
  1. 插入式流量计仪表系数K及其影响因素

    The K - Factor of the Insertion Flowmeters and the Affection Factors

  2. 简介了点流速计型插入式流量计的结构与测量原理,重点探讨了在仪表系数K的计算修正中最重要的速度分布系数α的几种计算方法及特点。

    The structure and measuring principle of the velocity type insertion flowmeter are introduced in brief . The calculation methods of the most important velocity distribution factor ,α - factor in correction of calculation for instrument K-factor are investigated emphatically .

  3. 几种插入式流量计α系数计算方法的探讨

    Investigation on Calculation of α - Factor for Several Insertion Flowmeters

  4. 非插入式流量计的研究与误差分析

    Research and Error Analysis on Non-inserting Flowmeter

  5. 简单介绍了脉冲-频率式点流速计型插入式流量计的组成结构和工作原理。

    The structural composition and operational principle of pulse-frequency type insert flow meter for point flow velocity measurement are introduced in brief .

  6. 分别选用MF-G2和TDS-100型插入式超声波流量计,在现场应用,效果较好,精确度达到1%。

    The selection of MF-G2 and TDS-100 bayonet ultrasonic flow meter for use separately in scene application , the result is better , and the accuracy reach 1 % .

  7. 插入式超声波流量计在供水大口径管道中的应用

    Application of Bayonet Ultrasonic Flow Meter in Supplying Water Heavy-calibre Pipeline

  8. 插入式电磁流量计的研制

    Research an d Development of Insertion Electromagnetic Flowmeter

  9. 一体化插入式涡轮流量计的研制

    Study on Integrative Inserted Turbine Flow Meter

  10. 首先,叙述总结了插入式电磁流量计测量方面的相关理论基础及研究方法。

    First of all , a summary of the theoretic basis related to the insertion electromagnetic flowmeter and the research methodology are introduced .

  11. 文中介绍了插入式电磁流量计的特点以及它的设计难点,给出了设计方案和样机的初步试验结果。

    This paper presents the characteristics of an insertion electromagnetic flowmeter and the difficult points of its design . The paper also gives out the design scheme and the test result of the prototype .

  12. 微功耗插入式切向涡轮流量计

    The Tangential Turbine Flowmeter with Micro Power Consumption