
  • 网络masters
  1. 中国杰出选手颜丙涛以10比8击败约翰·希金斯,赢得他职业生涯中首个斯诺克大师赛冠军。

    Chinese ace Yan Bingtao has won the snooker Masters title for the first time in his career after beating John Higgins 10-8 .

  2. 据英国广播公司报道,周日在英国温布利斯诺克大师赛决赛上,丁俊晖10-4击败香港选手傅家俊,职业生涯首次夺得温布利大师赛冠军。

    Ding Junhui secured his first Masters title in snooker with a10-4 victory over Marco Fu in a historic all-Asian final at Wembley Sunday , the BBC reported .