
  • 网络Recruitment system;Machinery Recruiting System;SMSM
  1. 基于Web构架的招聘系统的设计和实现

    Web-based Recruitment System Design and Implementation

  2. 基于RUP的UML建模方法在人事招聘系统开发中的应用

    Application of Modeling Using UML Based on RUP in Developing Personnel Recruitment System

  3. 基于Web的求职招聘系统建设目的是服务于各类大中小型企业和各类求职人群,为企业和求职者搭建一个互动的平台。

    Construction of Web-based employment system is to serve all kinds of businesses and various job hunting groups and build an interactive platform for businesses and job applicants .

  4. 并通过一个具体的开发实例,说明了UML在开发企业招聘系统设计中进行需求分析、建立静态模型和动态模型的应用。

    It illuminates UML application in developing an enterprise enrollment system of demand analysis , establishing stable model and dynamic model by a concrete developing example in detail .

  5. 在Web数据挖掘分类技术方面研究了Web分类的定义、分类的方法,着重研究了贝叶斯原理及朴素的贝叶斯分类和贝叶斯信念网络,为求职招聘系统的数据分类提供了理论基础。

    The thesis researches the definition of web classification and classification methods in terms of Web data mining classification technology and focuses on researching the Bayesian theory and the simple Bayesian classifier and Bayesian belief networks so as to provide research basis for employment system classification .

  6. 设计和实现了整个OLRS系统的集成方案,即让OLRS系统可作为远程ICP方招聘系统的一个子系统集成进系统。

    Design and realize the integration project of OLRS , make OLRS works as a subsystem in the remote recruitment system of ICP .

  7. 话虽如此,Pymetrics首席执行官弗里达?波利(FridaPolli)说,机器人招聘系统仍必须接受定期测试,以防偏见渗入。

    Still , robo-recruiters must be regularly tested in case bias has crept in , says Frida Polli , chief executive of Pymetrics .

  8. 本文对网上求职招聘系统的设计过程进行了详细介绍。

    The thesis introduces design process of the system in detail .

  9. 由此,商业保险公司代理人招聘系统的重要性不断提高。

    Thus , the importance of insurance agent recruitment system is improved greatly .

  10. 这就意味着总有不合格的人带着碰运气的心态将他们的求职信塞满了招聘系统。

    This means that unqualified people are clogging the system with their wing-and-a-prayer applications .

  11. 本毕业设计主要介绍了在线招聘系统的设计、实现及维护。

    This paper mainly introduces the design , realization and maintenance of Online Recruitment System .

  12. 数据库等相关知识,同时较为详尽的阐述了网络求职招聘系统的实现。

    This paper first introduces the ASP technology , the database and other the related knowledge .

  13. 请通过在线电子招聘系统输入你的个人信息以便申请获得所列的一个职位。

    Enter your personal profile in the online e-recruitment system to apply for a listed position .

  14. 许多公司使用内部招聘系统的标准模板来发送回绝信。

    Many companies rely on standard jargon generated by their applicant tracking system for the so-called Dear John letter .

  15. 但是目前人力资源管理信息系统中的招聘系统,大多数没有内部推荐管理功能。

    However , the current recruitment system of the human resources management information system most lacks internal referral management functions .

  16. 本文所开发的网络求职招聘系统主要包括个人求职管理、企业招聘管理和系统管理三个部分。

    We implemented such a system that includes three modules : personal job seeking management , enterprise recruiting management and system management .

  17. 但没有一种系统是完美的,在我个人的招聘系统中,将文化契合度作为一个关键因素进行优先考虑,变得日益重要。

    But no system is perfect , and prioritizing culture-fit as a key factor in my personal system for hiring has become increasingly important .

  18. 请避免在你的简历里添加任何嵌入表、照片或其他图像,因为这样会弄乱你在招聘系统中的简历。

    Avoid adding any embedded tables , pictures , or other images in your resume , as this can jumble your resume in the system .

  19. 和其他的传统人才招聘系统比起来,企业网上招聘的优势有:容量大、速度快、强调个性化以及成本低。

    Compared with other traditional recruitment system , enterprises have the advantage of online recruitment : large capacity , fast , personalized and cost is low .

  20. 但没有一种系统是完美的,在我个人的招聘系统中,将“文化契合度”作为一个关键因素进行优先考虑,变得日益重要。

    But no system is perfect , and prioritizing " culture-fit " as a key factor in my personal system for hiring has become increasingly important .

  21. 对如何进一步贴近用户需求、提高系统的可扩展性能和完善网络招聘系统进行了初步的探讨。

    Finally , the thesis makes a preliminary study on how to get closer to user needs , further improve system scalability and how to improve the online recruitment system .

  22. 而网上求职招聘系统提供了方便、简洁、安全、易于管理的平台,这是对传统模式的一种改进,也是一种必然的走向。

    However , online job recruitment system provides a convenient , simple , safe and easy-to-manage platform , which is an improvement to the traditional model as well as a inevitable tendency .

  23. 虽然在页眉中显示你的联系方式可能看上去很简洁,但和不能在简历里用嵌入表和图表的原因一致,简历常常会在招聘系统里被弄乱。

    It may look neat and concise to display your contact information in the header , but for the same reason with embedded tables and charts , it often gets scrambled in an applicant system .

  24. 通过开发先进高效的人才招聘系统,能够节约招聘人才的时间与成本,满足公司人力资源管理需求,推动人力资源部门的效率。

    Through the development of advanced and efficient recruitment system , can save the time and cost of recruiting talents , meet the company human resources management needs , promote the efficiency of human resource department .

  25. 把对等联网(新的网络模式)与移动代理(新的分布式计算方法)运用于网络招聘系统中,是对新技术的一次尝试

    Peer to Peer ( a new Web model ) and mobile agent ( a new distributed algorithm ) are applied to the employment based on the internet , and It 's a new research on application of new technology . SYSTEM

  26. 本系统相对于传统的网上招聘系统其特点主要是可以对应聘者实施在线测试,解决了以往招聘系统在线提交简历申请,线下组织笔试的烦琐过程,从而为招聘企业节省大量的时间和金钱;

    The main feature of new system in this paper compared with traditional system is doing online test for applicants , which can simplify the old complicated process from online submitting applications to offline testing and saving time and money for enterprises .

  27. 在网上人才招聘系统中,由于求职方和招聘方之间信息不对称,求职者往往花费大量的时间和精力挑选适合的应聘职位,从而造成了一职难求的尴尬局面。

    In online system of talent recruiting , because of the information asymmetry between the job seeker and recruiters , the former spends lots of time and energy to select a suitable post , so a dilemma situation of difficulty to find a post is formed .

  28. 基于WEB的招聘网站系统设计与开发

    Design and Implement of WEB-based Recruitment System

  29. 基于J2EE架构的企业级人才招聘WEB系统的研究与实现

    The Research and Application of Enterprise Recruitment Web System Based on J2EE Framework

  30. 文章通过对J2EE技术架构的分析和讨论,提出了一个J2EE规范的企业级人才招聘WEB系统的设计模型,并给出了具体实现。

    This paper puts forward the design model of enterprise recruitment web system based on J2EE standard through the analysis and discuss of J2EE technology and framework , and give the concrete achievement of the model .