
  • 网络Doppler method
  1. 二氧化碳部分重吸入法与食管超声多普勒法用于控制性降压期间心输出量测定的相关研究

    Correlation Between Partial CO_2 Rebreathing Technique and Transesophageal Doppler for Cardiac Output Monitoring During Controlled Hypotension

  2. 等变加速旋转目标ISAR成像距离-瞬时多普勒法

    Range-instantaneous Doppler ISAR Imaging of a Rotating Target with Equal Changing Rate Acceleration

  3. 在二尖瓣口用血流脉冲多普勒法(PWD)测舒张期血流E峰、A峰、E/A比值。

    Mitral inflow velocity E , A and E / A ratio were detected .

  4. 用血流多普勒法测定二尖瓣口血流峰值速度(E、A)及比率(EA),并进行比较。

    Peak flow velocity ( E , A ) and ratio ( E / A ) of mitral valve orifice were measured by Doppler and compared .

  5. 多普勒法的理论应用与研究目的探讨双J管在上尿路手术中的应用效果。

    Objective To study the effect application , method , time , and indwelling double J internal tube in the operation of upper urinary tract .

  6. 应用经阴道彩色多普勒法对105例正常早孕,65例异常早孕妇女的子宫血流进行观察,并测定各组子宫动脉、螺旋动脉PS、RI、PI值。

    The blood flow of uterine and spiral arteries in 105 normal early pregnancies , 65 abnormal early pregnancies were studied by transvaginal color Doppler sonography . The values of PS , RI and PI were obtained .

  7. 放免法检测胃黏膜中ET1,激光多普勒法测定胃黏膜血流,光镜下观察胃黏膜损伤程度。

    The ET-1 was detected by radioimmunologic method and the gastric mucosal blood flow ( GMBF ) by laser Doppler flowmeter .

  8. 气泡-水流两相流的激光多普勒法测量

    LDA measurements of bubble - water two - phase flow

  9. 多普勒法的脉搏波传导速度评价主动脉顺应性

    Non-invasive Evaluation of Aortic Compliance with Doppler - derived Pulse Wave Velocity

  10. 组织多普勒法结合多巴酚丁胺负荷试验评价心肌缺血

    Myocardial Ischemia Evaluated by Doppler Tissue Imaging Combined with Dobutamine Stress Echocardiography

  11. 利用经阴道彩色多普勒法探讨子宫动脉的血流动态变化

    The Assessment of Uterine Blood Flow with Transvaginal Color Doppler Flow Imaging

  12. 微机控制超声多普勒法测量液体粘滞系数

    Ultrasonic Doppler measurement of liquid 's retarding coefficient by microcomputer

  13. 距离-多普勒法对月面目标定位精度的研究

    Study of lunar positioning with R - D method

  14. 关于超声波多普勒法测量流体流速的一种新的理论方法探讨

    A New Theoretical Investigation of the Ultrasonic Doppler Method for Measuring the Speed of Liquid

  15. 物体运行速度激光多普勒法测量原理

    The Principle of Measuring the Movement Speed of Body Using Laser on the Basis of Dopple-Effect

  16. 一种测量泥浆粘度的新方法&微机控制超声多普勒法

    A peculiar new method of measure the viscosity factor of slurry & ultrasonic Doppler effect under the control of Microcomputer

  17. 结论:肝静脉多普勒法诊断肝纤维化明显优于血清法,是诊断肝纤维化较可靠的无创伤性方法。

    Conclusion : The Doppler ultrasonography of hepatic veins was better than serological tests for the diagnosis of hepatic fibrosis .

  18. 脉搏波传导速度与冠状动脉粥样硬化相关性研究多普勒法的脉搏波传导速度评价主动脉顺应性

    Study of Relationship between Aortic Flexibility and Severity of Coronary Heart Disease Non-invasive Evaluation of Aortic Compliance with Doppler-derived Pulse Wave Velocity

  19. 本文对超声波多普勒法对管路中流体流量的非接触测量进行理论上的分析,指出传统理论公式的局限性,得出新的测量公式,并且与之相适应产生了新的测量方法。

    In this paper the ultrasonic Doppler method for untouched measuring flow in pipe is analyzed theoretically and the deviation of traditional measuring formula is showed .

  20. 本文阐述了超声波流量计常用的时差法、多普勒法的测流原理,以及超声波流量计的分类。

    This paper explained the commonly used principle of ultrasonic flow meter : time-difference method and Doppler method and introduced the classification of the ultrasonic flow meter .

  21. 用光学技术测量水下声信号的方法有很多,包括激光干涉法、激光多普勒法,和通量变化法。

    The methods for using optical to measure underwater acoustic signal has a lot of kinds , such as laser interference method , laser doppler method , and flux variation method .

  22. 并用二尖瓣血流多普勒法检测舒张期早期血流速度峰值、左心房收缩期血流速度峰值及二者比值,比较两组间所测指标的差异。

    Mitral inflow velocity , left atrium contraction inflow velocity in early diastole and their ratio were detected by Doppler flow imaging . Difference of the index of the two groups was compared .

  23. 同时,设计了实验系统并在扭矩实验平台进行了实验,实验结果表明,激光多普勒法与传统扭矩测量方法的相对误差小于0.2%,说明激光多普勒法具有较高的测量精度。

    The system was designed and the experiment was done on torque experiment equipment . The result of experimentation indicates that the relative error between Laser Doppler and conventional torque measuring method is less than 0.2 % , and the measurement method based on Laser Doppler effect is feasible .

  24. GPS多普勒定位法的研究

    On GPS Position-fixing Using Doppler Method

  25. 讨论了GPS测速方法,重点讨论了多普勒测速法,首次以线性方程的形式推导了多普勒单点、单差和双差测速方程。

    Discussed the GPS velocity measurement method emphasized in the Doppler observation . For the first time deduced the Doppler single point , single differential and double differential velocity equations with linear equation .

  26. 组织多普勒成像法与脉冲多普勒法左室Tei指数测定的对比研究

    A Comparative Study of Left Ventricular Tei Index Measured via Tissue Doppler Imaging and Pulsed Wave Doppler

  27. 结果多普勒超声法较右心导管法测量的PASP低(12.59±4.68)mmHg(P0.05)。

    Results PASP by Doppler echocardiography were lower than those by right cardiac catheterization [ ( 12.59 ± 4.68 ) mmHg , P0.05 ] .

  28. 用激光多普勒测速法(LDV)测量了一种胀流型流体&107胶溶液的狭缝流的速度剖面和近壁速度。

    LDV is used to measure the velocity profiles and near wall velocities fora dilatant flow-gel 107 solution flow in a slit .

  29. DynaPulse动态血压仪测量心输出量与Fick法和多普勒超声法的比较

    A new method of non-invasive determination of cardiac output by dynapulse : comparison with direct Fick method and Doppler echocardiography

  30. 方法选择近端血流会聚角呈水平型的单纯性主动脉瓣反流患者48例,分别应用血流会聚法和常规多普勒超声法测量有效反流口面积(ERO)。

    Methods Using FC and conventional Doppler echocardiography ( DE ) methods , the effective regurgitant orifice area ( ERO ) was calculated in 48 patients with isolated aortic regurgitation and a flat proximal flow convergence angle .