
  1. 提高企业组织执行力的有效途径

    An Efficient Approach to Advance the Enterprise Organization Executive Ability

  2. 中小企业组织学习力是本研究的核心内容。

    The organizational learning capability in SMEs is the core content in this study .

  3. 资源约束下的中小企业组织学习力要素关系。

    The relationship of organizational learning capability elements in SMEs restrained by the resources .

  4. 本文第3章在文献回顾和理论演绎的基础上,系统地讨论了中小企业组织学习力层级结构问题。

    Based on the reference review and theory deduction , the hierarchy of the organizational learning capability in SMEs is systematically discussed in Chapter Three .

  5. 对中小企业组织学习力这一结构特征,本文应用了多元回归和结构方程进行专门的实证检验。

    As for this structural feature of the learning capability , special empirical checkout by means of Multiple Regression and Structure Equation Model was undertaken here .

  6. 在当今不学习则灭亡的经营环境中,中小企业组织学习力对其生存和发展显得尤为重要。

    Nowadays the organizational learning capability is of great importance to the development and existence of the SMEs in the existing running environment of " learning or die " .

  7. 本文第6、7章,利用获得的调查样本数据,对中小企业组织学习力与企业绩效关系进行了实证研究。

    By using the data gained from the investigation samples , empirical studies on the relationship between the organizational learning capability and the performance in SMEs are mainly conducted from Chapter Six and Chapter Seven .

  8. 该方法的使用,提高中小企业组织学习力与企业绩效评价中的客观性,增强了研究结论的可信性。(3)研究结论有所创新。

    This increases the objectivity the assessment of the organizational learning capability in SMEs and their performances , and then strengthens the credibility of the research conclusions . ( 3 ) The originality in research conclusions .

  9. 而克服组织学习的障碍,加强组织学习管理则是提升民营企业的组织学习力的关键。

    How to overcome the obstacles to organization-learning , and how to strengthen the management of organization-learning is the key to improve the ability of organization-learning .

  10. 相比之下,传统中小企业的探索学习与长期绩效关系较模糊,略偏重于外部学习。(5)提升中小企业组织学习力的对策建议。

    By contrast , the relationship between the exploration learning and the long-term performances in Traditional type of SMEs is vague , for these enterprises favor external learning . ( 5 ) Countermeasures to promote the organizational learning capability in SMEs .