
  • 网络Zhenhua;Super Flower;OBEE;chiva;Moint
  1. 2009年,行事隐秘的振华石油(ZhenHuaOil)等中国石油贸易商开始向伊朗供应燃料,如今已占到该国燃料进口中至多三分之一的比重。

    Chinese oil traders , including the secretive ZhenHua Oil , began supplying fuel to Iran in 2009 and now provide up to a third of its imports .

  2. 振华大厦转换层结构分析与设计研究

    Study on Analysis and Design of Structure Transfer Story in Zhenhua Mansion

  3. 江苏振华泵业公司发展战略研究

    A Research on the Development Strategy of JiangSu ZhenHua Pump Industry Corporate

  4. 自主创新的硕果&上海振华港机大型卷筒绳槽数控车床的改造

    Fruits of Self-innovation & Refiting of CNC Lathe for Large-size Rolling Rope Groove

  5. 东营振华商业综合楼基坑支护粉喷桩设计与施工

    Design and Construction of Powder Jetting Pile in Foundation Pit Retaining for a Commercial Multi-purpose Building

  6. 新疆对中亚五国的外贸结构、问题及对策上海振华港机公司又获出口巴西1270万美元合同

    The structure , problems and Countermeasures in foreign trade of Xinjiang with the five Central Asian countries

  7. 于均是上海振华重工的技术总监,振华重工是世界上最大的港口机械制造商。

    Yu Jun is a technical director with Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industry , the world 's largest port machinery manufacturer .

  8. 这是今天中午3点钟发生在昌平区东小口镇东小口村的振华打工子弟学校的一幕。

    This was the scene at3pm today at the Zhenhua school for children of migrant laborers in Dongxiaokou village , Changping district .

  9. 根据分析的结论,笔者提出了振华公司国际工程承包业务的未来发展方向?

    According to the conclusion , the author outlines the orientation of the future development of ZhenHua 's overseas construction project contracting business .

  10. 北京市振华旅游学校是一所以培养中高级旅游人才为主的中专学校,其大部分毕业生都是旅游业的从业人员,因此英语口语水平对于他们来说是非常重要的。

    The graduates from Zhenhua Tourism School mainly work in the tourism fields , so the oral English is very important for them .

  11. 目前振华公司在南通已形成三大基地,主要生产港口机械、重型齿轮箱,海上重型机械及其它大型钢构件。

    At present , the company has formed three major bases in Nantong which mainly produces machinery , heavy gear , marine heavy machinery and other large steel components .

  12. 本论文力图运用企业战略管理学的理论与方法,为振华公司的国际工程承包业务制定出一套能发挥自身优势?

    The paper aims at making efforts to work out a specific strategy for ZhenHua 's overseas construction project contracting business by using the theories and methods of Strategic Management .

  13. 诚邀国内外生产商、进出口商,认识振华,了解振华,与振华携手探索中华民族服装业之路。

    Sincerely inviting the producers , the exporters and importers from domestic and abroad come to know Zhenhua , and searching the road of Chinese nationality garments with Zhenhua hand in hand .

  14. 本文以波特的竞争战略理论为基础,根据零售业产业环境现状,分析研究了烟台振华百货集团股份有限公司竞争战略选择、制定的过程,希望对烟台的零售企业提供一点借鉴。

    Basing on the theory of competitive strategy and according to the current situation of the retail industry environment , we analyzed and researched the course of the competitive strategy from Yantai Zhenhua Department-stores Co.

  15. 江苏振华泵业有限公司是一家船用水泵制造中型企业,主要生产各类舰艇专用泵及两栖装甲水泵,海轮海水泵等。

    More and more foreign well known pump are entering . JiangSu ZhenHua Pump Industry Corporate is a middle scaled enterprise which produces pumps mainly for naval vessels , amphibious cars and seagoing ships .