
  • 网络opportunities;external opportunity;outside option
  1. 分析了DT电缆厂所面临的外部机会与威胁、内部的优势和劣势。

    External opportunities and threats and Internal strengths and weaknesses of DT cable plant .

  2. 第四部分运用SWOT方法综合分析四川新闻网的内部优势、劣势,外部机会、威胁。

    Part IV elaborates comprehensively the internal advantages and disadvantages , external opportunities and threats of Sichuan News Net with SWOT method .

  3. 利用SWOT理论详细地分析了SEW企业内部优势与弱点和企业外部机会与威胁。

    SWOT theory in detail analyzes of internal & external strengths and weaknesses and the opportunity and threats .

  4. 第五部分运用SWOT矩阵对ABC公司所面临的外部机会和威胁,所拥有的内部优势和劣势进行了分析。

    The fifth part made comprehensive SWOT analysis to identify the industrial opportunities and threats the company is facing and the strengths and weaknesses the company has .

  5. 接着运用SWOT分析法,详细地分析了音博会内部条件的优势和劣势,面临的外部机会和威胁的情况。

    Then , through SWOT analysis , it elaborates the advantages and disadvantages of the internal conditions of the FAIR , and its external opportunity and threats .

  6. 主要研究内容包括:在简要介绍成都市蔬菜超市化经营的概况的基础上运用SWOT分析框架系统地分析成都市蔬菜超市化经营的内部优势与劣势、外部机会与威胁。

    After brief introduction , this study analyses the strength , weakness , opportunity and threat of vegetable dealing of supermarket in Chengdu with SWOT analyzing pattern .

  7. 再次,在对公司外部机会和威胁、内部优势和劣势进行分析后,运用SWOT矩阵分析制定了公司的发展战略。

    Thirdly , the paper analyzes the opportunities and threats , advantages and inferior position , and concludes the development strategic of The House Company using SWOT Matrix .

  8. 然后结合高校图书馆管理的基本理论,利用SWOT分析法进行了高校图书馆管理策略研究:高校图书馆要抓住外部机会,利用组织内部优势,引入知识管理的理念,增强高校图书馆适应能力和创新能力;

    Then it probes into the strategy of management by SWOT analysis , suggesting that university library should hold opportunity and use superiority to strengthen its flexibility and innovation abilities .

  9. 根据公司在多元化战略下各业务的经营现状,运用SWOT分析方法,逐项分析竞争优势、竞争劣势、外部机会与潜在威胁,识别公司的管理风险。

    It applies on SWOT analysis tool to analyze the competitive strengths , competitive weaknesses , external opportunities , potential threats in different business so as to identify the management risks .

  10. 接着利用SWOT战略分析工具,对大连中小软件企业的外部机会与威胁以及内部优势与劣势进行战略分析,得出该群体的战略选择。

    Then the paper used SWOT analysis tool for the external opportunities and threats and internal strengths and weaknesses of small and medium software enterprises in Dalian , then got their strategic choices .

  11. 运用PEST方法分析了G公司所处的宏观环境,运用迈克尔·波特关于竞争战略的五种力量模型,分析了G公司所处建筑行业的行业环境竞争结构,明确公司面临的外部机会与威胁。

    It uses PEST method to discuss the macro-environment of G company and also uses 5-Forces Model by Porter M E to discuss the competitive structure of construction trades and clearly understand the exterior opportunities and threats of the company .

  12. 文章采用SWOT分析方法对华北公司油品管道输送物流模式进行分析,详细阐述了华北公司发展的外部机会和威胁、内部优势和劣势。

    This paper adopts the SWOT analysis method for oil pipeline transport company logistics mode analysis , this paper expounds the development of China company internal external opportunities and threats , advantage and disadvantage .

  13. 公司目前的EFE矩阵分析结果显示公司利用外部机会和回避外部威胁方面处于中等水平。

    And it is indicated in " EFE " matrix analysis that PCG maintain an average status in employing external opportunities and reducing the external threats .

  14. 运用SWOT分析矩阵指出各子公司发展的外部机会与威胁、内部的优势和劣势。利用SPACE矩阵对各子公司的业务结构进行了详细的分析,并提出了业务结构调整的战略。

    By use the SWOT Matrix analyze in every branch company , it points out outer opportunities and threatens , inner strengthens and weakness , through SPACE matrix , it analyses industry configuration of corporation in detail and working-out the strategy on how to adjust its industry scale .

  15. 作者在深入细致市场调研和公司状况研究的基础上,运用SWOT分析方法明确企业的内部优势和劣势、外部机会与威胁,采用市场营销学理论进行了市场研究与分析、市场细分和市场预测。

    The author using the SWOT analysis method definite the internal superiority and the inferiority , exterior opportunity and the threat , used the market marketing theory to conduct the marketing research and the analysis , the market segmentation and the market forecast .

