
  • 网络Cash is King;cash is the king;Cash is a King
  1. 在现金为王的竞争时代,如何加强现金流的管理和控制日益成为企业关注的焦点。

    In the time of " cash is king ", how to strengthen cash stream management and control has been the focus in every firm .

  2. 企业界越来越重视企业财务管理中的资金安全问题,现金为王的理念也一再被企业家提起。

    More emphasis has been put onto the capital security of financial management business . The concept " cash is king " has been repeatedly brought by entrepreneurs .

  3. 中国大部分的汽车买卖,仍然是“现金为王”。

    In China , cash is still king at the car dealership .

  4. 2008年那些(流动性)控制措施将更为严格,潘石屹表示:今年是现金为王。

    Those [ liquidity ] controls will be even tighter in 2008 , Mr Pan said . This year cash is king .

  5. 在当前美国次贷危机引发的全球金融危机下,现金为王的经营管理理念更是为国内外各家企业所推崇。

    In face of the global financial crisis which initiated by sub-loan crisis in United States , more and more enterprises pay attention to the concept of " Cash is King " .

  6. 在后危机时代,现金为王,稳健为先的经营理念被越来越多的企业所接受。

    In the post-financial-crisis era , the conception of " cash is the King , moderation is the first " has been identified and accepted by more and more small companies who responded financial crisis positively .

  7. 房地产市场的讨价还价跟证券市场的斤斤计较如出一辙&现金为王,分析无尽而又无能为力;

    Real estate bargains come about for the same reasons as securities bargains & an urgent need for cash , inability to perform proper analysis , a bearish macro view , or investor disfavor or neglect .

  8. 当前的经济衰退中令许多企业注重现金为王的策略。通过削减库存、更改供应商或客户的支付条款来管理营运资本,已成为重中之重。

    The management of working capital by changing payment terms to suppliers or from customers as well as cutting inventory has become central to many companies ' focus on a cash is king strategy in the current recession .

  9. 随着经济全球化的加速,面对日益激烈的市场竞争,企业经营模式在现有社会经济环境中发生了重大改变,现金为王逐渐被视为企业资金管理的中心理念。

    Faced with the acceleration of economic globalization and the increasingly fierce market competition , business model in the existing socio-economic environment has undergone major changes . " Cash is king " is increasingly seen as the central concept of funds management in companies .

  10. 大小房地产企业资金链或多或少现紧缺态势,都在极力寻找新的融资之道,同时重点做着去库存、以价换量的工作,房地产行业进入了现金为王的时代。

    The real estate business of all sizes more or less now in short of capital supply , struggling to find new financing channels . While focusing on digesting inventory , abandoning price for amount , the real estate industry steps into the era of cash safety .

  11. 因此,大量的学者提出了现金至上、现金为王的观点。

    Therefore , a large number of scholars have put forth the perspectives of " cash first ", " cash is king " .

  12. 现金流量信息有用性实证研究在资本市场中,现金为王。

    Empirical Study on Usefulness of Cash Flows Information Abstract In capital market , cash is king .

  13. 在经济贸易全球化和市场经济飞速发展的时代背景下,现金流越来越受到了人们的关注,并且提出了现金为王的观点。

    With the development of the trade globalization and the rapid development of the market economy , cash flow has been paid more attention .