
  • 网络vibratory hammer;Vibration pile hammer
  1. 而由于地基负载的复杂性,同步齿轮在施工过程中往往会受到严重的摩擦和冲击,从而大大缩短了振动桩锤的使用寿命。

    Due to the complexity of the foundation load , synchronous gear in construction process is often subject to serious friction and impact , thus it greatly reducing the vibration pile hammer using life .

  2. 对此,本文提出了将自同步理论运用于振动桩锤的方法,以期减少系统的摩擦和冲击,提高振动桩锤的使用寿命。

    To this , this paper puts forward method that utilizes the self-synchronizing theory in vibration pile hammer in order to reduce friction and impact of the system and improve the life of vibration pile hammer .

  3. PLC在高频液压振动桩锤的应用

    Application of PLC in the High-frequency Hydraulic Vibratory Pile-driver

  4. 振动桩锤减振弹簧的设计分析

    Design analysis of the decrease vibration spring in the vibratory pile hammer

  5. 一种整体调节振动桩锤偏心矩的装置

    A Device to Co-adjust Eccentric Moment of Vibratory Pile Hammer

  6. 一种桩架无共振的液压振动桩锤及其液压控制系统

    Vibratory piling hammer with pile driver without resonance and its hydraulic control system

  7. 液压振动桩锤调矩新方案

    New Scheme of Hydraulic Pile-driver Moment Adjusting

  8. GB/T8518-1987振动桩锤技术条件把头发剪成振子锤的形式。

    Vibratory pile hammer & Technical conditio cut hair in the style of a bob .

  9. 本文对影响振动桩锤沉桩能力的土力因素进行了研究。

    In this paper the attention is paid to study the soil-related factors affect the vibro-driveability .

  10. GB/T8518-1987振动桩锤技术条件

    Vibratory pile hammer & Technical conditio

  11. 因振动桩锤非常经济,一直受到施工者青睐。

    Vibratory pile drivers can be extremely economical and therefore the contractors'preferred method of pile driving .

  12. GB/T8518-1987振动桩锤技术条件地形条件对爆破质点振速分布的影响

    Vibratory pile hammer & Technical conditio Effect of the Topographical Condition on Distribution of Blasting Vibration Velocity

  13. 但是,目前使用的液压振动桩锤几乎全部都是采用同步齿轮来实现强迫同步的。

    However , currently almost all hydraulic vibration pile hammer use synchronized gears to realize the forced synchronization .

  14. 目前,沉桩设备主要有三种:冲击锤、振动桩锤和静力压桩机。

    Currently , there are three main categories of pile-driving equipment : impact hammers , vibratory pile drivers , and hydrostatic pile drivers .

  15. 液压振动桩锤的施工效率高,沉桩功率大,对周围环境影响小,使得其成为了目前已得到广泛运用的环保桩工机械。

    Hydraulic vibration pile hammer is a green piling machinery , which is widely used for its high efficiency , power and little effect on the surrounding environment .

  16. 液压振动桩锤以其沉桩能力强、施工效率高、适用地质范围广对周围环境影响小等优势成为了一种目前应用广泛的环保型桩工机械。

    With advantages of high capacity on pile driving and construction efficiency , wide range of working geology and little impact on the surrounding environment , hydraulic vibratory pile hammer is becoming a widely used environment-friendly pile driving machinery .

  17. 因具有沉桩速度快、噪音低、对桩损害小、适应地质范围广等突出优点,液压振动桩锤越来越成为国内外桩基础施工的主要设备。

    With advantages of high capacity on pile driving , low noise , small damage to pile , and also wide range of working geology , hydraulic vibration pile hammer is becoming a main pile foundation construction equipment of both domestic and overseas .

  18. 液压式超高频振动打拔桩锤

    Hydraulic vibratory driving and extracting pile hammer with super high frequency

  19. 据此,通过分析和研究,本文提出了一种在振动条件下沉桩的收锤准则,为振动沉桩施工收锤提供了理论依据。

    In view of this , the thesis advanced a new " bring to an end " criterion in vibratory piling process , which provide a theoretical basis for ending pile driving .

  20. 振动沉拔桩机振动桩锤主要参数的选择及计算

    Main Parameters Selection and Calculation for Pile Hammer of Vibration Pile Driver Extractor