
yī lěi
  • first base;initial corner
一垒[yī lěi]
  1. 他未能跑过一垒。

    He didn 't make it past first base .

  2. 根据职业棒球大联盟规则的6.08(b)条款,这个球将被判定为“触身球”,击球手将被保送上一垒。

    Major League Baseball Rule 6.08 ( b ) suggests that in this situation , the batter would be considered " hit by pitch , " and would be eligible to advance to first base .

  3. 主体区块FulaNorth断块Bentiu组油藏为一垒块上的断背斜块状油藏,具有倾斜的油水界面。

    The reservoir in Bentiu Formation in the major Fula North Block is a faulted anticlinal massive reservoir in a horst block with a dipping oil water contact .

  4. 台湾的兄弟象棒球队相当于纽约的洋基队(Yankees),它的前任一垒手现在不分昼夜,绝大部分时间都是在当地一个球场内一间充满老军舰魅力的简朴房间里度过。

    The former first baseman for the Brother Elephants , Taiwan 's equivalent of the Yankees , now spends most of his days and nights deep in a local stadium , in a spartan room with all the charm of an old warship .

  5. 他会在生涯中首次担任一垒手的工作吗?

    Is he actually going to become a first-time first baseman ?

  6. 如今他在谈论一垒打,而不是全垒打。

    Today he talks about hitting singles rather than home runs .

  7. 布莱斯你连一垒都没上啊

    Bryce , you didn 't even make it tofirst base .

  8. 你在一垒上有人,那一垒手是谁。

    Have you got a first baseman on first ? Yeah .

  9. 他击出一垒打,再因对方漏接而跑上二垒。

    He singled and went to second on a passed ball .

  10. 一垒二垒上现在应该有人。

    There should be a man on first and second right now .

  11. 运动员在比赛中只打了三个一垒打。

    The players got only three singles in the game .

  12. 他是打击机器&一垒手长名男说。

    " He 's a machine ," first baseman Doug Mientkiewicz said .

  13. 我要靠一垒的位子。

    A seat on the first base line , please .

  14. 他成功地偷了一垒,使观众大为高兴。

    He managed a stolen base to the delight of the crowd .

  15. 丢给一垒,他出局了。

    The throw to first , and he 's out .

  16. (棒球或垒球)在一垒比赛的人。

    ( baseball or softball ) the person who plays first base .

  17. 他从本垒板连一垒都看不清。

    He can 't see first base from home plate .

  18. 那在一垒守备呢?恐怕又是另外一回事。

    Playing first base , though , is another story .

  19. 球扔向一垒,罗斯出局了。

    Here 's a throw to first base , and Ross is out .

  20. 游击手暴投一垒,于对方得分。

    The shortstop overthrew first base , allowing a run to be scored .

  21. 琼斯上一垒,狄米洛叫他回来。

    Cleon starts down to first base , and demiro calls him back .

  22. 曼特耳以一个一垒打和一高飞牺牲打来使二人跑垒得分。

    Mantle drove in two runs with a single and a sacrifice fly .

  23. 又来回信啰:小波的未来会是在一垒吗?

    Mailbag : Is Posada 's future at first ?

  24. 一垒手、二垒手、三垒手和游击手则叫做内野手。

    The first , second and third basemen and shortstop are called infielders .

  25. 洋基敲出八支安打,但是其中七支是一垒安打。

    New York got eight hits , but seven of them were singles .

  26. 一垒和二垒都有跑者。

    There are runners on first and second base .

  27. 在棒球运动中有四个垒位——一垒,二垒和三垒。

    There are four bases in baseball -- first , second and third .

  28. 我觉得也许今天我们应该让他去第一垒。

    I think maybe we ought to walk him .

  29. 没说的,你不可能站在一垒接住二垒的球。

    You can 't make it to second base with your foot on first .

  30. 他接住了并投向一垒。

    He catches and throws it to first .