
  • 网络patent pool
  1. 专利联盟中的组织学习与技术能力提升&以NOKIA为例

    Organization Learning and Technical Capabilities Enhancing of Firms Among Patent Pool & A Case of Nokia

  2. 专利联盟:战略联盟研究的新领域

    Patent Pool : a New Research in the Field of Strategic Alliance

  3. 在上述基础上,本文选用TD-SCDMA专利联盟进行实证分析。

    Based on the above point of view , the dissertation uses TD-SCDMA patent alliance mode for an actual analysis .

  4. 诺基亚(NOKIA)公司通过在专利联盟中积极学习技术领先者的知识,取得了在移动通信技术领域综合能力的快速提升和在全球市场的成功。

    Learning through patent pool is an important means to acquire knowledge . Nokia learned actively from leading partners of patent pool s , got rapid improvement in the mobile technology and comprehensive capabilities , became the leading firm in the global mobile phone market .

  5. 随着6C等专利联盟对中国DVD行业收取巨额专利使用费,专利联盟这一经济实体已引起了学者们的关注。

    With the imposing a great deal of patent royalty on the DVD industry in China by the patent pool , such as 6C and so on , the scholar have been giving attention to the Patent Pool .

  6. 单一市场结构下专利联盟的市场绩效分析

    Analysis of the Market Performance of Patent Pool in Single-Market

  7. 专利联盟是基于专利许可而组成的一种战略联盟形式。

    Patent pool is a new form of strategic alliance .

  8. 文章最后是对专利联盟的反垄断规制的完善提出的建议。

    At last , putting forward some suggestions to regulating patent pool .

  9. 专利联盟成员的专利许可投入决策研究

    A research of patent alliance member 's patent licensing decision

  10. 存在纵向一体化成员的专利联盟效应研究

    The Study of Patent Pools ' Effects Which Have Vertical Integrated Companies

  11. 第二部分主要介绍了专利联盟的反垄断规制的一般原理。

    Secondly , mainly expounding principle of the Anti-trust restriction for Patent Pool .

  12. 专利联盟的微观机理研究

    Study on the Microcosmic Mechanism of the Patent Pool

  13. 专利联盟;创新效应;研发投资;形成困境;序贯谈判;

    Patent Pools Innovation Effect R & D Investment Coalition Dilemma Sequential Negotiation ;

  14. 专利联盟对企业具有多重价值。

    Patent alliance has multiple values for enterprises .

  15. 首次对专利联盟成员企业的专利战略问题进行研究。

    This dissertation studies the patent strategy of a patent pool member first time .

  16. 专利联盟的竞争分析

    An analysis on competition issues in patent pool

  17. 电压力锅专利联盟知识产权战略及策略运用

    Strategy And Tactics Use Of Intellectual Property For The Electrical Pressure Cooker Patent Union

  18. 专利联盟与专利使用效率的提高

    Patent pool and the improvement of patent efficiency

  19. 专利联盟理论及其对我国企业专利战略的启示

    Patent pool : The theory and its inspirations for the patent strategy of Chinese enterprises

  20. 专利联盟研究综述

    Patent Pool : A Literature Review

  21. 专利联盟的垄断性研究

    On the Monopolization of Patent Pools

  22. 专利联盟制度研究

    Study on Patent Alliance System

  23. 专利联盟的反垄断审查主要包括卡特尔管制和滥用市场支配地位行为禁止。

    Patten alliance-based anti-monopoly review mainly consists of Cartel Regulation and the forbiddance of abusing market ascendancy .

  24. 专利联盟打包了离散的专利权,为专利丛林问题提供了直接解决方案。

    A patent pool can pack the fragmental patents , provide direct solution to patent thicket problem .

  25. 加强专利联盟建设,对提高我国企业自主研发积极性具有重大现实意义。

    Enhancing coalition of patent pools is very significant to boost the independent R & D positivity of Chinese enterprises .

  26. 首先,本文在分析专利联盟的诸多特征基础上总体考察了专利联盟这一环境对其成员企业的专利战略产生的各种可能影响。

    Firstly , it investigates every possible influences of patent pool on the patent strategy of the pool member overall .

  27. 本文对创新效应和形成困境两方面新兴专利联盟研究方向的动态进行了评述。

    This paper reviewed the trend of two new research direction of patent pools , namely innovation effect and coalition dilemma .

  28. 后半部分分析专利联盟与反垄断法的价值一致性和潜在冲突,得出用反垄断法规制清洁能源专利联盟的必要性与合理性的论点。

    Analyzes the patent pools and the value of anti & monopoly law consistency and potential conflict in the second part .

  29. 我国专利联盟的建立及法律调整是创新型国家建设背景下的一个重要议题。

    The establishment and law adjustment of the patent pool has been an important issue under the background of building innovation-oriented country .

  30. 在众多的知识产权战略中,专利联盟以其特有的联盟效应在市场竞争特别是国际市场竞争中起着至关重要的作用,也越来越引起关注。

    Among the numerous intellectual property strategies , patent pool gains more and more attention , due to its particular scale effect .