
  • 网络Slark;Slack;serac
  1. 根据incidentaleconomist的数据颇具影响力的博客作者以斯拉克莱因(ezraklein)最近也引用了这个数据自1977年以来,美国最富有的一半人的预期寿命提高了6年。

    According to data from the incidental economist - also cited by the influential blogger Ezra Klein last week - the life expectancy of the richest half of Americans has risen by six years since 1977 .

  2. 带着四万多斯拉克哮吼武士.

    with 40000 Dothraki screamers at his back .

  3. 但他在土耳其斯拉克一些主要广场展出的油画却令人担心。

    Some of the canvases he has on display at the main square in Suruc , Turkey , are disturbing .