
  • 网络Vibration level;VLZ
  1. 地铁引起城市环境振动Z振级的试验研究

    Research for the Degree of Z Direction Vibration about the City Environment Affected by Subway

  2. 56位受试者以坐姿承受X、Y、Z三个方向、不同振级的振动,以研究人体对振动的动态响应特性。

    In order to study the characteristics of human dynamic response to vibration , 56 subjects were exposed to vibration on X , Y and Z axes .

  3. 此外,本文还根据实测资料和现有研究成果提出了该地铁1号线引起环境振动Z振级的统计回归公式。

    Based on the observed dataset and existing research results a statistic regression formula is presented to predict the environmental vibration induced by the No. 1 Route of this subway . grade .

  4. 给出了广州地铁一号线运营时沿线地表环境振动测试结果,并根据实测结果提出了地铁对城市环境振动Z振级的经验公式。

    From the city environment vibration data of the Z direction round NO.1 Route of Guangzhou Subway , the formula of the magnitude about the vibration affected by subway is presented in this paper .

  5. 对青城山低速磁浮列车系统,运行速度为80km/h时距离线路中心20m处地面振级低于城市各类区域的标准限值。

    For the low speed maglev system , when the running speed is 80km / h , the ground vibration level of the observation point with 20m distance from route centre is less than the various nighttime limit of all the urban area .

  6. 振级落差和插入损失对应关系的研究

    A Study on the Relationship between Vibration Level Difference and Insert Loss

  7. 机械振动台的振级控制系统

    Grade . Vibration-level Control System of Mechanical Vibrator

  8. 试验结果表明:随着激励振级加大,板状燃料组件的第一阶共振频率减小;

    As excitation magnitude increases , the 1st resonant frequency of the parallel plate fuel assembly decreases .

  9. 对昆明市学府路南侧楼房室内振动级VLz10进行监测,振级VLz10与道路车流量的相关系数为098,有较好的相关性。

    The indoor vibration level of VLz 10 in the building at the south of Xuefu Road in Kunming was monitored .

  10. 利用有效导纳功率流法研究了基本圆柱壳体的表面振级和声辐射功率级。

    By using of effective mobility power flow method , vibration level and radiated power level of a element cylindrical shell are studied .

  11. 最后,建立隧道土体建筑物二维有限元模型,总结了建筑物的振级随各种参数变化的规律,为研究地铁附近建筑物的减振提供参考。

    At last , by establishing tunnel-soil-building2D finite dynamic elements model , study on the rules of the vibration levels of the buildings wit .

  12. 运用振级落差减振效果评价方法研究某舰艉部分基于金属材料结构动力学的优化设计问题。

    The vibration level difference evaluation method was used to analysis the problem of dynamic optimization design for the ship 's stern structure in metal material .

  13. 重点测试了振级调整精度、仪表显示值识别准确度和系统软件的运行情况。

    The precision of the vibration level adjustment , the recognition precision of the meters ' display value and the implementation status of the software were mainly tested .

  14. 通过有限元功率流落差与振级落差计算,讨论了两种评价方法的优缺点。在此基础上,研究了结构动力学优化设计模型化理论。

    Virtue and defect of two evaluation methods are discussed by calculating the element power flow level difference and the vibration level difference of beam and plate combination structure .

  15. 研究表明,采用同时考虑振级落差和功率流落差约束条件的综合结构动力学优化模型,能获得与工程实际符合的优化设计效果。

    Study shows , integrated structure optimization design model based on restrict of vibration level difference and power flow level difference can get optimization design result according with engineering fact .

  16. 振级落差是工程中普遍使用的系统减振效果评价方法,测量简便,但该方法无法准确描述系统振动能量传递路径。

    Vibration level difference is the widely used damping effect evaluation method for the convenient measurement . This method has the problem of no capability to describe system vibration energy .

  17. 对单筋圆柱壳体在一端受均布力作用下的表面振级和声辐射功率级进行了仿真计算,分析了加筋处理对圆柱壳体振动和声辐射的影响。

    The simulation results calculations of vibration level and radiated power level are gotten , about the single-ring stiffened cylindrical shell with average distribution force exciting along its one end . 6 .

  18. 功率流传递率恰好避免了这一缺陷,而且,功率流传递率容易通过振级落差进行估算,因此它的测量比有效比容易实现。

    Power flow transmissibility justly avoids the limitation . In addition , power flow transmissibility can be estimated easily according to vibration acceleration level , so its measurement is more convenient than efficiency ratio .

  19. 文中给出了以加速度振级落差和均方根功率流落差为约束条件的金属-非金属组合基座结构动力学优化设计数学模型,并采用遗传算法进行求解。

    In this paper , the metal-nonmetal materials structural optimization model in condition of vibration level difference and power flow level difference restricted can acquire optimization design is given and solved by multi-island heredity method .

  20. 本文对此论点持不同看法,认为振级落差在一定条件下仍可作为非刚性基础隔振效果的评价值。

    This paper doesn ′ t agree to such a viewpoint , considering that under certain conditions the fall of vibration level can be used as a value to appraise the effect of vibration isolation of non-rigid foundation .

  21. 结果表明:在测试阻抗的有效频率范围内,功率流传递率估算与实测的振级落差总的趋势一致,说明功率流估算对设计有指导意义;

    The results show that the transmitted power flow estimation accords with the measured vibration level difference in effective frequency range of measured impedance , so the power flow estimation may be used to guide the design of the isolation system .

  22. 对安装在振动台上的系统进行白噪声随机激励,得到燃料组件响应-激励关系不同方向、不同介质、不同振级共42种工况的系列曲线。

    The system which was installed in vibration table under 42 environments was excited by white noise , and a series of curves about relationship between fuel assembly 's response and excitation under different direction , different medium , different excitation magnitude were obtained .

  23. 计算单频激振振动级、近场声压及白噪声激振的周向加速度,分析各工况的振动特性,确定研究工况。

    The vibration level and near field sound pressure under the condition of single-frequency shock excitation and the girth acceleration under the condition of flat noise shock excitation are calculated in this thesis .

  24. 用红外-紫外激光双共振技术首次测定了苯的ν(10),ν(11),3ν(16),ν4等8个单振动能级的弛豫速率。

    The relaxation rates of the V_ ( l0 ), v_ ( 11 ), 3v_ ( l6 ) and v_4 eight single vibrational levels of benzene have been studied by using IR-UV double resonance technique for the first time .

  25. 在工作电压为3V时,1.2μm栅长的101级环振的单级延迟仅为66ps。

    The per-stage propagation delay of 101-stage ring oscillator is 66 ps with 3 V supply voltage .

  26. 对双层隔振系统的振级落差和功率流传递率进行了测量与分析,实验结果验证了仿真计算结果的正确性。

    Vibration level difference and power flow transfer ratio of two-stage vibration isolation system were measured experimentally , which verify the correctness of simulation results .

  27. 评价隔振效果的指标有振级落差、插入损失和传递率,这三个指标都有各自的应用范围和局限性。

    The fall of vibration level , the insertion loss and the transmissibility are three values used to appraise the effect of vibration isolation . Each of these three values has its own application and limitation .

  28. 得出,当激振点不变时,激振力级的变化与振动模态辐射的平均声压级成线性关系;

    When the exciting force was constant the average level of sound radiation produced by modal vibration has a linear relationship with the level of mode shapes .

  29. 探讨了功率流分析在隔振设计中的可行性,以及功率流评估指标与振级落差指标之间的内在联系。

    The practicability analysis of the power flow evaluation criterion and the relationship between the vibration level and transmitted power flow are presented .