
  • 网络Scandinavian style;Scandinavia
  1. 比如,Hedley&Bennett的腰部系带色块围裙(40美元起,特价)或者MarcyButler的意大利亚麻V领卡罗尔围裙(118美元),后者是一种裁剪符号学,反映出对斯堪的纳维亚风格和化学实验室的双重喜爱。

    Think of aprons like Hedley & Bennett 's color-blocked waist-tied styles ( from $ 40 , on sale ) or the Marcy Butler Italian linen V-neck Carol ( $ 118 ) as a piece of tied-on sartorial semiology that reflects a fondness for both Scandinavia and the chemistry lab.

  2. 在帕默尔的理想世界里,每个人都应该去斯堪的纳维亚风格的学校。

    In the ideal Palmer world , everyone would go to a Scandinavian-style school .

  3. 各家企业本身以及各种资金充沛的机构都投入资金,在海外宣传斯堪的纳维亚风格。

    The companies themselves , as well as various well-funded bodies , invest in promoting Scandinavian ideas abroad .

  4. 每10个房间和套房都分别按照洁净的斯堪的纳维亚风格设计,辅以波斯地毯和店主的私人艺术藏品。

    Each of the 10 rooms and suites is individually designed with clean Scandinavian overtones mixed with Persian rugs and artwork from the owner 's collection .

  5. 举例来说,斯堪的纳维亚风格的公寓比较质朴,而西班牙南部的住宅往往光线较暗,窗扉紧闭,以遮挡毒辣的阳光。

    For instance , the austerity of Scandinavian apartments . Or the way homes in southern Spain tend to be dark , with windows shut to the blistering sun .

  6. 他表示,沃尔沃采用带有斯堪的纳维亚风格的新颖设计,具有安全性、环保价值和“智能功能”,如易于使用的信息娱乐系统等。

    Volvo , he said , will connote attractive design with a Scandinavian flavor , safety , environmental values , and " clever functionality , " such as easy-to-use infotainment .

  7. 尽管它们与外卖小店及街拐角杂货店“比邻而居”,但Torst酒吧与Luksus餐馆的设计均沿用简洁的斯堪的纳维亚风格的造型(Luksus在丹麦语中是“豪华”的意思)。

    Though neighbour to takeaway joints and street-corner grocery stores , both Torst and Luksus are designed along clean Scandinavian lines ( Luksus means " luxury " in Danish ) .

  8. 我们将继续保留这个瑞典卓著品牌的核心价值,即安全、高品质、环保和现代的斯堪的纳维亚设计风格。

    This famous Swedish premiumbrand will remain true to its core values of safety , quality , environmentalcare and modern Scandinavian design .

  9. 北欧(斯堪的纳维亚)设计风格是近百年来,尤其是20世纪50年代以来,在世界范围内日益赢得好的设计、经典设计赞誉的代名词。

    The style of Scandinavia design has been regarded as Good Design , Perfect Design since the last century , especially since the last 50 years of the 20th century .