
  • 网络elbow flow meter;LY-WG
  1. 弯管流量计在动力介质监测管理中的应用

    Application of an Elbow Flow Meter in Monitor Management of Dynamic Medium

  2. 弯管流量计现场应用需注意的几个问题

    Some Notes on the Field Application of Elbow Flow Meter

  3. 弯管流量计在高温工作环境下的误差分析

    The Error Analysis of Elbow Flowmeter in High Temperature Running Environment

  4. 基于神经网络时间序列预测器的弯管流量计传感器数据验证

    Sensor Verification for Elbow-Pipe Flowmeter Based on Neural Network Time Series Predictor

  5. 弯管流量计在热电厂蒸汽计量中的应用

    Application of Bend Flow Meter in Steam Measurement of Heat Power Plant

  6. 本文介绍了弯管流量计的工作原理。

    This paper describes the principle of the elbow flowmeter .

  7. 工业标准弯头弯管流量计研究

    Study on elbow flow meter of industrial standard pipe bend

  8. 直角式智能弯管流量计的实验研究及开发

    Research and Development of Right Angle Intelligent Elbow Flowmeter

  9. 每个弯管流量计的流量系数须经过实际标定。

    The discharge coefficient for each elbow flowmeter should be calibrated in practice .

  10. 浅谈新型流量仪表&弯管流量计

    Technical Application of a New Type of Elbow Flowmeter

  11. 弯管流量计的特性实验研究

    The experiment study for characteristics of the elbow flowmeter

  12. 弯管流量计的进展及其在工业中的应用与前景

    Progress of bend pipe flowmeter and its application and prospect in industry field

  13. 弯管流量计标准化

    A Research on standardization of elbow flow meters

  14. 弯管流量计及其在热力工程中的应用

    Elbow Flowmeters and their Application in Heat Engineering

  15. 弯管流量计测量原理及应用

    The application and measuring principle of elbow flowmeters

  16. 弯管流量计流量系数的研究

    Study on Flow Coefficient of Elbow Flowmeter

  17. 90°弯管流量计的特性

    Characteristics of 90 degree elbow flowmeter

  18. 弯管流量计的工程应用

    Engineering Application of the Syphon Flowmeter

  19. 有利于推动弯管流量计在工业流量计量的应用。

    This is useful to promote the elbow flow meter to apply in the industrial flux measure .

  20. 弯管流量计的研究

    Research on the Curved-Pipe Flowmeter

  21. 使用户对弯管流量计的选型、安装和使用方面更加方便。

    Thus , it is convenient for the users to choose , fix and use elbow flow meters .

  22. 低功率确定弯管流量计测量蒸汽流量标定数据的实验及其应用

    A New Practice and the Application to Get the Calibration Data of Elbow Flow Meter at Low Boiler Power

  23. 主要叙述弯管流量计的进展、原理及流量公式、主要误差、应用情况以及前景等。

    Progress , principle and flow-formula , main error , application situation and prospect of bend pipe flowmeter are described .

  24. 使用弯管流量计是比较方便而又经济的测量通风系统风量的一种方法,这是因为它既是风管的一部份又是流量计。

    The bend meter is a more convenient and economical method of measuring air flow rate in existing ventilation systems .

  25. 用弯管流量计测量高炉气体应注意温度压力的动态补偿

    Dynamic Compensation of Temperature Pressure Should Be Paid Attention to During Measure of Blast Furnace Gas by a Bend Flow Gauge

  26. 弯管流量计相继在蒸汽、水、空气上大量采用,使用效果良好。

    In fact , elbow flow meters have been widely used in flow measurement for steam , water and air with excellent effects .

  27. 在蒸汽测量中弯管流量计采用水平导压管取代冷凝罐

    The Feasibility Analysis of Elbow Flowmeter Adopting to the Plane Guiding Press Pipe to Replace the Condensation jar in the Process of Steam Measurement

  28. 介绍了弯管流量计的工作原理、基本组成、性能特点,及其在蒸汽供热计量中的应用。

    The work principle , basic composition and feature of a bend flow meter are presented , and its application in measurement of steam heat supply is described .

  29. 简要介绍弯管流量计的工作原理及特点,分析了弯管流量计在现场应用中易出现的问题。

    The principle and feature of elbow flow meter are introduced briefly in this paper , and the problems are analyzed which are easy to occur in the field .

  30. 简述了大口径烟气弯管流量计的工作原理,详细介绍了弯管流量计在贵溪冶炼厂精矿干燥系统中的工程应用情况及其特点。

    The principle of the big caliber gas syphon flowmeter which is used in GuiXi smelter 's concentrate drying system is described , the engineering application case and characterstics are also introduced in detail .