
ɡù dìnɡ ɡōnɡ
  • regular worker;fixed worker
  1. 煤炭企业固定工的地位及现存问题的改进

    Important position of permanent employee of cool enterprises and improvements of existing problems

  2. 为了能取得一个固定工的位置,堀江为此打拼了十多年。

    After more than a decade of trying to gain regular status , Mr.

  3. 文章运用隐性契约理论分析了日本的终身雇佣制和中国的固定工制度。

    This paper analyzes the contractual properties of Japanese life-employment and Chinese fixed-employment system in view of implicit contracts theory .

  4. 在计划经济体制时期,国家为解决大量失业问题,用工形式以固定工用工为主。

    Under the system of Planned Economy , the government employed the form of life-long employment in order to resolve the massive unemployment problem .

  5. 甚至在就业者当中,大部分都是临时性工人并且固定工的人数也一直在缩减。

    Even among the " employed ," the vast majority are casuals or non-regular workers , while the number of regular workers continues to dwindle .

  6. 第四章探讨国有企业如何改革固定工制度,重点涉及员工下岗问题;

    The fourth part discusses the possible means and ways with respect to the change of the permanent worker system with emphasis on the laid-off employees .

  7. 随着我国建筑企业改制和用工制度的改革,建筑工人队伍发生了根本变化,管理层与劳务层两层分离,使建筑企业一线工人由原来的固定工自有职工,转变为现在的临时工农民工。

    As the employment system and building enterprises ' system reform are constantly on the way , fundamental changes have taken place in construction workers ' body .

  8. 如果企业给这些新人提供固定工的职位,厚生省将按每雇佣一名新人,最高发放180万日元,约合22000的标准,给企业补贴。

    It also offers subsidies of up to1.8 million yen , or about $ 22,000 per person , to large companies that offer so-called regular jobs to new graduates .

  9. 国有企业用工制度改革三十年,从固定工制转向劳动合同制,这是历史的进步。

    The employment system reform of the State-owned enterprises ( SOE ) in the past thirty years , from fixed labor system to labor contract system , this is a historical progress .

  10. 随着改革的需要,固定工制度被逐渐打破,推行劳动合同制度,直至现在。

    However , with the need of reform , the life-long employment system was broken down gradually , and the labor contract system has been widely spread and applied , and it has been used up to now .

  11. 改良睫状沟固定法人工晶状体植入术

    Implantation of intraocular lens with reformed method for fixing loop in ciliary furrow

  12. 无骨水泥固定珍珠面人工髋关节置换术&实验研究和初步临床应用

    Cementless fixation of pearl surfaced hip arthroplasties & Experimental study and clinical application