
  1. 分析了固液发动机推进剂的燃烧特性和发动机性能特性、与液体和固体火箭发动机的不同,以及研制的技术难度等。

    The propellant feature of burning behavior and engine in hybrid engine , the differences to liquid and solid engine and the difficulties of technology in development were analyzed .

  2. 石蜡基燃料是近年来开始大力研究的用于固液混合发动机的推进剂,其燃速是现在通常应用的HTPB的3~4倍,扫除了大型固液混合发动机应用的最大障碍。

    Paraffin based fuel has been investigated deeply as hybrid rocket propellant for about ten years , which has a regression rate of 3 ~ 4 times greater than traditional HTPB . This advantage cleared the most serious obstacle of large hybrid rocket application .