
  1. 发现共生的观念既是信息社会e-Learning的新范式,也是教育技术多维视角研究的共同趋向。

    Found that the symbiotic concept of both information society and e-learning a new paradigm , multi-dimensional perspective of research on educational technology common trend .

  2. 而传承又主要是观念和信息意义上的。

    And the inheritance is mainly covered in the sense of concept and information .

  3. 电子政务网上审批是现代政府管理观念和信息技术相融合的产物。

    E-government online approval is the product of integration of modern government management and information technology .

  4. 胡同的物理空间被作为散播的媒介,而散播的对象并非某种观念或信息,而是实实在在的生活材料。

    Nothing Lasts Forever uses the physical site of Jianchang Hutong as a space for dissemination not of ideas or information but of raw materials .

  5. 因此,人类创造了符号系统&文字,以视觉形式记录和传递思想、观念和信息。

    Writing , a system of symbols , was created for recording and conveying ideas , concepts , and information in the form of visual perception .

  6. 电子政务公共服务的综合治理方案应从管理架构、信息公开立法、绩效评估机制、网站设计、建设和运营模式、观念和信息技能以及电子政务安全七个层面着手。

    E-government public services should be proceed from seven levels on comprehensive management programme management structure , information disclosure legislation , performance evaluation mechanism , web design , building and operating mode , values and skills of information security .

  7. 从信息服务观念、信息服务技术手段、用户信息能力及个性化信息行为等几个方面探讨了影响高校图书馆开展个性化信息服务的因素。

    This paper probes into the factors influencing the individualized information service of university library from aspects of the conception of the information service , the technical means of the information service , and the clients ' information ability and individualized information behavior , etc.

  8. 培养情报信息观念搞好情报信息的搜集、开发和利用

    Building up The Intelligence Concept in Gathering , Developing and Utilizing

  9. 关于深化党风廉政建设的调研与思考更新期刊管理观念强化期刊信息管理

    Honest and Clean Government Administration in Singapore About the Construction of Clean and Honest Administration

  10. 引入竞合观念促进社会信息资源共享和图书馆可持续发展

    Introducing the Concept of Coopetition to Promote Social Information Resource Sharing and Library 's Sustainable Development

  11. 从真理的语言表达方式来看,真理的内容表现为一系列观念形态的信息及其意义;

    Concerning language expression , the content of Truth is composed of ideological information and its significance ;

  12. 文章阐述了在网络信息环境下高校图书馆办公室主任必须转变信息观念,增强信息沟通,提高创新能力,与时俱进,顺应现代化图书馆的发展。

    Under the network environment , the university office director must transform the information idea , and strengthen the ability of communication and innovation .

  13. 当代艺术观念是在信息技术高速发展,人类社会各个领域发生深刻变革的时代背景下形成和发展的。

    Contemporary art conception is formed and developed with the fast development of information technology and the profound revolution in various fields of human being .

  14. 面对知识经济的挑战,成人院校图书馆首先要树立信息观念,强化信息服务意识,以开发信息资源为己任,以信息服务为自己的根本职责。

    Facing the challenge of knowledge-based economy , the library staffs of adult institutes must take actions as follows : Firstly , set up an information concept ;

  15. 如何弄清成本观念,成本信息满足成本管理需要,强化现代成本管理手段和对策,是必须引起重视的问题。

    The problems of cost concept , how the cost information meet the cost management demand , how to strengthen modern cost management countermeasure should be pay great importance .

  16. 从金融深化、投资观念转变、信息技术发展以及政策支持等角度分析其在我国产生的根本原因。

    In addition , it analyzes the fundamental causes of financial disintermediation in the view of financial deepening , investment concept change , information technology development and the policy support .

  17. 针对调查中发现的问题,我们初步提出培养护理专业大学生信息素质的对策:①更新教育思想和教育观念,将信息素质教育纳入到护理专业大学生整体素质教育中;

    Thirdly , some countermeasures were put forward aiming at the problems found in investigation :① update education philosophy and integrate information literacy training into overall quality education for nursing undergraduate students ;

  18. 除了这些象征性的构思外,我们还可以插入一些关键性的价值观念或商业信息利用同样的书法笔墨技法加以处理在背景画面上村托出白色的主题文本。

    In addition to these symbolic associations , we can insert key business values or business messages – using the same calligraphy style treatment – of white text over the background image .

