
  • 网络cable saddle
  1. 采用HDPE分丝管索鞍,即将HDPE分丝管置于矩形焊接钢箱内,在分丝管外灌注高标号水泥浆的结构形式。

    The cable saddle is a structure with its HDPE sleeves installed in a rectangular steel box and with the high-grade cement mortar grouted outside the sleeves .

  2. 从力学关系和几何特征出发,导出了平面及空间索鞍设计位置确定的非线性方程组,采用New-Raphson迭代法进行求解,给出了迭代格式与步骤。

    Based on mechanical relationship and geometric relationship of saddle , non-linear equations of saddle ' position are derived , which are solved by the New-Raphson iterating method .

  3. 该桥主缆由85根Φ54mm镀锌钢丝绳组成,钢丝标准强度1960MPa,主缆由单根连续的钢丝绳绕过全部索鞍后,在梁内通过螺纹连接杆与连接套筒连接形成环型索。

    The main cable is composed of 85 zinc-coated wire ropes with Φ 54 mm and 1960 MPa of standard strength , it , being moved round all the saddles by single continuous wire rope , connects to sleeve through threaded linkage in beam , forming a ring cable .

  4. 简易吊装装置安装大吨位索鞍施工技术

    Construction techniques on installation of cable saddle using simple hoisting equipments

  5. 具有滑移式散索鞍的悬索桥主缆架设分析

    Calculation of cable erection in suspension bridge with sliding saddles

  6. 矮塔斜拉桥索鞍区模型试验及设计探讨

    Model test and design investigation on saddle deviator zone of extra-dosed bridge

  7. 悬索桥结构分析中索鞍的精确模拟

    A saddle model in finite element analysis of suspension bridges

  8. 基于索鞍无预偏施工悬索桥的施工仿真

    Construction simulation for suspension bridge with non-pre-bias of cable saddle

  9. 自锚式悬索桥主索鞍分块及吊装施工技术

    Main Cable Saddle Cutting and Hoisting Technology of Cable Self-anchored Suspension Bridge

  10. 悬索桥索鞍位置的分离计算法

    Separate calculation method on suspension bridge saddle 's position

  11. 矮塔斜拉桥索鞍受力分析

    Analysis of Saddle Structures In Low Tower Cable-stayed Bridge

  12. 拉索连续跨过塔架内的索鞍。

    Stays are continuous over saddles in the pylon .

  13. 空间缆索悬索桥倾斜母线索鞍设计位置的计算方法

    Calculation Method on Lean Busbar Saddle 's Position of Suspension Bridge with Spatial Cables

  14. 吊拉组合桥考虑索鞍影响的线形计算及程序设计

    Cable shape calculation and program design considering the saddle influence of cable-stayed suspension bridge

  15. 悬索桥索鞍位置设计

    Design of Suspension Bridge Saddle ′ s Position

  16. 此外还对索鞍区混凝土连续体的受力特征进行了分析研究。

    Moreover the mechanical characteristics of the concrete continuum of the saddle zone were analyzed .

  17. 无索鞍预偏施工悬索桥的主缆施工控制计算

    Calculation Method of Main Cable System for Suspension Bridge Based on Zero Saddle Pre - bias

  18. 开封黄河大桥斜拉索新型索鞍力学性能研究

    Study of Mechanical Behavior of New Type Saddles for Stay Cables of Kaifeng Huanghe River Bridge

  19. 目前分丝管索鞍结构逐渐成熟,成为矮塔斜拉桥索鞍结构的主流。

    At present the strand-separating tubular-saddle is becoming mature gradually , and is applied widely in the short-pylon cable-stayed bridge .

  20. 大多采用的锚固方式是分层式鞍座,按构造形式主要分为双套管和分丝管索鞍结构。

    Most of anchoring manners are layered saddle , according to their structure is mainly divided into sub-steel-pipe and double casing saddle structure .

  21. 建立适合于索鞍无预偏施工悬索桥模拟分析和施工控制的空间计算模型。

    Set up a space computing model fit to simulating analysis and construction control for suspension bridge built by the non-pre-bias of cable-addle .

  22. 从调整和监测效果来看,主索鞍可控状态下的自由滑移,并未使得上、下游主缆受力不协调,控制效果良好。

    From the effect of adjustment and monitoring , the stress of the upstream and downstream cable is harmonious , and the control effect was favorable .

  23. 为在悬索桥结构的有限元分析中真实、简洁、高效地模拟索鞍,本文建立了一类新的单元。

    In order to model the cable saddles in finite element analysis of suspension bridge more realistically and effectively , one class of new elements was developed .

  24. 积放式悬挂输送机系统线路布置原则的探讨空间缆索悬索桥倾斜母线索鞍设计位置的计算方法

    Discussion on the Layout Design Principle of Wide Pusher Power and Free Conveyor Calculation Method on Lean Busbar Saddle 's Position of Suspension Bridge with Spatial Cables

  25. 通过与有索鞍预偏施工方法对比,定义了此类施工方法对应的空缆状态及该状态下的空缆线形计算方法。

    By comparing with the construction method of pre-displacement of cable saddle , definite the corresponding calculation methods for suspender state and its geometric of the suspender .

  26. 实例验证表明,该方法有效地解决了无索鞍预偏施工控制中主缆线形的计算问题。

    This method is proved to be able to solve the calculation problem of main cable linetype control in zero cable saddle pre - bias suspension bridges .

  27. 基于分段悬链线理论,提出了一套完整的可精确考虑索鞍影响的自锚式吊拉组合桥主缆线形计算的解析方法。

    Based on segmental catenary theory , a set of complete analytic method for cable-shape finding is put forward , which can take saddle influence into accurate construction .

  28. 针对索鞍无预偏施工悬索桥的几何形状对温度变化非常敏感等特点,研究了主缆架设过程中存在的温度效应问题。

    The geometry of the suspension bridge built by the non-pre-bias of cable-saddle is very sensitive to the temperature in the process of the main cable 's erection .

  29. 这种解析迭代法可以考虑散索鞍重量的影响,以及主梁的架设对索鞍支承面的弹性压缩。

    The weights of anchorage cable saddles , and the elastic displacements of the saddle backstop induced by construction of beam , can be considered in this analytical iterative method .

  30. 随着大跨度悬索桥的发展,对主缆的分析越来越精确严密,甚至考虑了施工中主缆与索鞍相切的切点变化。

    With the development of long-span suspension bridges , analysis of the cable is more and more precise . The tangent point change of cable and saddle in construction is even considered sometimes .