
wài mào shì chǎnɡ
  • foreign trade market
  1. 加入WTO以后,中央及地方政府直接干预外贸市场的权利受到了极大的限制,但这并不意味着政府就完全失去了对外贸的影响力。

    After entering the WTO , the central and local government are restricted in the right of intervening foreign trade market directly , but this does not mean that governments have lost their effective powers completely .

  2. 有步骤、有重点地调整外贸格局,促进外贸市场的多元化、分散化。

    Adjust the foreign trade pattern step by step , promote the diversification and the scattering of the foreign trade market .

  3. 无论是实施外贸市场多元化战略,还是实施企业“走出去”战略,我们都把中东欧地区作为战略重点。

    When we in China pursue the strategy to diversify foreign trade markets , and encourage Chinese companies to " go global ", we take central and eastern Europe as a strategic priority .

  4. 煤炭、矿石、钢铁、粮食等资源市场的国际化、全球化,加速了各干散货物的流向及流量在内外贸市场之间的流动。

    Internationalization and globalization of resource markets like coal , ore , steel , grain and so on has been speeding up the flow of direction and flux of various dry bulk cargoes between domestic and international markets .

  5. 存在诸如信息系统不完善、供应链体系不稳固、外贸市场结构不合理等问题,制约着我国对外贸易的发展,优化构建完整、完善的外贸物流供应链系统已经迫在眉睫。

    Problems such as inadequate information systems , unstable supply chain systems , and irrational market structure restrict the development of foreign trade in China . It is imminent to optimizing and building complete and effective supply chain systems of foreign trade logistics .

  6. 而且我国加入WTO后,货运代理等服务市场逐步放开,国外的跨国公司凭借先进的服务理念、管理方式与运作技术,纷纷抢滩中国外贸运输市场,货运代理市场呈现出空前激烈的竞争态势。

    With entry into the WTO , freight forwarding market gradually opened up . Foreign multi-national companies with advanced services , management and operation technology , have swarmed into Chinese foreign trade transport market . Freight forwarding market has shown unprecedented fierce competition .

  7. 我国外贸出口市场战略的优序分析

    Priority Analysis on Strategy of Export Market of Our Foreign Trade

  8. 是目前天津最大的外贸服装市场了!

    Tianjin is the largest foreign trade apparel market has !

  9. 农业的生产、加工同商业、外贸、市场开拓等部门间协调、配合好。

    Harmonious coordination existed between sectors of agro-production , processing , commerce and international trade , aiming at a common target .

  10. 不管是在国内市场的销售还是外贸出口市场,中国家具行业都为整个国民经济与社会发展贡献着巨大的产值及劳动就业机会。

    No matter for domestic market or overseas export , China furniture industry contributes a lot for the employee opportunities and production value .

  11. 微型外贸企业的市场营销模式初探

    Probing into small foreign trade enterprise 's marketing mode

  12. 再通过对当前外贸支线运输市场影响因素的了解,进行客户需求情况调查,总结出码头业务拓展中客户最为关注的服务特征。

    Base on the understand of foreign trade feeder line transportation market and customer requirement survey , make out the most important characteristics in customer-concerned service .

  13. 基于互联网的电子商务以其自身高效、低成本的优势,逐渐成为网络时代新兴的经营、消费模式,其涉及的领域从银行、外贸、证券市场到贴近我们每个人的日常购物。

    Internet-based electronic commerce with its own highly efficient , low-cost advantages , gradually emerging as a new management and consumption patterns at the network era . the involved areas are from banking , foreign trade , the stock market to the the daily shopping of everybody .

  14. 部分产品经外贸公司出口国际市场。

    Part of products are exported to international Market .

  15. 进而运用要素禀赋理论、需求偏好相似理论对我国外贸企业开拓新兴市场进行理论层面的可行性分析。

    Then use Factor Endowments Theory and Theory of Demand Preference Similarity to do feasibility analysis .

  16. 当时,中国银行在外贸服务及国际市场中扮演重要角色。

    At that time Bank of China played the role of the bank that served foreign trade and the international market .

  17. 商务部表示,中国将继续鼓励外贸公司开拓国内市场,支持跨境电子商务等新业态的发展。

    The Ministry of Commerce says China will continue to encourage foreign trade firms to tap the domestic market and support the development of new forms of business such as cross-border e-commerce .

  18. 但是,我国先行的外贸制度与社会主义市场经济体制和国际多边贸易体制要求相比仍有较大差距,它增加了对外贸易中的各种交易成本和种种不确定性。

    However , there is still a big gap between China 's present foreign trade system and socialist market economy and the international multilateral trade system . The gap caused transaction costs and uncertainties of various kinds in the foreign trade .

  19. 然而我国国有外贸企业伴随计划经济体制带来的缺陷依然有所存留,影响着国有外贸企业在市场经济条件下的竞争。

    The defects of planned economy is still remaining . Influence foreign trade enterprises under the state-owned economic globalization of competition .