
yíng guāng xiǎn wēi jìng jì shù
  • fluorescence microscopy
  1. 用荧光显微镜技术观察药用野生稻(OryzaofficinalisWall)和转基因水稻的不亲和性

    Observation of the Sexual Incompatibility Between Wild Rice ( Oryza officinalis Wall ) and Transgenic Rice by Fluorescence Microscope

  2. 采用荧光显微镜技术观察BS对谷氨酸所诱导PC12细胞凋亡的影响;

    The fluorescence microscope technique was employed to observe the effect of BS on apoptosis of PC12 cells induced by Glu .

  3. 方法:不同浓度苦参碱作用于体外培养AngⅡ作用的小鼠心肌成纤维细胞,利用倒置显微镜、PI/Hoechst33342双染结合荧光显微镜技术观察细胞形态;

    Methods : Cardiac fibroblasts of mice were cultured and cell count , morphology of apoptosis cells were studied by fluorescence microscope with PI / Hoechst 33342 double staining .

  4. 方法:利用体外细胞培养技术、mtt法、流式细胞仪、荧光显微镜技术检测不同浓度的紫草素对colo-16细胞株增殖及凋亡的影响。

    Methods : the effects of shikonin on proliferation and apoptosis of colo-16cell line were assessed using culture technique of colo-16in vitro , mtt , fluorescence testing and flow cyctometry assay .

  5. 利用种子结实分析方法和荧光显微镜技术对9个大白菜品系进行自交不亲和性测定,试验采取完全随机设计。

    Seed-setting analysis and fluorescent microscope techniques were used to check self-incompatibility of 9 Chinese cabbage lines . Completely randomized design was used .

  6. 用荧光显微镜技术测定时,品系2334,272737409和142发现为弱性自交不亲和。

    When fluorescent microscope technique was used , lines 23-3-4 , 27 , 27-3-7 , 40-9 and 142 were found to be weak self-incompatible .

  7. 脏器微循环研究中的荧光视频显微镜技术

    Fluorescence Video - Microscopic Technique in Organ Microcirculation

  8. 荧光探针和显微镜技术的发展革新了细胞动态机制研究的方式。

    Technical advances in bright fluorescent probes and novel microscopy techniques have revolutionized the way subcellular dynamics are studied .

  9. 方法应用荧光显微镜和透射电镜技术观察不同浓度的Pae对HT-29细胞增殖的抑制及凋亡诱导作用;

    Methods The induction of apoptosis on HT-29 cells were measured by fluorescence microscope and transmission electron microscopy .