
  • Brian;Blaine;Kobe Bryant
  1. 在近代可能没人比科比布莱恩的更加看重全明星赛的胜利。

    Perhaps no one in recent history cared more about winning the All-Star Game than Kobe Bryant .

  2. 在西部,科比•布莱恩和湖人队在夕阳西下之前也会增添新的荣誉。

    In the West , Kobe Bryant and his aging Lakers were going to look to add one more title before the sun sets on their current squad ( and Bryant 's career ) .

  3. 她注意到布莱恩门底下透出的光。

    She noticed the light spilling under Brian 's door

  4. 布莱恩的挂靴为英国足球史上光辉的一章画上了休止符。

    Brian 's retirement brings to a close a glorious chapter in British football history

  5. 布莱恩医生会耐心倾听他人说话。

    Dr Brian was a good listener

  6. 她叫了辆出租车,补了一下妆,匆匆地给布莱恩写了张便条。

    She called a cab , fixed her face , and scrawled a hasty note to Brian .

  7. 布莱恩在才艺表演上表现得很好。

    Brian did a great job at the talent show .

  8. 布莱恩不明白他们为什么对他这么不友好。

    Brian couldn 't understand why they were so unkind to him .

  9. 随着时间的推移,布莱恩遇到了更多像肯这样的人。

    As the years went on , Brian met more people like Ken .

  10. 布莱恩现在是一个喜剧大咖!

    Now Brian is a big comedy star !

  11. 布莱恩是个有趣的学生。

    Brian was a funny student .

  12. 布莱恩不明白肯恩为什么这么说,但他意识到这与他无关。

    Brian didn 't understand why Ken said so , but he realized that it had nothing to do with him .

  13. 听说学校要举办才艺表演,布莱恩决定参加。

    When he heard about the talent show to be held at his school , Brian decided to take part in .

  14. 布莱恩·H(BrianH.)注意到的第一件事情是,他可以长出真正的胡须来。

    The first thing Brian H. noticed was that he could grow a real beard .

  15. 公司执行委员会(CorporateExecutiveBoard)常务董事布莱恩•克鲁普认为,在许多行业中,与经验相比,企业更注重个人品性。

    Brian Kropp , a managing director at corporate executive board , says that companies value personality over experience in a range of industries .

  16. 今年,曾尝试过各种疗法的布莱恩,在哥伦比亚大学医疗中心(ColumbiaUniversityMedicalCenter)报名参加了一项旨在测试一种获批治疗骨髓疾病的药物能否帮人摆脱斑秃的研究。

    After trying various treatments , Brian enrolled this year in a study at Columbia University Medical Center testing whether a drug approved for a bone marrow disorder could help people with alopecia .

  17. NPR新闻,布莱恩·曼魁北克省拉克·麦肯蒂镇报道。

    For NPR News , I 'm Brian Mann in Lac-Megantic , Quebec .

  18. 《美国时尚男装》(AmericanFashionMenswear)一书作者罗伯特・布莱恩(RobertBryan)是经典ID手链的推崇者。

    Robert Bryan , author of the book ' American Fashion Menswear , ' is a proponent of the classic chain link ID bracelet .

  19. 美国干旱缓解中心(NationalDroughtMitigationCentre)气候学家布莱恩•福克斯(BrianFuchs)说:目前还没有出现大面积歉收,但这种趋势正在快速发展。

    We aren 't seeing widespread failure yet , but it sure is developing rapidly , said Brian Fuchs , climatologist at the National Drought Mitigation Centre .

  20. 布莱恩(Blaine)空气透过法测量粉末比表面

    Measurement of specific surface area of powder by blaine 's permeability method

  21. 我们以布莱恩。罗伯森OBE的名义发出这份声明。

    Statement issued on behalf of Bryan Robson , OBE .

  22. 在英特尔(Intel)新任CEO布莱恩•克兰尼克(BrianKrzanich)上任之初,一些投资者担心工程学专业出身的他是否具备必不可少的领袖魅力。

    New Intel CEO Brian Krzanich 's roots in engineering initially worried some investors who wondered whether he had the necessary oomph .

  23. 她说,在布莱恩讲述自己在现场的经历时,NBC新闻频道之外对此的评论也让我们感到担心。

    We have concerns about comments that occurred outside NBC News while Brian was talking about his experiences in the field , she said .

  24. 上周五,戴尔公司(Dell)宣布首席财务官布莱恩•格莱登即将离职,这是这家公司自去年私有化以来最重大的一起人事变动。

    Dell Inc. today made its first major management change since being going private late last year , announcing that chief financial officer Brian gladden is leaving the company .

  25. 或许更令人鼓舞的消息是,移动广告的点击率正在持续攀升,杰富瑞公司(Jefferies)分析师布莱恩•皮兹如是写道。

    Perhaps more encouraging , clickthrough rates on mobile ads are rising , Jeffries analyst Brian pitz wrote .

  26. 两名潜水员随后进入水箱,松开绑住布莱恩脚跟的链子,并将他解救了出来。根据直播这次表演的美国ABC电视网网站说,目前的水下屏息世界纪录是8分58秒。

    According to the Web site for the ABC television network , which broadcast the stunt live , the world record for holding one 's breath underwater is eight minutes , 58 seconds .

  27. 这句台词出自特里·琼斯(TerryJones)扮演的母亲一角,是布莱恩被错当成耶稣时的众多笑谈之一。该片由英国著名喜剧团体巨蟒剧团(MontyPython)出品。

    It was spoken by Brian 's mother , played by Terry Jones , and is one of a series of jokes in which Brian is mistaken for Jesus .

  28. ·公寓对租公司Airbnb的共同创始人布莱恩•切斯基推出了一系列新的核实功能,以进一步加强Airbnb的诚信和安全性。

    Airbnb co-founder Brian Chesky introduced new verification features to the apartment-swapping startup to further encourage trust and security .

  29. 亚特兰大埃默里大学(EmoryUniversity)埃默里语音中心(EmoryVoiceCenter)的言语治疗师布莱恩•佩蒂(BrianPetty)说,这些毛病“让听者觉得说话的人要么是不自在,要么是很痛苦。”

    Such quirks ' make the listener think the person who is speaking is either uncomfortable or in pain , ' says Brian Petty , a speech pathologist at the Emory Voice Center in Atlanta .

  30. 尽管业绩彪炳,但Sequoia有理由保持多疑(这一点在布莱恩的开列的清单中排在第8位)。

    With all of their success though , Sequoia has a right to stay paranoid ( # 8 on Brian 's list ) .