
  • 网络Enterprise Cash Management;Cash Management Solution
  1. 中小企业现金管理方法研究

    Study on Cash-Flow Management in Small and Medium Enterprises

  2. 浅谈企业现金管理与控制

    Cash management and control in enterprises

  3. 研究新形势下企业现金管理与应用,有着重要的现实必要性。

    In new situation the research of business enterprise cash management and application have got the important and realistic necessity .

  4. 在企业现金头寸管理方面,从早期的Baumol模型、Miller-Orr模型到最新的扩散近似模型和脉冲控制模型以及网络模型、不等期模型、运输模型及考虑随机因素的各种规划模型一一作了总结;

    In corporate cash management field , from early Baumol model , Miller-Orr model to the latest diffusion approximation model , pulse control model , we also give a brief view to network model , periods vary model , transportation model and all sorts of programming model ;

  5. 关于加强中小企业现金流管理的思考

    On Reinforcing Management of Cash Flow of Small and Medium Enterprises

  6. 地勘企业现金流量管理机制浅探

    Analysis on Management Mechanism of Cash Flow in Geological Prospecting Enterprise

  7. 我国上市中小企业现金流量管理研究

    On Cash Flows Management of Marketing Medium and Small-sized Enterprises in China

  8. 现代企业现金流管理目标的理论及统计分析

    The Theoretical and Statistical Analysis of Management Target of Currency Flow of Modern Enterprises

  9. 一个主要目标是在海外扩张的中国企业的现金管理。

    One prime target has been cash management for Chinese companies that are expanding abroad .

  10. 企业的现金管理水平已经和企业的生存与发展息息相关。

    The levels of corporate cash management have been closely related to survival and development of enterprises .

  11. 浅析企业现金的管理

    On Business Cash Management

  12. 价值创造理念与动态管理方法相结合的企业现金流管理分析

    The Analysis on Cash Flow Management Combining the Idea of Value Generated and the Means of Dynamic Management

  13. 中小企业的现金管理问题是关乎中小企业发展的关键问题之一,因此有必要对其深入研究。

    And the cash management is essential to medium-sized and small enterprises , so we should study it intensively .

  14. 第三章构建了衡量房地产企业现金流量管理的控制指标,包括指标设计原则和设计方法等。

    Chapter ⅲ constructes indicators to measure cash flow management of the real estate business , including design principles and methods .

  15. 融资约束效应和企业的现金管理是公司理财研究领域的两个重要课题。

    Two important areas of research in corporate finance are the effects of financial constraints , and the manner in which firms perform cash management .

  16. 在营运资金管理方面,我国中小企业的现金管理行为较为主观。

    In the working capital management , cash management practices of SMEs in China is not reasonable . There are insufficient funds or excess phenomenon .

  17. 跨国企业的现金管理和其它“交易服务”看似单调但是利润丰厚,这类业务花旗集团就更胜小摩一筹。

    It is , for instance , behind Citigroup in cash management and other " transaction services " for multinationals & a boring but lucrative business .

  18. 为了提高企业现金流量管理能力,必须从结构、流程、比率三方面对现金流量作出动态分析与控制。

    To improve enterprise cash flow management , it is imperative that cash flow be dynamically analyzed and controlled from three perspectives : structure , workflow and ratio .

  19. 接着,对模型构建至关重要的企业现金头寸管理、企业金融头寸风险测量技术、企业金融头寸组合配置三方面的研究现状进行了系统归纳和梳理,从而为下文模型的构建作了理论铺垫。

    As an important part of model constitution , a systemic depiction and pectination is drawn to corporate cash management , tools of risk measurement to corporate financial positions and portfolio of financial positions .

  20. 本文解剖了当前企业现金预算管理中存在的问题,并分析了产生的原因,对如何加强现金预算管理作了有益的探索。

    In this article , it dissects the questions of cash budget control in the present enterprise , and analyses the reasons , making a valuable exploration towards how to strengthen the cash budget control .

  21. 洛永勤表示,该行私人财富管理部门和交易银行部门均打算在未来三年实现收入翻番。交易银行部门帮助企业进行现金管理。

    Mr Rankin said the bank 's private wealth management division and its transaction banking unit , which helps companies manage their cash balances , each aimed to double revenues over the next three years .

  22. 第一部分首先论述了企业现金流管理对保持企业健康稳定发展的重要性和必要性,提出了现金流管理的研究方法和思路,第二部分接着介绍了现金流管理相关理论。

    In Chapter One , it firstly analyzes the significance and necessity of cash flow management to the healthy operation of a business , and also put forwards some methods and ideas of cash flow management . Then Chapter Two introduces relevant theories .

  23. 浅析机械制造企业的现金流量管理

    Brief Analysis on Cash Flows Managing in Machine Manufacturing Enterprises

  24. 论企业的现金流管理

    Manage the Cash Flows in the Business Enterprise

  25. 企业血脉现金流管理之道

    Blood Of Enterprises-Methods To Manage Cash Flow

  26. 因此,要保证企业的现金流量管理符合计划的要求,必须要有有效的控制手段。

    So we must have some effective way to ensure cash flow management agrees with the plan .

  27. 中国银行吉林省分行企业网上银行现金管理方案研究

    The Study of the Solution of Corporate Online Banking Cash Management of Bank of China Jilin Branch

  28. 最后从我国企业现金流量的管理现状出发,通过案例调研分析研究了企业完善现金流量管理的途径。

    Finally , from the present situation on cash flow management in our country , the approaches to perfecting enterprises ' cash flow management are analyzed and studied by the cases .

  29. 但企业的现金流管理与企业的经营管理活动是交织在一起的,企业经营管理活动的复杂性和不稳定性,经常导致企业现金流入与现金流出的不平衡性。

    But the cash flow management of companies is intertwined by business operation and management activities . It is the complexity and instability of management , which caused the imbalance of cash inflow and outflow .

  30. 第四章在第三章的分析基础上,从战略、战术和预警三个方面,研究改善伊泰煤炭现金流管理的方法,以期为企业提高现金流管理水平提供指导性意见。

    The fourth chapter , which based on the analysis of the third chapter , study the approaches to improve the cash flow of coal enterprise from three areas : a strategic , tactical and early warning .