但观光果园的规划设计仍然处于初步阶段,在观光果园理论研究和规划设计方面还存在许多问题。

    However , the planning and design of Sightseeing Orchard is still at a preliminary stage ; there are many problems in the research and the design of Sightseeing Orchard .

  12. 观光果园是绿色果品生产和生态旅游相结合的新型产业,是观光农业的分支之一,是现代果园发展的新模式。

    Sightseeing orchard is a new type of industry combining green-fruits ' production and eco-tourism , it is an embranchment of sightseeing agriculture , and a new developing mode of modern orchard .

  13. 目前,观光果园都围绕着观光果园中的单个方面、单个案例来研究观光果园的建设,从而降低了观光果园建设的科学性,预见性和完整性。

    At present , the scientific , predictability and integrity Sightseeing Orchards ' building is reduced , because the building of Sightseeing Orchard is always researched in one aspect or individual case .

  14. 现代城市居民生活水平不断提高,人们渴望亲近自然,回归自然,体验田园生活,观光果园应运而生。

    Since the living standards of modern urban residents have been increasingly improved , and as people desire to be close to nature , back to nature and experience the pastoral life , sightseeing orchard emerged .

  15. 但是随着现代旅游业的发展,观光果园体验设计也得到了前所未有重视,体验设计理念在观光果园的设计中得到了更多的体现。

    However , with the modern development of the tourism industry , unprecedented attention has been paid to the experience design of sightseeing orchards . Experiencing Design has been more reflected in the design of sightseeing orchards .

  16. 并以上述研究分析为基础,运用归纳、逆向推理、举例等方法,总结了观光果园的规划思想,且将其归纳为3个方面:观光果园决策思想、规划思想与设计思想。

    Using the up research results as basement , we applied induction , converse consequence and example to conclude the ideology of Sightseeing Orchard in the following three parts : decision-making ideology , programming ideology and designing ideology .

  17. 本文强调观光果园规划设计的地域风格和果树规划的适地适树原则,这两个原则对观光果园规划设计具有重要的指导意义。

    This paper stressed that tourism orchard planning and design of the regional style and proper planning of fruit trees to the principle of fitness , these two principles on tourism planning and designing the orchard is important guiding significance .

  18. 同时,在水景设计、基础设施等方面体现低碳环保的理念,最终营造景观优美的可持续发展观光果园,以期达到一定的实用价值和指导意义。

    Furthermore , the idea of low-carbon also appears in the waterscape design and infrastructure constructions in the park . All these aspects work together , aim to create a beautiful and sustainable sightseeing orchard and to finally achieve some practical values and meaning .

  19. 为把果园建成以果品生产和观光旅游相结合的多目标、多功能的经济综合体,从观光旅游这个角度出发,必须研究果树的观赏特点、观光果园的景观规划设计。

    Studying ornamental characteristic of fruit tree in the north as well as planning and designing of sightseeing orchard is in purpose of achieving the economic integration of multi-aim and multifunction of fruit production in combination with sightseeing tourism .