
  • 网络williams sisters;Venus and Serena Williams;Venus & Serena Williams
  1. 周二的时候,女双比赛还爆出了另一冷门。在四分之一决赛中,威廉姆斯姐妹以6(5)比7、4比6输给了俄罗斯组合依卡塔莲娜·马卡洛娃(EkaterinaMakarova)和爱莲娜·维斯尼娜(ElenaVesnina)。

    The women 's doubles draw got another jolt in the quarterfinals Tuesday when Venus and Serena Williams lost , 7-6 ( 5 ) , 6-4 , to Ekaterina Makarova and Elena Vesnina of Russia .

  2. 威廉姆斯姐妹希望能进入双打决赛。

    The Williams sisters are hoping to reach the finals of the doubles .

  3. 从小姑娘起威廉姆斯姐妹就由父亲训练她们。

    The Williams sisters have been trained by their father since they were little girls .

  4. 网球专家表示,威廉姆斯姐妹的父亲理查德?威廉姆斯是她们成为美国职业网坛优秀选手的主要原因。

    Tennis experts say Richard Williams is the main reason that his daughters are the top players in women 's professional tennis .

  5. 在体育赛场上,兄弟姐妹同时代表自己的国家出赛并不是新鲜事,特别是在网球比赛中:你当然会想起威廉姆斯姐妹。

    Sibling sportsmen representing their countries are not new , particularly in tennis : the Williams sisters come of course to mind .

  6. 我的孩子非常崇拜威廉姆斯姐妹,我很高兴他们没看那场比赛。

    I 'm just glad my children , who are big fans of both Serena Williams and her sister Venus , weren 't watching the match .

  7. 统治了温网十多年时间的威廉姆斯姐妹均在第四轮被淘汰出局。

    The Williams sisters , who dominated the tennis finals of Wimbledon for more than a decade , have both been knocked out in the fourth round .

  8. 所以毫无疑问,周二晚出席《权力的游戏》第四季在意大利米兰的首映礼,索菲特纳和麦茜威廉姆斯姐妹俩都想展示下自己的着装风格。

    So its no surprise that Sophie Turner and Maisie Williams fancied showing off a touch of their own style as they attended the season four premiere in Milan , Italy on Thursday evening .

  9. 黑客于本周公布的文件显示,威廉姆斯姐妹及在里约奥运会体操赛场上斩获四枚金牌的拜尔斯,均获得了使用禁药的医疗豁免权。

    The hackers published documents this week showing that the Williams sisters and Biles , who won four gold medals in gymnastics at the Rio Olympics last month , received medical exemptions to use banned drugs .

  10. 雨停了一段时间,因此我们返回到了网球场,根据原来的赛事安排,我们希望能够观看到费德勒以及威廉姆斯姐妹等的比赛。

    The rain let up for awhile , so we made it back to the tennis venue , hoping to see Roger Federer play as well as the Williams sisters and others , according to the original schedule .

  11. 届时会有包括威廉姆斯姐妹、莎拉波娃等球星参赛,她们将带着赢得过30座大满贯单打冠军的荣誉来到我的家乡,为中国球迷们带来精彩的比赛。

    That to me is extraordinary ! Serena Williams , Maria Sharapova and Venus Williams – with thirty Grand Slam singles titles among them - are coming to my hometown to play tennis for the fans of China !

  12. 女王上一次参观大满贯比赛是在2010年,当时她接见了许多现役以及退役的球员,包括穆雷、纳芙拉蒂诺娃、费德勒、威廉姆斯姐妹、比利·简·金以及球童和工作人员。

    She last visited the grand slam in 2010 , when she met past and present players , including Andy Murray , Martina Navratilova , Roger Federer , the Williams sisters , and Billie Jean King , as well as ball boys , girls , and officials .

  13. 不难看出,威廉姆斯这对姐妹有点想把自己当成时尚达人的味道。

    You can see , these girls , both sisters , kind of see themselves as fashion icon .

  14. 维纳斯?威廉姆斯和莎莲娜?威廉姆斯是姐妹。