
fù lǐnɡ shì
  • deputy consul;vice counsel
  1. 领事职务分为:总领事、副总领事、领事、副领事、领事随员。

    The consular posts shall be divided into : consul general , deputy consul general , consul , vice consul , and consular attach é .

  2. 不清楚的是细节,比如,日本副领事到底说了什么?

    What remains unclear are the details , such as what the vice consul said .

  3. 新闻文化处副领事包杰明向在场的媒体朋友和网友一一介绍美国传统节日食物的原料,历史。

    Deputy Public Affairs Officer Ben Bowman details the origins , ingredients , and customs behind many of the foods U.

  4. 它以印度的加尔各答为背景,叙述了三个流浪异乡的人的苦难经历剧本,作品来源于她的小说《副领事》。

    The background of the work is in Calcutta of India , describing miseries of three persons wandering in a strange land .

  5. 在中国期间,他迎来了整个人生的高峰期,他曾担任奥地利驻中国天津的副领事,为奥侨争取权益。

    In China , he ushered in the peak whole life , he served as Austrian vice-consul in Tianjin , China for the Austrian nationals fighting for the rights .

  6. 政治经济处领事魏婷为新闻文化处副领事包杰明示范如何在感恩节火鸡上均匀涂抹上黄油,为了方便成都和西南地区的市民制作,官员们把火鸡换成了具有四川特色的土鸡。

    Economic Officer Liz Wharton shows Deputy Public Affairs Officer Ben Bowman how to massage butter into the skin of a Thanksgiving chicken , a local adaptation of the traditional Thanksgiving turkey .

  7. 长屋嘉明是日本驻旧金山领事馆的副领事,他被控犯下17项重罪:14项家庭暴力罪和3项侵犯人身权利罪。罪行包括用螺丝刀捅妻子,打落她的一颗牙齿。

    Yoshiaki Nagaya , vice-consul at Japan 's consulate in San Francisco , is accused of 17 felony offenses , 14 of domestic violence and three of assault , including stabbing her with a screwdriver and knocking a tooth out .

  8. 川村泰久是日本驻纽约副总领事。

    Yasuhisa Kawamura is Japan 's deputy consul general in New York .

  9. 中国驻孟买总领馆王振华副总领事说。

    Wang Zhenhua , the deputy Consul-General said .

  10. 由于孟买现在处于旅游旺季,因此王副总领事已经上报外交部,打算向中国公民发出近期不要来旅游的警告。

    Mumbai is in tour busy season now , so Wang has reported Ministry of Foreign Affairs to announce a tour warning to Mumbai to Chinese people .

  11. 中国驻纽约总领事馆副总领事邝伟林赞扬中国和国际社会对这场破坏性地震作出的快速反应。

    Kuang Weilin , deputy consul-general of the Chinese Consulate in New York , praised the Chinese and international communities for their quick response to the devastating earthquake .

  12. 日本驻旧金山总领事馆的副总领事原田道夫说,在日本政府有任何动向或决定之前,仍将保留长屋的职位。

    Michio Harada , the deputy consul general at Japan 's Consulate General in San Francisco , said Nagaya remained on the staff pending developments or a decision from Tokyo .