
zhāo tiē huà
  • pictorial poster/placard;poster
招贴画 [zhāo tiē huà]
  • [poster; pictorial placard] 做宣传的画

  • 十字路口画了一幅宣传交通安全的大招贴画

  1. 上个星期早些时候,VisualStudio团队发布了一个更新版的VS2010键盘快捷键招贴画。

    Earlier this week the Visual Studio team released updated VS2010 Keyboard Shortcut Posters .

  2. 你可以在这里下载PDF格式的VS2010快捷键招贴画。

    You can download the VS2010 Keybinding posters in PDF format here .

  3. 这些招贴画是PDF格式的&你可以下载它们并使用适合你打印机的纸张打印。

    The posters are in PDF format – enabling you to easily download and print them using whichever paper size is in your printer .

  4. 海报又称招贴画、宣传画,英文名字是poster。是一种以宣传鼓动、制造社会舆论和气氛为目的的绘画,一般带有醒目的、号召性的、激情的文字标题。

    Poster is a kind of drawing for the purpose of propagandizing as well as creating public opinions and atmosphere , generally with eye-catching , inspiring and passionate titles .

  5. 镜子与墙壁上的招贴画处于同一高度。

    The mirror is level with the poster on the wall .

  6. 图像分割技术在卡通招贴画处理中的应用

    Research on Processing of Cartoon Poster Based on Image Segmentation

  7. 这个世界中的一切会与招贴画一模一样。

    Everything in this world will be exactly like in the poster .

  8. 学校招贴画入场探究

    The Introduction on Entering of School Poster In the school At School

  9. 在我们家小区,有好多带笑脸的招贴画。

    In my neighborhood , we see many posters with smiling faces .

  10. 你知道那些城市免费门诊的招贴画吗?

    Joey : You know those posters for the city free clinic ?

  11. 墙上有几张有趣的招贴画。

    There were several interesting posters on the wall .

  12. 你向它靠近并进入招贴画。

    Just move up to and into the poster .

  13. 我记得曾在他墙上见过一张招贴画。

    I recall seeing a poster on his wall .

  14. 除了他的很多后印象派绘画作品外,他的招贴画也深受世人瞩目。

    Except for his paintings of poster-impressionism , his posters have attracted our attention .

  15. 但是礼品店里有很多招贴画、明信片及书籍。

    But , our gift shop has lots of posters , postcards and books .

  16. 一些人在用棍子敲碎玻璃,把招贴画从墙上扯下来。

    Men were breaking windows with canes , tearing posters down from the walls .

  17. 美术创作中常对普通照片进行多种卡通招贴画效果处理。

    Common pictures are usually processed and translated into cartoon posters in art production .

  18. 一系列用于将性别观点纳入水资源管理的招贴画;

    A series of posters for use in mainstreaming gender in water resources management ;

  19. 美丽的招贴画或名画的复制品。

    Beautiful posters or reproductions of old masters .

  20. 要找与招贴画相似大小的图片。

    Try and find pictures that are approximately the same scale as the poster .

  21. 北京到处都是大象和长颈鹿的招贴画,以示隆重。

    Giant elephants and giraffes appeared on hoardings across the capital to mark the occasion .

  22. 显示饮水和卫生与儿童健康之间联系的最新招贴画;

    An updated poster illustrating the links between water and sanitation and children 's health ;

  23. 适合做招贴画的纸板。

    A cardboard suitable for making posters .

  24. 醒目的招贴画上,可以看到人们高高举起这本书,脸上闪烁着快乐的光芒。

    Bold posters showed crowds holding the book aloft , their faces radiant with joy .

  25. 他仔细端详避署旅游的招贴画,免得见到熟人说话,露出他的不安。

    He studied the summer-resort posters , lest he have to acquaintances and expose his uneasiness .

  26. 鲜艳的广告招贴画点缀着街道。

    Bright posters decorate the streets .

  27. 有些广告比较小,比如招贴画那样的,还有些可能要覆盖整个车身。

    Some of these ads are small like a bumper sticker but others can cover the entire car .

  28. 在这些招贴画旁边还贴着该州标准考试历史科目的题目。

    Next to those are posters that list the state 's standardized test questions for the history exam .

  29. 进入你习惯的王国:当你投射时,向招贴画靠近,使你的头脑保持一片空白。

    Entering your custom realm : When you project , go towards the poster , keeping your mind blank .

  30. 以及若干套包括饮水卫生的有关技术等各种饮水、环境和卫生专题的招贴画和小册子;

    Sets of posters and pamphlets on various water , environment and sanitation topics , including appropriate water and sanitation technologies ;