  19. 结论影响流动人口保健服务利用的主要因素为经济、健康观念、服务信息缺乏和违反计划生育政策等。

    Conclusion The main influence factors of migrant ′ s maternal and child health care service utilization are income level , health concept , health service information and violation of family planning regulation .

  20. 特别讨论了企业管理网络咨询观念转变、信息检索、数据库建设等方面的技术水平的提高,以及通过合作来促进网络咨询发展等。

    The article especially lays emphasis on promoting network inquiry development through cooperation and changing ideas on network inquiry of enterprise management , information index , and the improvement of data base construction .

  21. 主要从四个方面阐述:思想观念多元化;信息渠道多元化;新时期高中学生特点;新课程改革全面推开。

    Mainly from the following four aspects : the idea ofdiversity ; a plurality of information channels ; new period characteristics of high schoolstudents ; the new curriculum reform is pushed in the round .

  22. 本文依据设计观念必将随着信息技术对社会影响的趋势所产生的变化,浅谈一些信息时代日用陶瓷设计观念。

    In the light of the change of design sense along with the influence of IT technology upon the society , this paper discusses the sense of designing household ceramics in the IT era .

  23. 转变传统的教学观念,应用信息技术和网络技术,充分发挥网络多媒体的特点及优势,更有效地提高教学效果。

    Changes in the concept of traditional teaching , the application of information technology and network technology , and full use of characteristics and advantages of multi-media and network so as to improve teaching more effectively .

  24. 最后,本文对整个研究内容做了简要的总结,并呼吁高校要及时更新观念,利用信息技术发展的最新成果加强大学生思想政治教育,以升华主题。

    Finally , the thesis comes to a conclusion , and appeals that colleges and universities should timely renew the idea and use the newest information technology to strengthen college students ' ideological and political education to sublimate theme .

  25. 随着教育信息化的发展,作为教学设计者的中小学教师必须具备较高的信息素养。中小学教师信息素养的内涵特征包括:信息观念素养、信息知识素养、信息能力素养和信息伦理素养。

    With the development of educational information , as the designers of teaching , the teachers in elementary and secondary schools have to possess higher information literacy which includes information sense , information knowledge , information ability and information ethics .

  26. 为了促进高校图书馆信息服务业的发展,我们要转变思想观念,加强信息服务业立法和信息人才队伍建设,重视信息服务创新与信息营销,走企业集团发展道路。

    To promote the development of information service industry of university library , we should change our ideas firstly , reinforce the lawmaking of information service industry , pay attention to service innovation and information marketing , and walk the collectivizing road .

  27. 为了维护大学生的知情权,要努力拓广信息传播途径,更新管理观念,完善信息公开制度,加强信息监督,增强大学生的维权意识。

    In order to protect the Right-to-Know of college students , we should try our best to widen the channel of information transmission , update managerial conception , perfect the open system of information transmission , strengthen information supervision and heighten right sense .

  28. 并针对用户的图书馆意识、能力,计算机运用能力,信息观念及用户信息需求三个方面通过对他们的调查与分析,提出了大学图书馆读者信息素质教育的几点对策。

    To counter the library consciousness and ability of the users , we must make investigations and analysis of the computer application ability , information view_point and user information demand of the users , and puts forward several countermeasures for the reader information quality education in university libraries .

  29. 隐喻,作为一种语言现象,有着深厚的文化内涵,它不仅能够体现一个民族的自然环境、历史渊源,而且也承载着该民族的宗教信仰、思维方式、价值观念等文化信息。

    Metaphor , being a linguistic phenomenon , has its deep cultural meaning . Not only can it show the natural environment and historic atmosphere of a nation , but it can also convey religious belief , thinking methods , social values and conceptions and other cultural information .

  30. 从转变服务观念、拓宽信息资源、优化服务手段、改善服务方式、丰富服务内容、强化队伍建设等几个方面,探讨了参考咨询服务深化与创新的对策。

    This paper probes into the countermeasures for deepening and innovating the reference consulting service of the library from aspects of transforming the service viewpoint , broadening the information resources , optimizing the service modes , enriching the service contents , and reinforcing the construction of the ranks , etc.