
  1. 索马里总理MohamedAbdulahiMohamed还向安理会发表了讲话。

    Somali Prime Minister Mohamed Abdulahi Mohamed also addressed the Security Council .

  2. 一名非洲联盟的发言人称索马里总理已经从原来的住处转移到了一个安全的秘密场所。

    An African Union spokesman said Gedi was taken from the residence to an undisclosed location .

  3. 发言人称索马里总理当时就在房子内,但是他并没有受伤。

    He said the prime minister was at home at the time , but he was unhurt .

  4. 索马里总理阿布迪韦利·穆罕默德·阿里说,他对受害者表示同情,但是尚不能证实谁应当对此事件负责。

    Somali Prime Minister Abdiweli Mohamed Ali says he has sympathy for the victims , but could not confirm who was responsible .

  5. 索马里总理已经对该协议的有效性提出了质疑,因为它是在新的石油法颁布之前签署的。

    The prime minister himself has questioned the validity of the Chinese agreement because it was signed before the new oil law is in place .

  6. 索马里总理宣布建立一个特殊的部队,以保护向干旱和饥荒地区运送救助物资的车队。

    The prime minister of Somalia has announced the creation of a special force to protect convoys delivering aid to people affected by drought and famine .

  7. 外交部长佛朗哥·弗拉蒂尼称,索马里总理沙马克周日晚上电话通知他人质被释放了。弗拉蒂尼认为这是意大利与索马里当局合作收集情报、运用外交手段赢得人质获释的结果。

    Italian Foreign Minister Franco Frattini said that the Somali prime minister informed him directly about the vessel 's release and said it w work on the part of Somalia authorities and Italian intelligence .

  8. 谢里夫和他新任命的、曾接受西方教育的索马里总理萨马克承诺同青年党及其结盟的民兵进行接触,结束反政府的反叛活动,组建索马里18年来第一个正常运作的政府。

    He and his newly-appointed , western-educated Prime Minister Omar Abdirashid Sharmarke have pledged to reach out to al-Shabab and its allied militias to end the anti-government insurgency and to form the first functioning government in Somalia in 18 years .

  9. 周五肯尼亚首都的协议经过了两天多的辩论,索马里总理卜迪威利·默罕默德·阿里说,辩论主要涉及未来议会的规模和选择未来立法者的办法。

    The signers also include a representative of an influential militia . Friday 's agreement in the Kenyan capital followed more than two days of debate . Somali Prime Minister Abdiweli Mohammed Ali said the debate was mainly about the size of the future parliament and the methods for choosing future lawmakers .

  10. 然而,如果国国际社会放弃索马里,Meles总理说,他向AMISOM的两支主要部队,葡隆地和乌干达保证,一定会保证维和人员安全撤离。

    If that fails , however , and the international community abandons Somalia , Mr. Meles said he has assured Burundi and Uganda , the two AMISOM troop contributors , that Ethiopia will guarantee safe departure of the peacekeepers .

  11. 据索马里官员称,总理差点在一次自杀性爆炸事件中丧命(此处是强调死里逃生)。

    Officials in Somalia say the Prime Minister has survived a suicide bombing .