
  1. 法国核能产业可能甚至将福岛事故视为一次机遇。

    The French nuclear industry may even see Fukushima as an opportunity .

  2. 核能产业在其他地区也在重现生机。

    Elsewhere , too , the industry was reviving .

  3. 核能产业中很少有谁还指望着能新增许多反应堆。

    Few in the industry expect many more .

  4. 核能产业派系竞争激烈,管理者与公共事业公司交往过密。

    The industry is fiercely tribal , and regulators are too close to the utilities .

  5. 当核能产业自切尔诺贝利事故以来便已陷入停滞之时,天然气和可再生能源却以惊人的速度发展。

    While the nuclear industry has stalled since Chernobyl , natural gas and renewables have come on impressively .

  6. 越南宣布了发展核能产业的雄心勃勃的计划,打算到2030年建立并运行8座核反应堆。

    Vietnam has announced ambitious plans to develop a nuclear power industry , with the aim of having eight nuclear plants up and running by2030 .

  7. 即便是会议举办地佛罗里达州的一派奢华海边度假胜地景象,也无法掩盖核能产业此时的失落。

    Not even the posh seaside resort in Florida where the conference was held could mask what a lousy time it was to be in the nuclear business .

  8. 他还说,越南总理阮晋勇已经批准了核能产业“人力资源”方面培训越南工人的一个计划。

    He added that Vietnamese prime minister Nguyen Tan Dung has approved a plan to train Vietnamese workers in the " human resources " side of the nuclear industry .

  9. 近年来,我国开始了对核能产业的大力发展,随之而来的是大量需要与生物圈隔离、进行永久处置的核废料。

    In recent years , China began to develop its nuclear energy industry , which will produce a large number of nuclear wastes that needs to be isolated from the Biosphere and disposed permanently .

  10. 核能产业的乏燃料经过后处理阶段生成的大量高放废液按照规划将被使用玻璃固化后进行深地质处置。

    According to the plan of Chinese Government , the high-level liquid waste , which was produced in the post-processing stage of the spent fuel generated by the nuclear power industry , will be solidified in glass and then disposed in the deep geological repository .

  11. 日本杜鹿郡半岛(后遭海啸洗劫),大大吹嘘其捕鲸以及核能两大产业以招徕游客。

    The Oshika peninsula , devastated by the tsunami , welcomes visitors by boasting of its two main industries , whaling and nuclear power .

  12. 日本核能之痛更多源自核能产业的运营模式,而非其技术本质。

    Japan 's nuclear anguish stems more from the way the industry is run than from its technological essence .

  13. 涵盖了核能业的行业技能协会Cogent表示,到2025年,英国核能产业约有三分之二的高层管理人员将要退休。

    About two-thirds of top British nuclear managers could retire by 2025 , according to Cogent , the skills council that covers the nuclear industry .