
fù chù zhǎnɡ
  • deputy director ;deputy division chief;deputy chief of a section
  1. 只是一纸关于价格公示的规定&就《广告服务明码标价规定》专访广告监管司综合处副处长吕志诚

    Just a Piece of Paper about Rules of Clear Prices

  2. 劳工处副处长(职业安全及健康)

    Deputy Commissioner for Labour ( Occupational Safety and Health )

  3. 劳工处副处长(劳工事务行政)

    Deputy Commissioner for Labour ( Labour Administration )

  4. 副处长(财务及行政)

    Deputy Director ( Finance & Administration )

  5. 田杰昌是山东交通大学学生处副处长。

    Tian is the deputy chief of the department of student affairs at Shandong Jiaotong University .

  6. 起初他提出了副处长,在该部的更正,然后专员。

    First he was made a Deputy Commissioner at the Department of Corrections , then Commissioner .

  7. 多样性的结合和统一也吸引着美国礼宾处副处长娜塔莉·琼斯。

    The combination of diversity and unity appealed to U.S. Deputy Chief of Protocol Natalie Jones .

  8. 这个模型是由该校后勤处副处长哈晶设计的。

    The model has been designed by Ha Jing , deputy director of the logistics department at the college .

  9. 昨天,北京市国土资源局发言人,章伟,副处长,这是一个全面的反驳。

    Yesterday , the Beijing Municipal Land Resources Bureau spokesman , Zhang Wei , deputy director of This is a comprehensive rebuttal .

  10. 处长或副处长可行使法律授予警务人员的任何权力及执行法律委予警务人员的任何职责。

    The Commissioner or a Deputy Commissioner may exercise and perform any of the powers conferred or duties imposed by law on a police officer .

  11. 北京市市政市容管理委员会环卫处副处长崔轩称这个问题需要重视。

    Cui Xuan , deputy chief of the environmental sanitation division at the Beijing municipal commission of city administration and environment , said the issue was important .

  12. 在五月份,为使奥运圣火在香港传送能够尽善尽美,警务处副处长说传递的路线已经缩短,但仍需实时彩排以便对那条路线进行细小调整。

    A real-time rehearsal of the Hong Kong leg of the Olympic torch relay will be held on Friday to fine-tune the route , which has already been shortened .

  13. 一九五六年回国后,任长春第一汽车制造厂动力处副处长、副总动力师、动力分厂厂长。

    After returning home in 1956 , served as vice-director of the Kinetic Division , vice-chief Dynamics , and chief of the Dynamics Branch Factory of Changchun 's First Automotive Manufacturing Factory .

  14. 已经退休的纽约市警察局情报处副处长约翰卡特尔撕掉假的社会安全卡扔向空中,说:你得到了合法的身份证明之后,就不需要它了。

    You get that legitimate ID , and this one goes away , said John Cutter , retired NYPD deputy chief of the Intelligence Division , as he tossed the fake Social Security card in the air .

  15. 中科院国际合作局欧洲处的副处长徐昂说,这个联合中心将帮助中科院各所基础研究的结果走向市场。

    Xu Ang , an official with CAS 's international bureau in charge of the BP project , says that the joint centre will help results from basic research done by CAS institutes to go to the market .

  16. 中山大学教务处副处长何洪表示:“一旦学生被查出有作弊行为,将会受到包括开除学籍在内的一系列处分。”

    He Hong , deputy director of the academic affairs office at Sun Yat-sen University said : " For a student found guilty of misconduct , a range of penalties apply , including expulsion from the university . "

  17. 多年来,人口普查局(censusbureau)人口处副处长乔治。德尔皮奈尔(jorgedelpinal)的工作就是将美国人口按照种族和民族分门别类:白人、黑人、拉美裔、亚裔,或印第安人。

    For years , Jorge delpinal 's job as assistant chief of the census bureau 's Population Division was to fit people into neat , distinct racial and ethnic boxes : white , black , hispanic , Asian or native american .

  18. 武汉大学招生就业处副处长罗铁辉说:“每个人都可以通过学校官网上公布的电话或邮箱来投诉。我们会通过研究生导师来监督相关学生的表现。”

    Luo Tiehui , deputy director of the Enrollment and Employment Center at Wuhan University said , " Anyone can complain via the phone number and email address published on our website . We monitor the performance of postgraduates through tutors . "

  19. 其实,从另一角度而言,难道不由「一哥」出面,由副警务处长甚或助理警务处长代表警队向市民道歉,警队就会更有面子?

    Would the force have lost less face if a deputy or assistant commissioner had apologised to the public on behalf of it ?