
zhuān duàn
  • to be arbitrary;act arbitrarily;make an arbitrary decision
专断 [zhuān duàn]
  • [make an arbitrary decision;act arbitrarily] 专横地作出决定;武断行事

  • 专断使他丧失了理智

专断[zhuān duàn]
  1. 就是要合理考虑相关因素,不得专断。

    It is to consider related actors reasonably and not to act arbitrarily .

  2. 那位医生很专断。患者需要了解什么信息全由他说了算。

    The doctor is being paternalistic . He 's deciding what information the patient needs to know

  3. 他们对自己眼中那些专断蛮横的行为非常厌恶

    They resent what they see as bossiness .

  4. 中国美国商会会长詹姆斯倠默尔曼(JamesZimmerman)表示,经营方面的担忧仍是主要原因,但中国政府在刑事司法等领域的专断也是一个因素。

    Business concerns remained the main reason , said Jim Zimmerman , the chamber 's chairman , but government assertiveness in areas such as criminal justice was also a factor .

  5. 赋予他们权力可以专断地关闭任何报社的法律。

    Laws that empowered them to close down any newspaper arbitrarily .

  6. 虽然所有被划定的界限都不可避免的带有专断。

    Any boundary will inevitably be somewhat arbitrary , however .

  7. 可是他们也知道董事长的脾气就是那样专断,那样执拗。

    But they knew also the chairman 's domineering temper and tenacity .

  8. 而封建式的专断政治形态,至今也还没有结束。

    To this day , the feudal political absolutism has not disappeared .

  9. 这些少数派团体是那些偏离专断准则的人。

    These minority groups are people who deviate from the arbitrary norms .

  10. 其次,协定必须禁止专断和不公正地对待外国投资者。

    Second , they must prohibit arbitrary and unfair treatment of foreign investors .

  11. 专断的教诲与批判的汲取&斯泰因与海明威语言风格比较

    The Comparison of Language Style between Stein and Hemingway

  12. 没有诉权相对应的执行裁判权是专断的。

    The judicial enforcement power without the correspondence of action right is peremptory .

  13. 她是如此专断;我是说如此专制。

    She 's so authoritative , I mean authoritarian .

  14. 第三,专断性权力与基础结构权力的悖离。

    Third , the paradox of the despotic power and the infrastructural power .

  15. 但我十分明白的是莎莉有个专断的祖父。

    What I did know was that Sally 's grandfather was a domineering man .

  16. 这或许与试着让自己的话听上去不那么傲慢专断有关。

    Perhaps it has to do with an attempt not to sound dogmatic . '

  17. 他说,这样做会显得“太严苛或太专断”。

    This would be " too draconian or too paternalistic , " he says .

  18. 做未经允许的或专断的调查。

    Make an uninvited or presumptuous inquiry .

  19. 对于事实问题裁量的干预,本文采取了合理性基准,即未有基于专断、任性、滥用裁量等情况,与事实认定相关的论据在一个正常理性人那里看来是可以接受的。

    For the intervention on the discretion of facts issues , this paper adopted rationality benchmarks .

  20. 哈耶克把自由界定为一个人不受制于另一个或另一些人因专断意志而产生的强制状态。

    Hayek defines liberty as condition which is the independence of the arbitrary will of another .

  21. 他这人做事非常专断。

    He did everything arbitrarily .

  22. 这种以集体领导的外表掩盖个人专断的实质的办法,必须坚决加以反对。

    This practice of personal arbitrary action under the guise of collective leadership must be resolutely opposed .

  23. 在美国,一些人认为禁止某些类型的枪支是专断的。

    In the US , some people argue that a ban on some type of guns is arbitrary .

  24. 因为我们已经开始使私人专断的种种权力恰当地服从于大众的政府。

    for we have begun to bring private autocratic powers into their proper subordination to the public 's government .

  25. 因此专断意志的强制在知识论上并不具有合理性。

    Therefore , the coercion of arbitrary will does not have its rationality in the theory of " ignorant " .

  26. 专断的官僚主义和过分的管制阻碍了企业创新和竞争,降低了公司的效率。

    Overbearing bureaucrats and excessive regulation has stymied entrepreneurship and competition , hurting the efficiency of the domestic corporate sector .

  27. 更令人心烦的是(我的)逮捕及其随后法庭中的命运相当专断。

    What makes it rather disturbing was the arbitrary circumstances both of my arrest and my subsequent fate in court .

  28. 恢复到《安妮法令》的28年版权保护期是随意专断的,但并非没有道理。

    A return to the28-year copyrights of the Statute of Anne would be in many ways arbitrary , but not unreasonable .

  29. 第三章比较分析了有关专断医疗罪与非罪的三种学说,并且立足于我国刑法学现状,对三种观点的在中国的可行性进行探讨。

    Chapter three : comparative analysis of doctrines about crime and non & crime , and study the feasibility in china .

  30. 他们说他们希望奥运会将会导引出一个开放的中国,然而她却变得更加专断。

    They say they had hoped that the Olympics would lead to an opening , but there has been more repression .