  16. 采用SWOT矩阵分析方法,对公司的内部优势和弱点、外部机会和威胁进行了分析,组合了SO、WO、ST、WT战略,确立了具体的发展方向和战略的基本思路。

    It also makes an analysis on the internal advantages and disadvantages , external opportunity threat with SWOT matrix analyzing method . And combining SO , WO , ST , WT strategies , it establishes the detailed developing direction and strategic fundamental thoughts .

  17. 与高成本类型代理入相比,低成本类型代理人能够获得更多的外部机会收益。

    The agent of low cost type can obtain more external opportunity income than agent of high cost type .

  18. 战略导向型企业致力于匹配内部资源去把握外部机会。

    And the last is strategy-oriented , which focuses on how to match its resources with opportunities from its outside surroundings .

  19. 然后,又从扩大外部机会的角度阐述了如何解决隐性投资的不足;

    Successively , the text expatiate how to resolve the problem of latent investment from the view of spreading the exterior opportunity ;

  20. 本文认为,证券经纪业务创新必须在坚持顺应行业发展趋势、利用证券公司自身有利资源和外部机会,而且在不违反监管法律的原则下进行,并做到风险可测、可控。

    Securities companies should make good use of their own resource and outer chances and make risks controllable , under the principle of not obey the supervision laws .

  21. 并以发挥内部优势,抓住外部机会,克服内部劣势,规避外部威胁为战略指导思想,提出长三角公路客运企业发展现代物流的相关战略措施。

    According to the strengths , weaknesses , opportunities and threats , the paper proposed relevant strategic measures of modern logistics development of Yangtze River Delta road passenger transport business .

  22. 制定该地区的生态保护政策,必须充分考虑到众多的利益相关者,以及三江源地区自身所具有的优势和劣势、面临的外部机会和威胁。

    To formulate the policy of ecological protection for this area must take a lot of stakeholders into consideration , and the advantages and disadvantages and outside opportunities and threats as well .

  23. 在这样的动态环境下企业只有建立起能有效降低环境威胁、快速响应并积极利用外部机会的柔性体系才能获取竞争优势。

    Only they establish the strategic flexible system that can effectively reduce the environment threat , response quickly and uses exterior opportunity positively under such turbulent environments to be able to gain the competitive advantage .

  24. 这也就是说,青岛联联通在渠道建设上一方面要依靠内部优势,利用外部机会;另一方面要克服内部劣势,回避外部威胁。

    That is , channel construction of Qingdao Unicom on the one hand , should lie on the internal strengths with external opportunities ; the other hand , must overcome internal weaknesses and avoid external threats .

  25. 指出重庆铁路货运虽然面临好的外部机会,但也存在许多的内部劣势,不能适应市场经济环境下激烈的竞争。

    The thesis points out that the Chongqing Railway Freight is encountered with not only good external opportunities , but also many internal disadvantages , which makes it unable to adapt to the intense competition under the market economy environment .

  26. 通过将专用性投资程度参数、相对议价能力参数、外部机会价值参数及平均溢价(折价)系数纳入同一模型框架下,获得了最优部分所有权与这些参数之间关系的重要结论。

    Through installing specific investment degree parameter , relative bargaining capability parameter , outside option value parameter and average premium ( discount ) price coefficient into the same model framework , some major conclusions are obtained about the relations between the first-best partial ownership and those parameter .

  27. 利用外部机会,发挥自身优势,克服西医带来的威胁,减轻中医药自身发展的劣势,采取从整体功能方面进行有效转换、整合、体现优势、规避风险。

    Use the external opportunities to exert their own advantages , and overcome the threats of Western medicine to reduce the development of disadvantage in traditional Chinese medicine , taking the development strategy of conversion , integration , and reflected advantage to avoid risks from the overall effective function .

  28. 国际贸易、外部技术机会与国内RD投入基于中国制造业数据的实证研究

    International Trade , External Technological Opportunity and Domestic R & D Investment : An Empirical Study based on the Data of Manufacture in China

  29. 并运用SWOT分析方法,分析了企业外部的机会和威胁,内部的优势和劣势,为舜华园公司进行定位,认清企业身在何处。

    Analyzing opportunity and threaten of the company 's outside and strength and weak inside using SWOT method .

  30. 最后运用SWOT分析的方法对A企业外部的机会与威胁和内部存在的优势与劣势进行深入剖析。

    Finally , the external opportunities and threats , the internal advantages and disadvantages are summarized on the method of SWOT analysis .