
fù shí
  • non-staple food/foodstuffs
副食 [fù shí]
  • [non-staple foodstuffs] 指米、面等主食以外用以下饭的鱼肉蔬菜等各种食品

  1. 副食批发企业获取战略影响力的途径

    On Non-staple Food Wholesale Enterprise , s Obtaining Strategic Influence

  2. 家庭主妇们没有条件在副食上进行调剂。

    Housewives cannot do much to enrich the non-staple food .

  3. 选择耐旱与丰产性能较好副食品种;

    Choose the variety which is good at drought resistance and high Production ;

  4. 战士每天吃的主食是高粱米,副食每天都是“老三样”:白菜、土豆、大萝卜。

    Soldiers had to eat sorghum rice , Chinese cabbages , potatoes and radishes every day .

  5. 这个问题的出现,引发了副食领域的一场不大不小的革命。

    The occurrence of this problem , a when caused non-staple food domain not quite not small revolution .

  6. 唐宋两代是中国副食烹饪发展的重要阶段。

    There were many significant differences between the dishes cooking of Tang Dynasty and that of Song Dynasty .

  7. 鸡蛋是我国的一项主要畜产品,也是我国居民最常见的副食品种。

    As one of the most important livestock products , hen eggs are popular subsidiary food for Chinese people .

  8. 严谨,激励人心的学术氛围让老师副食学生更好的学习大学准备课程。

    A rigorous and stimulating academic environment allows engaged faculty members to lead motivated students through an advanced , college preparatory curriculum .

  9. 本文认为,我国副食批发企业上下游产业的作用以及产业内部的剧烈竞争,要求副食品批发企业必须采取措施获取战略影响力;

    It , s of significant importance for non-staple food whole enterprises to obtain strategic influence to develop in a highly competitive market .

  10. 这句话显然会让很多人在多吃一块甜甜圈之前三思一下,怕变成虽然美味、但圆嘟嘟的副食。

    It certainly made many think twice before snagging that extra doughnut for fear of turning into a rotund albeit delicious elective food .

  11. 创意美食,点“亮”生活。不过,一家公司当真做到了把那些最受人们欢迎的副食“点亮”了。

    It may be a la mode to create lighter versions of our favourite snacks but one company has taken the trend rather literally .

  12. 蚕豆营养丰富,是豆类作物中仅次于大豆的一种植物蛋白资源,也是重要的粮食、蔬菜、副食、绿肥作物。

    Faba bean is a nutrient-rich plant protein resource next to soybean , which is also an important food , vegetable , subsidiary food and green manure .

  13. 学校食品供应的主要渠道有三种:食堂、营养餐配送和学校所属的副食供应商店或餐饮店。

    There are three main channels for food supply to educational institutions , such as refectory , nourishment meal distribution and groceries all related university or school .

  14. 稻米对其而言,不仅是主食,也是副食、饮料和零食制作的主要原料。

    In terms of their rice , not only is the staple food , is also a non-staple food , beverages and snacks produced by the main raw material .

  15. 主副食消费量的此消彼长,说明了中国城乡居民饮食结构日益优化,营养更加均衡。

    The increased consumption of non-staple food shows that the food mix of China 's urban and rural residents is being optimized and greater attention has been attached to nutrition .

  16. 结果:用962罐型,试制24个新品种,组成5人一餐份副食组合包装。

    Results : 24 new varieties of canned food contained in type 962 can , and were trial-produced , and were combined into a package of food consumed by 5 people at a time .

  17. 儿童膳食硒主要来源于谷类和动物性副食,各占48.9%和44.3%。

    Both cereals and animal foods were the major sources of selenium in children diet , which accounted for 48.9 % and 44.3 % respectively , and intake of selenium from other sources was negligible .

  18. 瓜果结构的转型在南宋时期也基本上得以完成了。而肉食结构、副食烹饪、茶文化、酒文化、节日饮食习俗等直到南宋末年仍未完成从中古到近世的转型。

    It was until the late of Southern Song Dynasty that meat structure , non-staple food cooking , tea culture , wine culture , festival dietetic custom had not yet completed the renovation from mediaeval times to modern times .

  19. 饮食方面,多以粗粮为主食;副食以蔬菜、豆类为主,肉类、蛋类和水果消费量很少;调味品的消费以油、盐为主,但总体的消费量也很少。

    Dietary respect , more whole grains to for staple food ; Non-staple food mainly based on vegetables and beans , meat , eggs and fruit consumption rarely . Seasoning consumption in oil and salt , but the overall consumption is also rarely .

  20. [结论]该校学生膳食结构不尽合理,建议改进膳食结构,增加副食摄入,提高优质蛋白质、矿物质、维生素等的摄入量。

    [ Conclusion ] Students dietary pattern of this school is unreasonable . We suggest that they improve their dietary pattern and increase in - taking of non - staple foodstuffs , and gain more high - quality protein , minerals and vitamins .

  21. 在此基础上,针对国防科技大学对学员关于食堂伙食满意度的调查结果,运用科学、系统的方法从主食、副食、服务质量三个方面对调查的结果进行研究。

    On this basis , for the National Defense University of science and technology on the cadets ' canteen catering satisfaction survey results , we use scientific and systematic approach from the staple food , non-staple food , quality of service to study the results of the survey .