
fù dǒnɡ shì zhǎnɡ
  • Vice Chairman;vice president;vice-chairman of the board of directors
  1. 老用户说,当内容由Amp创造时,其下载速度就提高85倍,谷歌搜索引擎的副董事长说道。

    Early results show download speeds up to 85 times faster when content is created using Amp , said David Besbris , vice president of engineering at Google .

  2. 我诚心恭喜你升职担任副董事长。

    NO03, 4.My heartfelt congratulations on your promotion to vice president .

  3. 2015年4月,杨华从鞍钢(AnshanSteel)副董事长职位调到这家位于大连的钢铁企业。

    Mr Yang joined the Dalian-based steelmaker in April 2015 from his role as deputy chairman of Anshan Steel .

  4. RelatedCompanies的前副董事长戴维·J·瓦恩(DavidJ.Wine)直言不讳地表示,他们并不在乎购房者的身份。

    David J. Wine , the former vice chairman of the Related Companies , spoke bluntly of the lack of concern with buyers ' identities .

  5. 此外,摩根大通昨天宣布,前投行业务共同负责人史蒂夫布莱克(steveblack)将成为集团副董事长。

    Separately , JPMorgan yesterday announced that Steve black , the former co-head of the investment bank , would become a vice-chairman .

  6. RelatedCompanies的前副董事长戴维·J·瓦恩(DavidJ.Wine)直言不讳地表示,他们并不在乎购房者的身份。

    David J. Wine , the former vice chairman of the Related Companies , spoke bluntly of the lack of concern with buyers " identities .

  7. 本文作者为国际金融协会(InstituteofInternationalFinance)第一副董事长、花旗银行(Citibank)董事长、总裁兼首席执行官、花旗集团高级副董事长

    The writer is first vice-chairman of the Institute of International Finance , chairman , president and chief executive , of Citibank and senior vice-chairman of Citi

  8. 摩根大通(JPMorganChase)副董事长吉米o李在并购领域一直处于前列。

    As vice chairman of JPMorgan Chase , Jimmy Lee has a front-row seat to the deal action .

  9. 在由路透(Reuters)发布的一份内部备忘录里,华为创始人、副董事长任正非训斥了工作不力的下属。

    Founder and deputy chairman Ren Zhengfei , in an internal memo published by Reuters , railed against unproductive staff .

  10. 来宝集团创始人兼董事长艾礼文(RichardElman)将担任来宝农业(NobleAgri)的副董事长。

    Richard Elman , the founder and chairman of Noble Group , will become deputy chairman of Noble Agri .

  11. 弗雷德∙欧文(FredIrwin),德国美国商会(AmericanChamberofCommerceinGermany)会长、花旗集团环球市场德意志分行(Citigroup,GlobalMarketsDeutschlandAG)副董事长,德国法兰克福。

    Fred Irwin , president of the American Chamber of Commerce in Germany and vice chairman of Citigroup , Global Markets Deutschland AG , Frankfurt , Germany .

  12. 副董事长JohnSurma宣布了该决定。

    Vice chairman John Surma announced the decision .

  13. 副董事长、高盛欧洲业务联合负责人迈克尔·S·舍伍德(MichaelS.Sherwood)长期以来也被认为是可能的继任者。

    Michael S. Sherwood , a vice chairman and a co-head of the firm 's European division , has also long been considered a potential successor .

  14. 通用电气副董事长庄睿思(JohnRice)在谈到对夏智诚的任命时表示:他对通用电气有着深入的了解,而且具备丰富的全球市场经验,这让他成为这一重要职位的合适人选。

    John Rice , the vice chairman of GE , said of Mr Hutchinson 's appointment that : His deep knowledge of GE and experience in global markets , make him the right person for this important role .

  15. 狮门影业副董事长伯恩斯(MichaelBurns)说,如果只在很少几个国家有自己的发行业务,要完成这样的全球上映,营销策略的难度非常高。

    ' To pull off this sort of world-wide opening when you self-distribute in so few territories takes a marketing triple lindy , ' said Lions Gate Vice Chairman Michael Burns .

  16. 2006年沃尔玛副董事长汤姆•库格林(TomCoughlin)被判贪污罪名成立,当时杜克也身处沃尔玛高管团队。

    He was also on Walmart 's senior executive team when Tom Coughlin , a vice-chairman , was convicted for embezzlement in 2006 .

  17. ge能源基础设施(geenergyinfrastructure)副董事长兼首席执行官约翰克瑞尼基(johnkrenicki)表示,ge已经开始在美国科罗拉多州的工厂建造试生产线。

    GE has started to build pilot production lines at its facility in Colorado , said John Krenicki , a vice-chairman and chief executive of Ge energy infrastructure , which includes the renewable energy division .

