
  1. 通过产品创新、服务创新等方面,建立差异化战略,实现在医疗器械行业核心技术的突破,最终实现弯道超越。

    Through the product innovation , service innovation , establish differentiation strategy , make the medical equipment industry in core technology breakthrough , finally realizes the corner beyond .

  2. 中国作为承接服务外包的后起之秀,起步较晚,在新一轮全球外包产业转移来临之际,如何把握好机遇,实现弯道超越,提高中国承接服务外包的能力显得尤为重要。

    As undertaking service outsourcing counterpart , china started later . In the new round of global outsourcing industry shift approaching , how to grasp opportunities and realize corner transcendence , improve the ability of Chinese undertake service outsourcing appear especially important .

  3. 选手在比赛中应多利用弯道实施超越战术。

    Athletes should try to use bend to surpass .