
  • 网络SOCO;Soko;Socx
  1. 五种索科线虫RAPD亲缘关系分析

    Genetic Relationships Among Five Species of Mermithidae Based on RAPD

  2. 索科线虫RAPD反应条件优化

    Optimization of reaction condition for RAPD analysis in Mermithidae

  3. 实验证明,在对索科线虫进行RAPD分析时,采用优化的反应条件,规范实验操作,使用同厂家同批次的试剂,实验结果就会具有很好的重复性和稳定性。

    As the result , the RAPD can be repeated with optimized reaction condition , the same reagent and standard operation .

  4. 2种索科线虫DEAD-box家族基因及β-actin基因的克隆与分析

    Cloning and Expression of DEAD-box Gene and β - actin Gene from Two Species of Mermithidae

  5. 广东、湖北索科线虫新记录

    The new recoder of mermithidae in Guangdong and Hubei Provinces

  6. 这是用在索科威亚回收的奥创手臂制作的

    Now , this is crafted from a reclaimed sub-Ultron arm straight from Sokovia

  7. 索科线虫孳生地的水质分析

    Analysis on water of the habitat for Mermithid Nematodes

  8. 湖北省枣阳市稻田索科线虫种类及分布的初步调查

    ^ ^ investigations of entomogenous Mermithid nematodes at rice fields in Zaoyang City Hubei Province

  9. 《索科威亚协议》的签订

    The Sokovia Accords were put into place

  10. 不同温度下两种索科线虫寄生前期幼虫生活力及感染力的研究

    The study on viability and infectivity of pre-parasitic larvae of two species of mermithidae at various temperature

  11. 索科线虫是一类昆虫寄生线虫,其形态多样而且具有较高的宿主特异性。

    Mermithidae is a group of insect 's parasitic nematode with diversified morphological characters and host specificity .

  12. 索科说,南流管道受到欧盟拟议中的从中亚开始的纳布科天然气管道的竞争,但是纳布科计划得到的支持越来越少。

    Socor said a competing European Union proposed gas line from Central Asia called Nabucco is losing support .

  13. 索科先生没有为爱情锁的移除感到惋惜,认为锁的重量会给桥带来危险。

    Mr. Saco did not lament the loss of the love locks , citing the danger their weight posed to the bridge .

  14. 索科在华盛顿的国际战略研究中心发表讲话说,莫斯科希望在天然气方面也同样取得成功。

    Socor told an audience at Washington 's Center for Strategic and International Studies that Moscow hopes for a similar success in gas .

  15. 索科说,俄罗斯通过管道正在逐步控制中亚地区前苏联加盟共和国的石油和天然气的出口。

    Socor said through pipelines Russia is gaining control over the export of oil and gas from the former Soviet republics in Central Asia .

  16. 索科说,俄罗斯提议在巴尔干地区建造的石油和天然气管道将使西欧国家进一步依赖俄罗斯的能源供应。

    Socor says that oil and gas pipelines advocated by Russia in the Balkans will add to Western Europe 's dependence on Russian supplied energy .

  17. 本文首次报道了有关中国的索科线虫的分子系统发育关系,对索科线虫中的部分分类混淆问题进行了分析,为更完善地构建索科线虫系统进化树奠定了一定的理论基础。

    It was the first report to infer the phylogenetic relationships of Mermithidae from China and figure out some confusions of classifying system in Mermithidae .

  18. 该文对国、内外有关索科线虫的生化成分分析、酶学和内分泌学等方面的研究进行了综述。

    In this paper , we briefly review the recent progress in the Mermithidae research on the analysis of biochemical components , enzymological and endocrinological aspects .

  19. 采用随机抽样、分层挖坑剥土法及采用直线跳跃取样法、5点取样法,对玉林市稻田索科线虫的种类、数量、水平频次分布类型、属间多样性等进行了调查和分析。

    The species , quantity and diversity of Mermithidae in the paddyfield of Yulin City and the pattern of vertical and horizontal distribution were investigated and analysed .

  20. 索科说,纳布科计划是让大部分来自土库曼斯坦的天然气,穿越土耳其抵达巴尔干地区,这一规划只有在欧盟和美国的大力支持下才能付诸实施。

    Socor said Nabucco , intended to carry mostly Turkmenistan gas across Turkey to the Balkans , will happen only if the European Union and the United States give the project high level support .

  21. 在德国的能源分析人士弗拉基米尔.索科星期一在华盛顿发表讲话说,计划中的石油和天然气新管道将巩固俄罗斯作为西欧首要石油和天然气供应国的地位。

    Vladimir Socor , an energy analyst based in Germany , told Washington audience Monday planned new pipelines will consolidate Russia 's position as a leading supplier of oil and gas to Western Europe .

  22. 为了抗衡他所说的欧洲对俄罗斯能源依赖的潜在威胁。索科提议与伊朗开展对话,从而能让伊朗向纳布克管道输送天然气。

    To counter what he sees as a potentially dangerous European dependence on Russian energy , Socor advocates a dialogue with Iran , which could lead to Iranian gas being supplied to the Nabucco pipeline .