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  • Sporanox
  1. 方法:8例轻度角膜炎单服斯皮仁诺。

    Methods : Eight patients with mild keratitis were treated only with sporanox .

  2. 结论加用斯皮仁诺治疗复发性阴道念珠菌病效果明显,是一种有效的治疗方法。

    Conclusion plus with Sporanox treatment of recurrent vaginal candidiasis evident result is an effective treatment .

  3. 结论盐酸伊曲康唑分散片的平均相对生物利用度为142.29%,较斯皮仁诺有明显提高(P<0.05),双单侧t检验的结果表明两制剂的lnAUC0-48和lnρmax均为生物不等效。

    CONCLUSION The mean relative bioavailability is 142.29 % . The AUC of the dispersible tablets are significantly higher than that of capsules ( P < 0.05 ) . The test and reference formulations are not bioequivalent .

  4. 斯皮仁诺短程冲击间歇治疗老年甲真菌病

    Treatment of onychomycosis with sporanox by short-phase pulse therapy in elderly

  5. 真菌感染对氟康唑耐药增多,对斯皮仁诺仍敏感。

    Fungal infection was more resistant to fluconazole , but was sensitive to itraconazole .

  6. 达克宁栓与斯皮仁诺联合治疗复发性念珠菌性阴道炎的疗效观察

    Observations on the Combined Therapeutic Effect of Miconazole Nitrate Pessary and Itraconazole on Recurrent Candidal Vaginitis

  7. 总结斯皮仁诺治疗造血系统恶性疾病继发真菌感染患者的护理体会。

    The authors summarize their experience in nursing the patients with fungus infections from malignant diseases in hematopoietic system treated with Sporanox .

  8. 目的:考察伊曲康唑(商品名斯皮仁诺)在皮肤真菌性疾病治疗剂量下的药物安全性。

    Objective To study the security of Itraconazole ( commercial name is Sporanox ) in the treatment of fungal disease under treatment dose .

  9. 斯皮仁诺、氟康唑治疗187例念珠菌性尿道炎的临床治愈率、细菌学治愈率分别为77.71%、95.18%和80.95%、90.48%。

    Clinical cure rate and fungal clearance rate of candidal urethritis treated with itraconazole vs fluconazole were 77.71 % and 95.18 % vs 80.95 % and 90.48 % .