
  • 网络soller;SORO
  1. 然而,索勒说,恋爱关系对于男孩这一身份来说不是那么重要。

    On the other hand , Soller said relationships are not as important to boys identities .

  2. 另一方面,索勒说,恋爱对男孩来说没有那么重要。

    On the other hand , Soller said relationships are not as important to boys " identities .

  3. 所以第一个被害人用绳索勒死这个人。

    So our first victim strangled this guy with wire .

  4. 值得一提的还有朱塞佩-索勒,他的投入和比赛态度很棒。

    Honourable mention to Gez Sole whose work rate and attitude were terrific .

  5. 踝部环形绳索勒伤

    The looped ankle injury caused by cord strangulation

  6. 索勒使用了来自国家青少年健康纵向研究的5300多名中学生数据。

    Soller used data from more than 5,300 high school students from the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health .

  7. 索勒的研究资料来自国家青少年健康的纵向研究的5300多所高中的学生。

    Soller used data from more than 5300 high school students from the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health .

  8. 论坛上另外一名悉尼的成员也讲了个相似的故事,不过这一次的主人公换成了三个女人,而死者也从被插剪刀换成了用绳索勒死。

    Another forum member in Sydney reported hearing an identical story , except with three women and strangulation rather than scissors .

  9. 他们住在印度尼西亚的玛琅,索勒在木兰3个月大时就开始照顾它,自那之后他们一直生活在一起。

    The pair spend every day together after Mr Sholeh helped raise her from a three-month-old cub in Malang , Indonesia .

  10. 位于古老村庄Moustiers-Sainte-Marie内的瓦朗索勒高地是著名陶艺工匠的家乡,也因其薰衣草蜂蜜而知名。

    Valensole plateau - home to the famous ceramics makers in the old village Moustiers-Sainte-Marie and is famous for its lavender honey .

  11. 一天早晨,我残忍地用套索勒住它的脖子,并把它吊在了树枝上。

    One morning , in cool blood , I slipped a noose about its neck and hung it to the limb of a tree .

  12. 他们密不可分,索勒在睡觉的时候还经常会把自己的床留出一块来和这只“巨猫”一起睡,他们一起住在一个摇摇晃晃的外屋里。

    The pair are so inseparable , Mr Sholeh often shuns his own bed to sleep alongside the big cat in a rickety outhouse .

  13. 一张照片显示,索勒先生的眼睛被木兰的一只爪子抓伤,眼里布满血丝。

    As one picture shows , Mr Sholeh was left with a bruised and bloodshot eye after being caught by one of Mulan 's paws 。

  14. 索勒通过把青少年在最初的面试中怎样描述他们的理想关系与面试结束后他们的第一次恋爱是怎样作对比,来测量关系的不真实性。

    Soller measured relationship inauthenticity by comparing how adolescents described their ideal relationship in an initial interview with how their first relationship after the interview actually played out .

  15. 他并不真的觉得好过,因为钓索勒在背上疼痛得几乎超出了能忍痛的极限,进入了一种使他不放心的麻木状态。

    He did not truly feel good because the pain from the cord across his back had almost passed pain and gone into a dullness that he mistrusted .

  16. 他跨进电梯时又绝望地瞥了我最后一眼,当你用绳索勒住狗的脖子时它作出的正是这种无言哀求。

    As he got into the lift he threw me a last despairing glance , one of those mute appeals which a dog makes when you put a noose around its neck .

  17. 在最初的测试中,研究者们提供青少年许多带有描述经常会出现在恋爱中的事情的卡片,这是事情小到牵手大到接吻,索勒说。

    In the initial interview , researchers provided adolescents with a number of cards describing events that often occur within relationships , including everything from hand-holding and kissing to sex , Soller said .

  18. 蓝军主帅若泽·穆里尼奥希望得到这名25岁前锋为他征战下赛季欧洲冠军杯,索勒已经透露他准备展开转会谈判。

    Blues boss Jose Mourinho wants Villa , 25 , for his assault on the Champions League next season & and Soler admits he is ready to open transfer talks for the Spain striker .

  19. 方法踝部环形绳索勒伤患者9例,胫前(足背)、胫后动脉同时损伤7例,单一胫后动脉损伤2例。

    Methods Among the nine patients with looped strangulation ankle injury , 7 had both their anterior and posterior tibia arteries involved , while the other 2 patients had only their posterior tibial artery involved .

  20. 按照研究策略表示,索勒说父母,教育工作者,政策制定者应该考虑如何帮助女孩构建与恋爱无关或与恋爱少有关联的特性。

    In terms of the study 's policy implications , Soller said parents , educators , and policymakers should think about how to help girls construct identities that are less closely tied to romantic involvement .

  21. 不过这时东风给船增加了一份阻力,老人随着不大的海浪缓缓漂流,钓索勒在他背上的感觉变得舒适而温和些了。

    But there was an added drag now from the easterly breeze and the old man rode gently with the small sea and the hurt of the cord across his back came to him easily and smoothly .

  22. 在瑞典北部的索勒夫茶镇,孕妇不得不提前两个小时分娩,因为当地医院的产科病房在1月被关闭,这也是缩减政策的一部分。

    In the northern Swedish town of Sollefte ? pregnant woman have to travel up to two hours to give birth after the local hospital 's maternity unit was closed in January as part of wider health cuts .

  23. 索勒建议创建程序和干预措施,旨在为青少年提供工具,帮助他们更好地控制她们关系的进展可能会促进青少年的心理健康和其他成长成果。

    Soller also suggested that creating programs and interventions aimed at providing adolescents with tools to help them better control how the events in their relationships play out may lead to romances that enhance adolescent mental health and other developmental outcomes .

  24. 为什么恋爱关系不如意会影响女孩的精神健康,而对男孩没什么影响呢?索勒说,恋爱关系对女孩这一身份来说格外重要,所以恋爱也会影响到她们对自身的看法要么良好要么糟糕。

    As for why relationship inauthenticity increased the risk of mental health problems for girls , but not for boys , Soller said , Romantic relationships are particularly important components of girls identities and are , therefore , strongly related to how they feel about themselves good or bad .

  25. 对于为什么恋爱关系的不真实性增加了女孩产生精神问题的风险,而对男孩却没有影响。索勒说“恋爱关系是女孩特性的特别重要的组成,因此,与她们对自己感觉如何有很重要的关联——好或者不好”。

    As for why relationship inauthenticity increased the risk of mental health problems for girls , but not for boys , Soller said , " Romantic relationships are particularly important components of girls " identities and are , therefore , strongly related to how they feel about themselves - good or bad .