
  • 网络underwrite
  1. 介绍了保险公司核保核赔系统的设计。

    This paper introduces the design of insurance company underwriting system .

  2. 较少的过剩资本又可能会改善核保纪律[注5],推高保险费率。

    Less surplus capital should improve underwriting discipline , pushing up rates .

  3. 保险公司采用电子签名技术,实现了网上投保、在线支付、网上智能核保和发送电子保单等全E化流程,为保险业的电子商务带来实质性突破。

    By using E-signature technology , insurance companies achieves a significant breakthrough in E-commerce , namely , a fully electronic business process ranging from online application , online payment and online intelligent underwriting to sending the electronic policy .

  4. 韩国首尔——五年前,在一家荷兰保险公司任核保员的善美·施塔珀尔(SunMiStapel)开始寻找在韩国的亲生父母。

    SEOUL , South Korea - Five yearsago , Sun Mi Stapel , a claims handler at a Dutch insurance company , begansearching for her South Korean birth family .

  5. 最后讨论了现行核保核赔系统存在的问题以及将来的发展趋势。

    Finally discusses the development trend of underwriting system .

  6. 一个调整核保分析的方法及互联网及伤残理赔风险管理。

    One Approach for Adjusting Underwriting Analysis and The Internet and Disability Claim Risk Management .

  7. 安华农业保险公司核保核赔系统的设计与实现

    The Design and Implementation on Underwriting and Approved Compensation System of Anhua Agricultural Insurance Company

  8. 讨论的题材包括在澳洲的伤残产品中什么是适当的财务核保?

    Topics discussed are : What is Adequate Financial Underwriting for Disability Products in Australia ?

  9. 公共场所火灾公众责任险风险评估及核保模型研究

    Risk assessment of the public liability of fire for public place and research on the underwriting model

  10. 人身险核保是人身险中专业性很强、技术性很高、操作较复杂的一道保险工作流程。

    Underwriting is a highly specialized , technical and complicated process of work in life insurance business .

  11. 核保人对投保申请书作复审,然后决定要么以合理的费率接受该业务,要么拒绝承保。

    The underwriter reviews applications for insurance and then either accepts them at an appropriate rate or rejects them .

  12. 实务中利润损失保险核保的主要内容,包括对毛利润、工资、审计师费用、投保保险金额的确定,物质损失保险的核保因素和利润损失保险特有的核保所要考虑的影响因素;

    In practice , the importance is to decide the insurance amount of gross profit , wage and so on .

  13. 我国可借鉴台湾地区《保险法》中谨慎核保的规范性条款对此方面进行完善。

    So we should perfect this aspect by referring to the stipulation in the Insurance Law of China 's Taiwan district .

  14. 对投保人要从条款设计、核保、理赔、保健等几个方面控制风险。

    To the policy holders , the risks will be controlled from insurance clause , insurance checkage , insurance indemnity , health protection .

  15. 针对投保人的逆向选择,首先要加强核保控制,其次是建立科学的理赔机制。

    In view of adverse selection of the insured , the first is to strengthen insurance underwriting control , the second is to establish mechanism for scientific claims .

  16. 这不仅对人们日常生活疾病的预防、监控有一定的指导意义,也给医疗保险中保单的核保提供了风险度量的判别依据。

    Not only does it indicates the precaution and surveillance of diseases in human daily life , but also provides the criteria of the risk measurement for medical insurance .

  17. 核保核赔是专业性极强的工作,融合保险、法律、医学、金融财务、心理学、社会学等各方面知识。

    Underwriting and claim settlement is highly technical with a combination of insurance , laws and regulations , medical sciences , financial accounting , psychology , and sociology , etc.

  18. 在此基础上,讨论了核保管理系统的功能,对于核保规则管理、核保规则运行、核保权限控制和利用规则控制业务流程等主要流程进行了分析。

    And then the business function of underwriting and the major flow including underwriting rule management , rule execution , authority management and business flow under rule control are introduced .

  19. 结构设计上,通过中间件技术实现终端和浏览器两种客户端同时工作,业务逻辑设计上,以工作流技术为核心设计核保核赔业务逻辑。

    On the architecture design , this paper realizes terminal and Web browser to work concurrently by middleware technology , on the business logic design , based on workflow technology designs underwriting business logic .

  20. 保险风险管理对保险公司的风险控制和盈利能力有相当大的影响,而核保风险管理是保险公司最为有力、最为直接的风险管控手段,是目前学术界和保险业共同关注的焦点。

    Insurance risk management has quite effect on risk control and profit ability . Underwriting risk management , the most effective and direct means on risk control , is focus on academe and underwriting .

  21. 论文的研究成果主要应用于保险公司对大型调水工程保险方案的核保和保险中介咨询中。

    These drawn conclusions in this dissertation are supposed to be applied in some insurance companies for the confirmation of insurance schemes and coverage in large-scale water-transfer project and also in some insurance intermediary organizations .

  22. 文章包括:加速重大疾病保险的定价和趋势;英国重大疾病市场的趋势;重大疾病的简易核保及亚洲的重大疾病险市场。

    The articles included in this issue discuss pricing for trends in accelerated dread diseasae insurance , trends in UK critical illness experience , simplified underwriting in dread disease and dread disease insurance in asia .

  23. 可以实现银保业务实时、批量操作,支持在线出单、在线核保,并支持银行现有的多渠道服务,包括银行柜台、电话银行、自助终端、网上银行等渠道实现银保业务的相关服务。

    It can achieve real time and batch operation of bancassurance business , support online policy issuing , online underwriting , and support current multiple bank channels , including teller , telephone bank , ATM , online bank .

  24. 核保业务是保险业务中的主要风险来源,需要核保人员根据经验,细致、认真、负责的进行承保前检查,尽量避免可能的保险欺诈和高风险标的。

    Underwriting is the major risk source in insurance business . Underwriters must be more meticulous , serious , responsible to check and survey the application before policy issuance . And they should preclude the possible insurance fraudulence activities and the insured objects with high risk .

  25. 这两种制度使得保险人可以通过问卷式的投保单和事后调查制度来大幅降低核保成本,从而为保险交易提供了安全和便利的交易方式,对于改善信息不对称问题起到了很大作用。

    These two sets of rules have enabled insurers to greatly lower their underwriting costs by two means : the questionnaire-type of application forms and the post-loss investigation , which provides security and convenience to insurance transactions , and helps to solve the problem of imperfect information .

  26. 它具有保费少、保额低,针对低收入人群面临的疾病、死亡、残疾等特定风险,条款浅显易懂,核保简便,经营流程简单等特征。

    Its premium is few , the insured value is low , in view of the low income crowd most urgent disease , death , disability and so on specific risk , provision simple easy to understand , the nucleus guarantees easily , management flow simple and so on characteristics .

  27. 农村小额保险是近年来在部分发展中国家兴起的一类特殊商业保险,它具有保单通俗易懂、保障基本适度、保费低廉惠民、核保理赔简便等特点。

    Rural micro insurance is a special kind of commercial insurance of in developing countries in recent years . The characteristics of micro insurance are that the policy is easy to understand , basic protection level is moderate , premium is relatively low , underwriting and claims settlement is simple .

  28. 假如投保单经公司审核不能通过,保单不会生效,客户所缴纳的保险费定金将退还给客户,假如公司核保通过,保单才算生效。

    If examine and verify of company of insurance application classics cannot be passed , guarantee slip won 't become effective , the insurance premium deposit of client place pay will return a client , if company nucleus is protected , pass , guarantee slip just calculates go into effect .