
  • 网络Indexer;Index
  1. 通过选择相应的UML操作的Leaf属性来表示sealed索引器。

    A sealed indexer is represented by selecting the Leaf property of the corresponding UML operation .

  2. 当它检测到一个更改时,它会让索引器开始分析,与此同时,索引Job认真地开始工作。

    When it detects a change , it tells the indexer to start analyzing , and this time , the indexer Job works in earnest .

  3. 该索引器将有两个int类型的参数,并且它将返回Point类型。

    This indexer will have two parameters of type int , and it will return a Point type .

  4. 因为Web不仅正日益成为人与人之间通信的场所,而且还日益成为软件应用程序(如服务器和搜索引擎索引器)之间进行通信的场所。

    The Web is increasingly becoming a place where communication happens not just between people , but between software applications such as servers and search engine indexers .

  5. 高性能网页索引器JUIndexer的实现

    Implementation of a Web Page Indexer JU_Indexer with High Performance

  6. 假定MySQL正在运行,使用如下所示的代码运行索引器来创建索引。

    Assuming that MySQL is running , run indexer to create the indices by using the code shown below .

  7. C索引器的形式参数成为相应的UML操作的参数,而索引器的类型成为UML操作的返回类型。

    The formal parameters of the C # indexer become the parameters of the corresponding UML operation and the type of the indexer becomes the return type of the UML operation .

  8. 搜索引擎首先通过信息采集器(Crawler)从Internet采集网页数据,然后通过索引器(Indexer)对采集数据进行分析,并建立索引。

    At first , Search engine collects web page from internet using crawler . Then , the web page data are analysed by indexer and indexes are created .

  9. 假设SCA和MDB应用程序已经部署并启动,确保针对特定文档集合的ICA爬行器和索引器均已运行。

    Assuming that SCA and MDB applications were already deployed and started , ensure that the ICA crawler and indexer for a particular document collection are running .

  10. 它提供了将索引器的数据存储到PDOM的例程。

    This provides the routines that store the indexer 's data within the PDOM .

  11. 本系统由Spider,索引器,分析器,检索器,任务管理器五部分组成,涉及的关键技术:Spider,负载均衡,排序,并行处理模型,缓存机制等。

    They are spider , searcher , analyzer , indexer and duty manager . Involves essential technology : spider load equalization , sort , parallel processing model , buffer mechanism and so on .

  12. 目录的改变,比如能够使用LDAP、NameLookup或两者提供目录,以及在DominoDirectory中更新视图的目录索引器任务。

    Changes to directories , for example the ability to use LDAP , NameLookup , or both to serve up directories , and a directory indexer task that updates views in the Domino Directory .

  13. 为解释这个以及其他有趣的特性,我需要描述一下索引器使用解析器的AST将如何工作以及它如何同PDOM进行交互。

    To explain this and other interesting features , I need to describe what the indexer does with the parser 's AST and how it interacts with the PDOM .

  14. 索引器接收到IASTTranslationUnit后,会得到在PDOM上的一个写锁并开始保持TranslationUnit的数据。

    After the indexer receives the IASTTranslationUnit , it gets a write lock on the PDOM and begins persisting the TranslationUnit 's data .

  15. 当创建了新的CProject时,PDOMManager会创建一个索引器来寻找并存储该项目源文件中的元素。

    When a new CProject is created , the PDOMManager creates an indexer to find and store the elements in the project 's source files .

  16. 高性能网页索引器JUIndexer用倒排索引表存储网页索引数据,以多线程并行的方式对网页建立索引数据,采用经过优化的检索算法实现用户的查询。

    JU_Indexer , a web page indexer with high performance , uses the inverted index table to store ( index ) data for web pages , creates index data by multiple threads concurrently , utilizes the optimized search ( algorithms ) to implement the queries posed by users .

  17. 它指示索引器表达式的一个或多个索引。

    That indicates the index or indexes of the indexer expression .

  18. 本文附带了即用的样例资源索引器应用程序。

    This article is supplied with a ready-to-use sample resources-indexer application .

  19. 在索引器工作时所有服务器的操作都将正常进行。

    All server operations can continue as normal while the indexer does its work .

  20. 赋值号左边必须是变量、属性或索引器

    The left-hand side of an assignment must be a variable , property or indexer

  21. 这是因为索引器只对特定的节点集感兴趣。

    This is because the indexer is only interested in a specific set of nodes .

  22. 它不包括索引器类型或形参名。

    It does not include the indexer type or the names of the formal parameters .

  23. 创建了索引器后,管理程序就会让索引器开始构建索引。

    After the indexer is created , the manager tells it to start building the index .

  24. 索引器与属性类似。

    Indexers are similar to properties .

  25. 可选参数和命名参数不仅可以用在方法调用中,还可以用在索引器和构造器中。

    Optional and named arguments can be used not only with methods but also with indexers and constructors .

  26. 当您声明一个在两个访问器上都有访问修饰符的属性或索引器时,将出现此错误。

    This error occurs when you declare a property or indexer with access modifiers on both its accessors .

  27. 默认情况下,全文索引器要求它所加载的筛选器和断字符经过签名。

    By default , the full-text indexer requires the filters and word breakers that it loads to be signed .

  28. 索引器将文档表示为一种便于检索的方式并存储在索引数据库中;

    The index shows the file for a kind of way easy to search and stores in the index database ;

  29. 使用基类的默认索引器属性创建一个公共属性,该公共属性的实现访问该属性。

    Using the default indexer property of the base class , create a public property whose implementation accesses the property .

  30. 该系统包括搜索器、索引器、检索器、用户接口四个搜索引擎的主要组成部分。

    This system consists of the four main parts of the searching engine : spider , indexer , searcher and UI .