
  • 网络(to launch) two satellites with one rocket
  1. 中国获得一箭双星发射成功

    China Succeeded in Launching Double Satellites aboard One Launch Vehicle

  2. 介绍了中星&22号A通信卫星、一箭双星、鑫诺二号通信广播卫星、军用通信与导航卫星等的发射、升空和入轨之情况。

    This paper introduces the launching , levitating and injecting situation of " Zongxing-22A " communication satellite , one rocket two satellites ," Xinnuo-2 " communication and broadcast satellite , and military communication and navigation satellite , etc.

  3. 介绍了长四乙一箭双星、第二颗资源二号卫星、北斗导航试验卫星、神三、神四、神五飞船的发射、升空和入轨情况。

    This paper introduces the launching , levitating and injecting situation of the " Long Match B4 " one rocket two satellites , the second " Resource 2 " satellite , the Plough navigation test satellite , Shenzhou 3 , Shenzhou 4 and Shenzhou 5 airship .

  4. 介绍了美国铱星(双星)、长四乙一箭双星、神舟一号试验飞船、中星22通信卫星、第一颗资源二号卫星等的发射、升空和入轨情况。

    This paper introduces the launching , levitating and injecting situation of American Iridium satellite ( double satellite )," Long-march 4B " one rocket and two satellites ," Shanzhou No.1 " experimental satellite ," Zhongxing 22 " communication satellite , and the first " Resource No.2 " satellite , etc.