
  • 网络Open Channel Flowmeter;DS-MQD;V-ADCP
  1. 超声波明渠流量计作为一种非接触式流量检测仪表,具有非接触、量程宽、线性好等其它流量计没有的优点,在明渠流量的检测上得到了广泛的应用。

    Ultrasonic open channel flowmeter , a kind of non-contact flowmeter , has been widely used in the measurement of open channel for its better merits of non-contact , wide measurement scope and good linearity .

  2. 采用抗沾污电容传感器的明渠流量计

    The Open Channel Flowmeter Using Anti-Stained Capacitance Transducer

  3. 基于GPRS的超声波明渠流量计的设计

    GPRS-based design of open channel ultrasonic flowmeter

  4. LMC型超声波明渠流量计的研制

    Development of LMC ultrasonic open-channel flowmeter

  5. ZK-1型堰式明渠流量计

    The model ZK-1 weir-type uncovered canal flowmeter

  6. 堰式明渠流量计的流量计算

    The Flow Calculation of Weir - Type Open Channel Flowmeter

  7. 用于挡水闸门的智能型明渠流量计的研制

    Development of Intelligent Open Channel Flow-meter Used for Sluice Gate

  8. 超声传感器在明渠流量计中的应用

    The Application of Ultrasonic Transducer in Open Ditch Flowmeter

  9. 超声波明渠流量计在污水计量中的应用

    The Application of Ultrasonic Flow Meter for Open Trench for Computation on Wastewater

  10. 超声波明渠流量计在井下排水监测系统中的应用

    Application of ultrasonic flowmeter of water drainage ditch to underground mine water drainage system

  11. 简单叙述了超声传感器用于明渠流量计的测量原理。

    The measuring principle of ultrasonic transducer in open ditch flowmeter is described briefly .

  12. 叙述了一种工作可靠的使用浮力式传感器的明渠流量计。

    A flume flowmeter , with high reliable performance , using buoyancy transducers is presented .

  13. 超声波明渠流量计的研究

    Research on Ultrasonic Open Channel Flowmeter

  14. 浮力式明渠流量计的研究

    Research on Buoyancy Flume Flowmeter

  15. 对超声波明渠流量计主控板的硬件电路进行了设计,完成了电路原理图和电路板的制作。

    Hardware circuit of mainboard in ultrasonic flowmeter open channel is designed and the realization of scheme is also given .

  16. 本文介绍了堰式明渠流量计的基本工作原理、测量公式、以及流量计的硬件结构及软件设计。

    This paper describes basic principle of dam-complement flowmeter , measurement formula , construction of hardware and design of software of the flowmenters .

  17. 介绍堰式和槽式明渠流量计的测量原理,提出了一种新的堰式流量计算公式。

    The measuring principles of weir and flume open channel flowmeters are introduced and a new calculation formula for weir flowmeter is stated .

  18. 以往常采用明渠流量计测回流污泥量,不仅误差大,而且流量系数转换、标定都十分困难。

    Traditionally the flowrate of returning activated sludge was measured by open channel flowrate meter with higher error , difficult transform of flowrate coefficients and inconvenient calibration .

  19. 系统结构简单紧凑,功耗较低,总体性能较好,符合了当今智能仪器仪表小型化的潮流,为今后开发高性能和商品化的超声波明渠流量计奠定了良好的基础。

    According with the miniaturization of intelligent instrument , system lay a good foundation in developing the practical , high-performance and commercial ultrasonic flowmeters for its compact structure , low consumption and good performances .

  20. 这里利用微处理器技术和人工智能技术,设计出用于挡水闸门的智能型明渠流量计,可以自动完成流态判别、流量公式和流量参数选择,实时获得明渠流量。

    An intelligent open channel flow-meter used for sluice gate was developed based on microprocessor and artificial intelligence , which can automatically distinguish fluid state and choose flow formula and parameters , gain real-time volume of flow .

  21. 介绍了一种明渠污水流量计的设计。

    The article introduces the design of open ditch 's sewage flowmeter .

  22. 非接触式明渠污水流量计的研制

    Development of Non-Contact Polluted Water Flow Meter in Open Sky

  23. 明渠流量测量和全自动明渠流量计

    The Measurement of Flow of Open Channel and the Automatic Flowmeter of Open Channel

  24. 明渠结合池暗管输水系统水力瞬变过程计算超声波明渠流量计的研究

    Numerical simulation of hydraulic transients in open channel - surge pool-pressure conduit system Research on Ultrasonic Open Channel Flowmeter