  18. 美联储前理事、MacroeconomicAdvisors现任副董事长劳伦斯梅尔(LaurenceMeyer)表示,伯南克的2002年论文是美联储的一张路线图。

    Laurence Meyer , a former Fed governor and now vice-chairman of Macroeconomic Advisors , says that the 2002 paper has been a roadmap for the Fed .

  19. 1985年,霍根得到担任通用电气副董事长约翰奥佩(JohnOpie)助理的机会,开始在集团总部工作。

    In 1985 came the chance to work as an assistant to John Opie , GE 's deputy chairman , at the group 's headquarters .

  20. 华为副董事长兼轮值CEO胡厚昆表示,5G技术会让华为这样的科技公司为客户提供更好的服务。

    Ken Hu , deputy chair and current CEO of Huawei Technologies , says 5G technology will allow tech companies like his to bring better services to their customers .

  21. 高盛副董事长迈克尔埃文斯(MichaelEvans)表示:高盛并非一家需要筹集现金的公司,因此,我们目前没有大量减持的压力。

    Goldman Sachs does not need to raise cash as a firm so we see no pressure to sell a large stake at this time , said Michael Evans , vice-chairman of Goldman .

  22. 美国高管猎头公司Christian&Timbers副董事长史蒂夫•马德(SteveMader)有两点建议。

    Steve Mader , vice-chairman of Christian & Timbers , the US executive search company , has two pieces of advice .

  23. 但他说,只要有经济意义,他本人以及合作伙伴伯克希尔副董事长芒格(CharlieMunger)会继续收购报业资产。

    But he said he and his partner , Berkshire Vice Chairman Charlie Munger , would continue to buy papers if the ' economics made sense . '

  24. 上周五,花旗集团副董事长路易斯•卡登(LewisKaden)和投资银行家爱德华•凯利(EdwardKelly)与纽约联邦储备银行行长盖纳(TimothyGeithner)通了电话,讨论了不断恶化的局势。

    On Friday , Citigroup Vice Chairman Lewis Kaden and investment banker Edward Kelly spoke by phone with New York Fed President Timothy Geithner to discuss the worsening situation .

  25. 斯托纳拉斯还担任过国有企业PublicGasCorporation副董事长、曾为国有银行的EmporikiBank董事长兼首席执行长、希腊银行业协会(AssociationofGreekBanks)副会长,以及公共债务管理局(PublicDebtManagementOffice)董事会成员。

    Other jobs have included serving as vice chairman of the state-owned Public Gas Corporation ; Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of formerly state-owned Emporiki Bank ; Vice-Chairman of the Association of Greek Banks , and as a member of the Board of Directors of the Public Debt Management Office .

  26. 总部设在美国的数据管理和储备企业NetApp的副董事长汤姆•门多萨(TomMendoza)说,他在寻找大家遇到麻烦时都会向其咨询的“靠谱之人”。

    Tom Mendoza , vice-chairman of US-based data management and storage business NetApp , says he looks for " the go-to guys " to whom others turn for advice .

  27. “今年,我们的确调查了这些人的购物方式,”哈里森集团副董事长吉姆泰勒(jimtaylor)表示,“我们对人们如何决定在网上或是商店中购物进行了调查。”

    " This year we really took a look at how these people go shopping , " says Jim Taylor , vice-chairman of Harrison . " We looked at how people decide to buy something online or in a store . "

  28. 纳斯达克副董事长、前美国国会议员迈克尔奥克斯利(michaeloxley)称,通过北京代表处,纳斯达克可以向那些希望进入这个“大联盟”的中国企业宣传美国的资本市场。

    The office will allow NASDAQ to publicise US capital markets to Chinese companies wishing to enter the " big league " , according to Michael Oxley , the vice-chairman and a former US lawmaker .

  29. 纳斯达克副董事长、前美国国会议员迈克尔?奥克斯利(MichaelOxley)称,通过北京代表处,纳斯达克可以向那些希望进入这个“大联盟”的中国企业宣传美国的资本市场。

    The office will allow Nasdaq to publicise US capital markets to Chinese companies wishing to enter the " big league , " according to Michael Oxley , the vice-chairman and a former US lawmaker .

  30. 派拉蒙副董事长穆尔(RobMoore)说,毫无疑问该片不仅在国际票房市场赚回了投资,未来推出的续集还会保持这股趋势。

    ' There 's no question the investment paid off not only on the international box office for this movie , but we will continue to [ with future sequels ] , ' said Paramount vice chairman Rob Moore .