
  • 网络Vibration Monitoring
  1. GPS结构振动监测数据滤波方法及其性能实验研究

    Filter-based GPS Structural Vibration Monitoring Methods and Comparison of Their Performances

  2. 分布式在线振动监测网络系统研究及其DSP的应用

    Study on Distributed On-line Vibration Monitoring Network System and Application of DSP

  3. DSP在旋转机械振动监测中的应用

    The application of DSP in overall machine vibration monitoring

  4. 本文运用C++语言,开发了基于Windows操作系统的设备振动监测分析诊断系统。

    A Windows-based system of vibration analysis and fault diagnosis of equipment is developed with the C + + program language .

  5. FRP增强钢筋混凝土梁损伤的振动监测

    Studies on Damage and FRP Strengthening of Reinforced Concrete Beams by Vibration Monitoring

  6. 一种基于PoE网络的结构振动监测系统及其工程应用实例

    A Structural Vibration Monitoring System Based on PoE and Its Engineering Application

  7. 本文运用基于WINDOWSCE的嵌入式系统软件开发技术,在VISUALSTUDIO2005开发环境下,应用C程序设计语言,开发了以汽轮发电机组振动监测与分析为目标的手持振动监测分析仪器的软件系统。

    Using embedded technique based on Windows CE and Visual Studio 2005 C # , a software system of handheld instrument is developed , which is used to monitor and analysis vibration .

  8. 基于MSET和SPRT的内燃机气阀机构振动监测

    Vibration monitoring for valve drain of internal combustion engine based on MSET and SPRT

  9. 为了解决以上问题,本文结合故障诊断技术、网络通信技术、嵌入式系统技术、虚拟仪器技术,开发了一种基于ARM的大型机械设备远程嵌入式振动监测诊断虚拟系统及现场采集单元。

    In order to solve the above-mentioned problems , this text combines the fault diagnoses technology , network communication technology , embedded system technology and virtual instrument technology , developed a remote embedded vibration signal monitoring virtual system based on ARM .

  10. 实现了Bently振动监测系统、μXL集散控制系统和WINDOWSnt计算机网络系统的多复杂异构系统的信息集成。

    The information integration of the complex heterostructure systems , μ XL Distributed Control System , Bently Vibration Monitoring System and Windows NT computer networks system , is achieved .

  11. MINI-SEIS地震仪在爆破振动监测中的应用

    Application of MINI-SEIS Seismograph in Blasting Vibration Measurement

  12. 详细介绍了ADμC812的内部结构和功能,叙述了旋转和往复式机器监测的重要性,并对基于ADμC812的在线振动监测系统进行开发和设计,给出了硬、软件的设计方案。

    The internal structure and functions of AD μ C812 are introduced in detail . The significance of monitoring rotating and reciprocating machines is described . The on-line vibration monitoring system based on AD μ C812 is developed and designed .

  13. 本文根据远程振动监测与故障诊断系统对网络通信的需要,建立了一种基于UDP与FTP协议相结合的网络数据传输方法,有效解决了大批量振动相关数据的可靠传输问题。

    According to the requirement for network communication of remote vibration monitoring and fault diagnosis system , a network data transmission method is set up based on UDP and FTP protocols , which solved the reliable transmission of large amounts of vibration relevant data efficiently .

  14. 当θ或zy(ω)超过了设定的控制门限值后,振动监测系统即向控制系统发出控制信号。

    When the value of θ ( or z y (ω) ) exceeds its given control threshold θ lim ( or M 0 ), a control signal will be sent to the control system immediately from chatter omen identification system .

  15. 与葛洲坝水电站最优维护信息系统(HOMIS)采集到的振动监测信息进行对比分析,得到一些有意义的振动故障机理推断知识。

    Comparative analysis between the simulation with the the vibration monitoring information acquired by the Optimal Maintenance Information System for Hydropower plants ( HOMIS ), many meaningful results about vibration fault mechanism are obtained .

  16. 为实现对机组运行状态的在线监测和诊断,保障设备的安全运行,针对邹县电厂3机组开发了VMDS(旋转机械振动监测分析与故障诊断)系统。

    To realize on-line monitoring and fault diagnosis , and to ensure the safe running of the equipment , this paper developed the VMDS ( Vibration Monitoring and Diagnosing System ) aiming at No. 3 unit of Zouxian power plant .

  17. 振动监测及诊断在高炉鼓风机上的应用

    Vibration Monitor and Application of Diagnosis Technique on Blast Furnace Fan

  18. 工程爆破中的建筑物振动监测

    Measuring and Analysis of Structure 's Response Vibration in Engineering Blasting

  19. 内燃机主轴承磨损故障的振动监测方法研究

    Studies on Vibration Monitoring on Main Bearing Wear of Reciprocating Engines

  20. 振动监测系统在大型旋转机械上的应用

    The Application of Vibration Monitor System on Large Size Rotating Machine

  21. 齿轮系统振动监测与故障诊断研究

    A Study of Vibration Monitor and Fault Diagnosis of Gear System

  22. 旋转机械振动监测系统的设计和实现

    The Design and Realization of Condition Monitoring for Rotating Machinery System

  23. 基于矢量的风机振动监测与诊断

    Vibration Monitoring and Fault Diagnosis of Fan Based on Vibration Vector

  24. 隧道开挖施工的爆破振动监测与控制技术

    Monitoring and controlling technology for blasting vibration induced by tunnel excavation

  25. 裂解气压缩机组的振动监测与振动异常分析

    Monitoring and analysis of abnormal vibration of cracking gas compressor unit

  26. 振动监测与分析技术在核电站中的应用

    Application of Vibration Monitoring and Analysis Technique in Nuclear Power Station

  27. 分析研究了机组远程振动监测与故障诊断技术;

    The remote vibration monitoring and fault diagnosis technology is analyzed .

  28. 铁谱和振动监测技术在发动机状态监测上的应用

    Application of Ferrography and Vibration Monitoring Technique on Engine Conditions Monitoring

  29. 发电厂厂房开挖爆破振动监测与数据分析

    Observation and Data Analysis of Blasting Vibration during Power House Excavation

  30. 光学振动监测系统在发电机在线监测方面的应用与实践

    Application and Practice on Optical Vibration Monitoring System for Generator Online Monitoring