
  • 网络green eye
  1. 我一向对绿眼睛男人着迷。

    I 've always been a sucker for men with green eyes .

  2. 嫌疑犯有着一头黑发和一双绿眼睛。

    The suspect has dark hair and green eyes .

  3. 我一生中从未见过绿眼睛的狗。

    In all my born days I 've never seen a dog with green eyes .

  4. 她看着西弗勒斯,绿眼睛眨了眨。

    Then she looked at Severus , her green eyes twinkling .

  5. 她的孩子生下来就是黑头发,绿眼睛。

    Her baby arrives with dark hair and green eyes .

  6. 树叶丛中闪动着两只大得出奇的绿眼睛。

    Two enormous green eyes had appeared among the leaves .

  7. 她长着那种细长的猫样的绿眼睛。

    She 's got those long green feline eyes .

  8. 他被她销魂的绿眼睛给迷住了。

    He was mesmerized by her bewitching green eyes .

  9. 一双绿眼睛很吸引人

    and had green eyes that you could drown in

  10. 然后马上会出现一个绿眼睛的帅哥。

    And all at once this really nice guy with green eyes shows up .

  11. 永久完全丧失双眼视力那是一双冷漠的绿眼睛。

    Permanent Total Loss of Sight of both Eyes His eyes were cold and green .

  12. 那是一双冷漠的绿眼睛。

    His eyes were cold and green .

  13. 棕色的头发,鹰钩鼻子,绿眼睛,戴一副金属框边眼镜。

    He has brown hair , a hooked nose , green eyes and wire-rim glasses .

  14. 那双美丽的绿眼睛十分狠毒。

    The beautiful green eyes were venomous .

  15. 金色长发,绿眼睛

    Long blond hair , green eyes .

  16. 今夜你的绿眼睛闪闪发光。

    Tonight your green eyes sparkling .

  17. 她有着一张非常迷人的瓜子脸和一对眼梢儿有点斜的绿眼睛。

    She has an unusually attractive oval face and green eyes set slightly on the slant .

  18. 这个和你的绿眼睛很相配。

    It matches your green eyes .

  19. 他想着莉莉那热切的脸庞和那双充满活力的绿眼睛,长长地叹了口气。

    He thought of Lily 's eager face and lively green eyes and heaved a deep sigh .

  20. 思嘉那双笑盈盈的绿眼睛望着妹妹,心想她怎么会这样可爱呢。

    Scarlett turned smiling green eyes upon her younger sister , wondering how anyone could be so sweet .

  21. “你给我滚&滚到远远的地方去!”她恶狠狠地说,那双绿眼睛冒出了怒火。

    " You go to & halifax ," she said tensely , her green eyes slits of rage .

  22. 他走上台阶时她摇摇晃晃地迎上前去,这时她脸色惨白,那双绿眼睛像在冒火似的。

    She swayed toward him as he came up the steps , her face white , her green eyes burning .

  23. 查理几乎激动得说不出话来,紧紧握住她两只温暖的小手,眼睛盯住她眉飞色舞的绿眼睛。

    Charles almost stuttered with excitement , holding her warm little hands in his and looking into the dancing green eyes .

  24. 床上的那个小怪物长着两只蝙蝠似的大耳朵,一对突出的绿眼睛有网球那么大。

    The little creature on the bed had large , bat-like ears and bulging green eyes the size of tennis balls .

  25. 她有一头浅褐色的秀发,绿眼睛,高颧骨,有些柔弱,十分迷人。

    With her light brown hair , green eyes , high cheekbones , and fragile aura , she was very attractive .

  26. 而哈利却身材瘦小,长着一双明亮的绿眼睛,漆黑的头发总是乱蓬蓬的,

    Harry , on the other hand , was small and skinny , with brilliant green eyes and jet-black hair that was alwaysuntidy .

  27. 而哈利截然相反,矮个儿,很瘦,绿眼睛显得很聪明,黑头发总是很乱。

    Harry , on the other hand , was small the skinny , with brilliant green eyes and jet-black hair that was always untidy .

  28. 而在书架上,一只硕大的绿眼睛白熊,和一只绿眼小兔子一起分享着一碟磨得细细的黄色玉米粉。

    And , on the bookshelf , a magnificent white bear with turquoise eyes shared the dish of stone-ground yellow cornmeal with the little turquoise rabbit .

  29. 轻松感一下子充满了他全身,驱散了一周以来的所有阴霾。当她的绿眼睛望着他时,他想&或许他并没有失去一切!

    Relief flooded through him , all the gloom of the past week vanished , as her green eyes gazed up at him-perhaps all was not lost then !

  30. 旧情的浪潮汹涌而来,她想起了杰拉尔德的绿眼睛,想起了他那稚嫩的嘴唇,她产生了爱的渴望。

    The old emotions came tumbling back , she thought of Gerald 's green eyes , and of his boyish lips , and she felt sick with love .