
  • 网络Kazan;KHAZAN;Kazaam;Cazan
  1. 南贾尼饰演他本人,而佐伊?卡赞饰演艾米丽?V?戈登。据《TheWrap》杂志称,这是一部“甜蜜中带着诙谐的爱情故事片,荒诞却又真实”。

    Nanjiani plays himself , while Zoe Kazan is Gordon - and the plot is " the kind of sweetly funny movie love story that 's so bizarre that it has to be real , " according to The Wrap .

  2. 卡赞说“化妆税”是真实存在的。

    The " makeup tax " is very real , Khazan says .

  3. 世界上只有三颗红钻超过5克拉,其中有一颗名为“卡赞金红钻”,2010年曾在美国自然历史博物馆展出。

    Only three red diamondsweigh more than 5 carats , including the Kazanjian Red Diamond , which went on display at the American Museum of Natural History in 2010 .