
  • 网络External modulation
  1. 介绍2.5Gb/s外调制DWDM光发射模块设计及性能测试情况。

    The article introduce the design and testing result of external modulation transmission module at 2.5Gb/s DWDM system .

  2. 2.5Gbit/s光孤子的产生及外调制

    The generation and external modulation of 2.5 Gbit / s optical soliton

  3. 工作点偏移对光纤AMCATV外调制传输性能的影响

    Influence of Bias Point Drifting on Optical Fiber AM CATV Externally Modulated Transmission

  4. 外调制CATV光发射机的光线性化调制器补偿技术分析

    Analysis of a Compensation Scheme of Using Optically Linearized Modulator in Optical CATV Transmitter

  5. 光纤CATV外调制发射机中的复合二次失真及其抑制

    Composite second order distortion and it ′ s suppression in optical fiber CATV externally modulated transmitter

  6. 对于光纤AMCATV外调制传输,调制器的偏置工作点设置是非常重要的。

    The Modulator ′ s bias point setting is very important for optical fiber AM CATV externally modulated transmission .

  7. TE,TM模入射对光纤CATV外调制发射机性能的影响

    The Effects of TE Mode and TM Mode Incidence on the Performances of Externally Modulated Transmitter of Optic Fiber CATV

  8. 入射偏振态偏离TE模对光纤AMCATV外调制发射机性能影响的研究

    Influence of the Incident Polarization State Drifting off TE Mode on Performance of the Optical Fiber AM CATV Externally Modulated Transmitter

  9. 光纤AMCATV外调制发射机中组合二次失真CSO的控制

    Control of composite second order distortion in externally modulated transmitter for optical fiber AM CATV

  10. 光纤CATV系统的一个主要设备是AM光发送、接收端机。外调制CATV光发射机前馈补偿的理论分析

    An important equipment in optical CATV system is AM optical transmitting and receiving headers . Research on High Linearization of Externally Modulated Optical CATV Transmitter with Feedforward Compensation

  11. 光纤中的受激布里渊散射效应限制了调幅有线电视(AMCATV)外调制传输中的最大注入光功率,这对有线电视传输是不利的,因而必须采取措施抑制。

    Stimulated Brillouin scattering ( SBS ) in optical fiber limits the maximum launch power of Am CATV externally modulated transmission system , for the reason it must be suppressed .

  12. 受激布里渊散射(SBS)的抑制性能是光纤调幅有线电视外调制发射机的关键指标之一。

    The performance of Stimulated Brillouin Scattering ( SBS ) suppression is one of the key parameters in optical fiber AM CATV ( amplitude modulated cable television ) externally modulated transmitters .

  13. 光纤AM-CATV外调制发射机中CTB补偿技术

    CTB compensation in optical fiber AM - CATV externally modulated transmitter

  14. 入射光偏振态对AM-CATV外调制发射机CTB补偿特性的影响

    Influence of the incident polarization on CTB compensation performance of CATV optical transmitter

  15. 受激布里渊散射SBS的抑制是光纤AM-CATV外调制传输系统中关键技术之一。

    Stimulated Brillouin Scattering ( SBS ) suppression is one of the key technology in optical fiber AM CATV externally modulated transmission system .

  16. 2.5Gb/s×300km外调制光纤通信系统中PM-AM噪声对传输特性的影响

    Performance of 2.5Gb / s × 300km Externally Modulated Optical Communication System in the Presence of PM-AM Conversion Noise

  17. 利用外调制技术实现了微波信号的倍频,并将其应用在Radio-over-Fiber系统中,改善系统的传输性能。

    Optical frequency doubling method based on external modulation is achieved and applied in a radio-over-fiber system . It improves the transmission performance of the system .

  18. 在介绍各种光信号调制方式的基础上,探讨了内调制和外调制的应用前景。重点分析现阶段的无线激光通信领域中,PPM调制获得广泛应用的原因。

    Base on introducing various optical signal modulation methods , discussed the application prospects of interior and exterior modulation , especially , the reasons why in wireless laser communications , PPM modulation will be widely used . 3 .

  19. 20信道总功率-2.86dBm,每一信道用2.5Gb/s、码长271的非归零码通过电吸收调制器(EA)进行外调制。

    Each channel was modulated by an electro-absorption ( EA ) modulator using a 2.5 Gb / s nonreturn-to-zero ( NRZ ) format , with a 27-1 long pseudo-random bit sequence ( PRBS ) signal .

  20. 采用外调制方式得到了重复频率为5GHz的非归零码光脉冲。

    GHz non return zero ( NRZ ) optical pulses were generated by employing a Ti ∶ LiNbO 3 amplitude modulator .

  21. 本文所述收发模块实现了在宽频带内对VCSEL的微波内调制,得到了良好的实验效果,并和外调制方案进行对比。

    Transceiver described in this article could modulate and transmit microwave by VCSEL in a wide frequency range , it has got a good test results . The article also compares the scheme of direct modulation with the external modulation .

  22. 就光纤AMCATV外调制发射机的关键问题,即光源的选择、调制器的选择、非线性补偿、限幅失真抑制及CSO和CTB的闭环控制进行了较全面的论述。

    This paper presents overall discussion on the key elements in the optical fiber AM CATV externally modulated transmitter , including demand on light source , choice of modulator , nonlinearity and compensation , clipping distortion and compensation , close loop control on CSO . CTB etc.

  23. 脉冲发生器产生2.5Gbit/s的非归零(NRZ)脉冲信号,外调制放大自发辐射(ASE)宽带光源后,通过光环行器进入光编码器进行光信号的扩频编码。

    Pulse generator generates 2.5 Gbit / s non-return zero ( NRZ ) pulse signal , which is used to externally modulate amplified spontaneous emission ( ASE ) broadband source , and then optical signal is fed into optical encoder to spread spectrum .

  24. 本文分析了光突发交换(OBS)和无源光网络(PON)网络中突发模式光发射的关键技术,提出了采用外调制方式实现1.25Gb/s突发模式光发射机的设计方案;

    In this paper , the vital technology of burst-mode optical transmission in the Optical Burst Switching ( OBS ) and Passive Optical Networks ( PON ) are analyzed and the design scheme of 1.25 GB / s burst-mode optical transmitter using external modulation is put forward .

  25. 外调制宽带外差光相干传输链路的构建

    Heterodyne Wide Band Coherent Light Link Design with External Modulator

  26. 本文重点研究应用于雷达信号传输的外调制模拟光纤传输系统。

    This thesis mainly discusses the external modulation optical fiber transmission system for radar signal .

  27. 主要讨论半导体激光器的直接调制技术(内调制)与外调制技术。

    Here we mainly discuss the inner and outer modulation technology of the semiconductor laser .

  28. 激光抖动法抑制光纤调幅有线电视外调制传输中的受激布里渊散射

    Laser Dithering to Suppress Stimulated Brillouin Scattering in ? Optical Fiber AM CATV Externally Modulated Transmission System

  29. 采用外调制方式产生5Gbit/s的非归零码光脉冲

    The Generation of 5 Gbit / s NRZ Optical Pulses Employing a Ti ∶ LiNbO 3 Amplitude Modulator

  30. 本文介绍作者提出的一种以光强外调制型光纤传感器为基础的滑觉传感器。

    This paper presents a robot slip sensor based on optic fibre sensor of external light strength modula-tion type .