
  1. 佛罗里达州茶党偶像、参议院8人小组成员之一的马可•鲁比奥(MarcoRubio)认为有必要与该法案撇清关系,这让人忧心。

    The fact that Marco Rubio , the Florida Tea Party icon who is in the Senate Group of Eight , felt the need to disavow any link was worrying .

  2. 绿党将首次成为该州的执政党。

    The Greens will now take control of a state government for the first time .

  3. 第三章,探讨了影响延边州农村基层党组织建设的因素。

    The factors which influence construction of Rural Grass-roots Party Organizations of Yanbian State are the following .

  4. 纽约长岛,像维克多这样的抗议者们聚集在州参议院多数党领袖迪安·史科洛的办公室。

    On New York 's Long Island , protesters like Victor Pareas gathered outside state Senate Majority Leader Dean Skelos 's office .

  5. 然而,最近这位肯塔基州参议员、茶党(TeaParty)红人开始在金融领域开辟新土。

    This week , however , the Kentucky senator and darling of the Tea Party is carving out new frontiers in finance .

  6. 来自内华达州的参议院多数党领袖哈里里德(harryreid)是该枪支游说团体的坚定盟友。

    Harry Reid , the Senate majority leader from Nevada , is a strong ally of the gun lobby .

  7. 但是不及新罕不什尔州和爱荷华州党的细致观察,而且只有很少的候选者参加。

    But the caucus fell between the far more scrutinized Iowa caucus and New Hampshire primary , and few candidates attended .

  8. 8月下旬,共和党人要在佛罗里达州坦帕市举行党提名大会,而赢得总统侯选人提名,必须有1144张党代表票的支持。

    It takes the support of 1144 delegates to secure the Republican nomination at the party 's nominating convention in Tampa , Florida , in late August .

  9. 来自田纳西州的参议院多数党领袖共和党人比尔夫斯特今年曾多次试图取消或削减被其反对者称为“死亡税”的遗产税。

    Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist , R-Tennessee , had tried repeatedly this year to repeal or reduce the estate tax , derided as the " death tax " by its opponents .

  10. 尽管卢比奥在福罗里达州的“茶党”运动中声名鹊起,但是他已在外交事务上比同事们表现出更大的兴趣。

    And while Rubio originally came to prominence via the " tea party " movement in Florida , he has since suggested a greater interest in foreign affairs than many of his peers .

  11. 民意调查显示,奥巴马参议员在这个州领先。不过,克林顿参议员可能几乎同奥巴马平分这个州的33张党代表票。

    Opinion polls put Senator Barack Obama in first place , but , Senator Hillary Clinton is likely to almost evenly split the state's33 delegates .